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File 129324551750.png - (618.58KB , 800x600 , Gsenprojectlogo.png )
1062 No. 1062 [Edit]
The G-Senjou no Maou full translation patch has been released today.

>"You play the role of Azai Kyosuke, the son of a legendary gangster infamous in the underworld. You spend your time listening to Bach, playing God at school and covertly working for your stepfather, a ruthless financial heavyweight. This idyllic existence is broken when two individuals appear in the city - a beautiful girl named Usami Haru, with hair you could get lost in for days, and a powerful international gangster known only as Maou. Almost without delay, the two begin a deadly cat-and-mouse game, bringing you and your friends into the crossfire. Plotting, political intrigue and layer upon layer of interlocking traps are the weapons in this epic battle of wits."

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>> No. 1063 [Edit]
TKWiki gives us all the best Christmas present we could hope for. Fuck yeah!
>> No. 1064 [Edit]
This VN was made for me.

Downloading at the speed of light.
>> No. 1065 [Edit]
Based on my early impression, this is basically Sharin no Kuni part 2. The scenario's at least more entertaining thus far, at least. Really hated the obligations clearance stuff in Sharin no Kuni.
>> No. 1066 [Edit]
Is Maou's VA Hiroshi Kamiya? It certainly sounds like a huskier version of him. I checked ErogameScape, but Maou's VA is only credited with this game and Majikoi.
>> No. 1067 [Edit]
Actually, it might be Jun Fukuyama, hm. Now I can't decide which I think it is.
>> No. 1069 [Edit]

It is indeed Fukuyama. Actually, it took me less than a minute to find it. I mean damn, it's even on his wikipedia page. Please don't be so lazy, Brohno~~

Other seiyuu if someone is interested:

Usami Haru ............. Kawashima Rino
Azai Kanon ............. Kawai Haruka
Miwa Tsubaki ........... Murasakibana Sumire
Shiratori Mizuha ....... Kaibara Erena
Tokita Yuki ............ Hokuto Minami
Azai Gonzou ............ Iguchi Denemon
Aizawa Eiichi .......... Kaneda Mahiru

Please note that some (or rather, most) of these names are pseudonyms. In fact, most seiyuu who provide their voices in eroge and stuff like that use multiple pseudonyms (for example above mentioned Hokuto Minami also uses pseudonyms such as Oomoto Shizuka, Ikehata Narumi, Takeuchi Megumi or Hitomi). Fukuyama Jun is listed under pseudonym 'Houdenteirappa'.


I downloaded G-senjou long ass time ago, when I was playing Sharin no Kuni. I liked SnK but it dragged on and I put it on hold indefinitely. Can't believe the patch for G-senjou was already released and I still haven't touched SnK...
>> No. 1070 [Edit]
I didn't even think of checking the Wiki. Thanks for the list.
>> No. 1071 [Edit]
Just cleared the last event in the extra's section. Still missing about 28 - 29 CGs, so I'll probably just fuck around after completing the final chapter, but this was a pretty enjoyable VN.

I liked the music, and although I found myself skipping parts, there were others that I read every word, which is out of the ordinary for me since I usually just glance and skim no matter what it is.

Some of the translations were also pretty hilarious, like you could tell they weren't even taking it seriously at those times.

Overall, probably worth 6 - 7/10.

God dammit, I didn't plan for my post to end up this way. Sorry.
>> No. 1072 [Edit]
File 129393218119.png - (115.65KB , 739x466 , nmgfnfed.png )
This may be a bit offtopic but did anyone else get a false positive with these files?
>> No. 1073 [Edit]
No. I just ran a full scan and got nothing.
>> No. 1074 [Edit]
File 129455605760.jpg - (185.31KB , 810x656 , 902930.jpg )
Eiichi succinctly sums up every generic VN protagonist ever.
>> No. 1075 [Edit]
I've got to say, I really hated the little fag at first, but he grew on me as things went on.
>> No. 1076 [Edit]
He's a fun character. I wasn't big on him at first either, but I found myself laughing later on at a few of his scenes.
>> No. 1077 [Edit]
File 129469405348.jpg - (241.91KB , 1920x1200 , uguu.jpg )
I wish that you were maou all along.

That's the only thing I didn't like in the game really.
>> No. 1079 [Edit]
This was pretty disappointing. It had a much better ending than Sharin no Kuni, but its characters felt much weaker. I hated how Haru was basically the protagonist throughout all the chapters. Kenichi was a much stronger protagonist than Kyousuke, and the twist at the end felt incredibly forced. The whole thing was basically a Sharin no Kuni retread in a different setting, but that's besides the point. The music butchered some classical classics, too.

It'll probably be the last Akabeesoft VN I'll read, at least with Looseboy's scenario. I wasn't impressed with Sharin no Kuni to begin with.
>> No. 1080 [Edit]
Is it only me that thought that some parts of this VN were a bit cliche? Don't get me wrong, it was a great experience and one of the better that I have read, but it had a lot more potential which could have been realized if it weren't for somewhat lazy writing at times in my opinion.
>> No. 1081 [Edit]
Any specific examples of what you thought was cliche? I had many problems with the game but that wasn't one of them.
>> No. 1082 [Edit]
Anybody care to spoil this for me? What with me not being able to finish this anytime soon, I'd like to get a general idea of how things went after you Find out who maou really is.
>> No. 1083 [Edit]
You're better off waiting because that's the best part of the game.
>> No. 1084 [Edit]
Finished this around 2 weeks ago.

The ending made me cry like a little faggot, good shit man.

This is honestly the best VN I've read since Tsukihime and F/SN.
>> No. 1085 [Edit]
Man this was really disappointing. I was expecting much better but everything after maou's identity became shit fast. There were also a few plot holes and it's just a disappointment compared to Sharin no Kuni.
>> No. 1086 [Edit]
The ending made it worth it for me

The last chapter scenarios were pretty out there but overall it was a pleasant experience regardless of how obvious the damn twist was. The music was lovely given how they worked with classics, it didn't really sound that good most of the time but you got to give them props for doing it butchered or not. The characters obviously weren't the deepest but overall nice to deal with. Kanons voice is pure love so bonus for that

As for the ending. How dare they make me cry in a vary of different ways. First at the sacrifice, then at the girls and Eiichi. Lost it again on the head pat

But then I'm really feminine when it comes to fiction appealing to my emotions, regardless of the quality and medium. Just wish it didn't take me so god damn long to get around to read it
>> No. 1087 [Edit]
File 130196877838.jpg - (100.61KB , 802x601 , usami-wahaha.jpg )
Playing through this now. Usami is great, depression moe~

This "wahaha" is so lethargic it's like she's incapable of laughing so she's just pronouncing the onomatopoeia for laughter but still trying to be sincere with it, very adorable.
>> No. 1089 [Edit]
File 130202136938.png - (850.95KB , 800x600 , 4.png )
Holy shit.

I just read from the first hostage crisis all the way up until the very ending. I must have been sitting here for over 12 hours now. It was still light outside by the time I started and now it's already well into the morning. I really didn't think much of it up until that point and then shit really got crazy. Plus that fucking ending.
>> No. 1090 [Edit]
Oh my goodness, I just finished the main route, and that was fucking beautiful.
Even though I wish that he was Maou all along, that was still great.

Also that fucking ending.

I cried like a bitch.
I fucking sobbed.
>> No. 1091 [Edit]
File 130252479324.png - (1.50MB , 1020x765 , penguin.png )
Very good.
Haru is the best.
>> No. 1092 [Edit]
Kanon's chapter is so fucking perfect I cried a little. It's been awhile since that happened.
>> No. 1093 [Edit]
Does anyone else find it a little jarring to finish a girl's chapter and then load and go back to the main story? Tender emotional climaxes and then suddenly the same characters thrust into tense suspense/thriller plot action.

Maybe it would have been better to go through the main story all the way through first.
>> No. 1094 [Edit]
File 130429695493.jpg - (197.28KB , 806x647 , gsenjou-scottiepippenshoes.jpg )
I don't know a damn thing about sportsball and I still find this a little silly.
>> No. 1095 [Edit]
File 130468120885.jpg - (100.96KB , 810x645 , sd.jpg )
>> No. 1096 [Edit]
Just finished the main story end. Fantastic.
>> No. 1097 [Edit]
I also finished it recently but with the bad ending from Kanon.
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