Figured after those few posts on /ot/ I should ask here. Anybody up for the FFXIV ARR open beta and onwards after this upcoming wipe?
damn .png my bad
>>8426 Well, once open beta starts up, let's try to decide on a server and post our IGNs. I'm thinking the second or third busiest server would be the nicest, whichever that ends up being.
What is this, PS4? These graphics are too bad even for PS3. >OP-pic Who in their sane mind makes background detailed better than the main character?
>>8428 The background in the OP reminds me of the CG from one of those CG FMVs from the 90's. Video related
>>8428 PC and PS3. Maybe 360 too, can't remember. I don't really think the graphics are bad at all, though. The screenshots in >>8425 and >>8426 seem to have been taken with low graphical settings. I'm playing on mid settings because that was the default and I've been too lazy to tweak it up yet. Do you think this screenshot looks bad, too? If you do, can't say I agree. I'm really charmed by this graphical style.
>>8428 my screenshots are taken on low settings. I'm not much of a PC gamer, I'll be playing this on PS3. I've been using a controller since FFXI anyway.
>>8427 I'm going to be rolling on Gilgamesh specifically to get as comfy as possible. Apparently it's the unofficial RP server and RPfags are generally pretty chill people.
>>8518 Gilgamesh it is. Can't wait.
That was a fun beta when I wasn't fighting log-on errors. Definitely buying this, at least to explore all the environments and see where the story goes. Best atmosphere I've felt in ages.
Reporting back to let you all know the game was shit. At least it is if you try to play with others, I actually drifted away from several friends because of the wedge this game puts between it's players. Fucking everything before level cap actively punishes group play, and everything after that is the usual MMO grind. Even a NEET like me has better things to do with my time than grind mining nodes all night. Nice swimsuits though.
>>8581 Are you one of the gays?
I want to play but I don't have spare money for the subscription.
>>8606 No excuses now
People still play FF14 online?
>>13652 >posting in a deserted thread from several years ago >asking if people still play what is currently amongst the most popular games right now
>>13700 Who are you quoting?
>>13701 Go back to /jp/
>>13702 >Do not misuse the quoting function (i.e. "greentexting"). Tell that to the mods.
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