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File 137011581472.png - (3.02MB , 2133x1200 , back_6_without_sparks.png )
8322 No. 8322 [Edit]
Some of us decided to play world of tanks together. Mostly becuase of the girls und panzar mods for the game.

Mods can be found here.

Be sure to leave your username in the thread and
hurry on over to join the moe military!

Post edited on 1st Jun 2013, 2:48pm
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>> No. 8323 [Edit]
As always, you can find us in IRC until we organize a guild or whatever in-game.
As always, you'd better hurry because in two weeks nobody will be playing this anymore.
>> No. 8324 [Edit]
Replies: >>8325 >>11334
Private Guile_ reporting for dutY!!!!!
>> No. 8325 [Edit]
You mean private aeisvureieiaisireifuckinglongname?
>> No. 8326 [Edit]
seems forming a guild requires real money, fuck that.
>> No. 8329 [Edit]
Seems everyone's tired of the game now. but I'll still keep playing until I get that panzar four!
>> No. 8410 [Edit]
File 137296923157.jpg - (597.24KB , 1600x900 , shot_041.jpg )
5x exp for first win for the forth of july!
>> No. 8411 [Edit]
File 137307334723.jpg - (558.22KB , 1600x900 , shot_043.jpg )
Now that's what I'm talking about!
>> No. 8613 [Edit]
Replies: >>8617
I <3 tanks
Where's World of Planes?
>> No. 8617 [Edit]
Replies: >>8646

How about War Thunder?
>> No. 8646 [Edit]
OK, will try this.
>> No. 10527 [Edit]
Tanks a lot
>> No. 11334 [Edit]
File 142208365381.jpg - (49.36KB , 513x531 , sg.jpg )
>Private Guile

Air support, please.
>> No. 14673 [Edit]
File 167999622688.jpg - (273.14KB , 1414x2000 , 2000.jpg )
War Thunder is the better tank sim.
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