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File 136918321494.png - (50.44KB , 815x555 , tumblr_mfv7e1cj4f1r4gcxho8_1280.png )
8287 No. 8287 [Edit]
Did you see that fucking controller?

I had a PTSD attack.
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>> No. 8288 [Edit]
xbox one is a even more idiotic name than 720 or delta would have been.
>> No. 8289 [Edit]
Given that you can't play used/rented games anymore I don't know why anyone would buy this over the PS4
>> No. 8290 [Edit]
XBONE seems kinda boned from the ground up. Guess it's time to skip another console generation.
>> No. 8291 [Edit]
I quite like the fact that it looks like an old VCR, though it seems like it'll be less useful.
>> No. 8292 [Edit]
people will learn to love and worship DRM.
>> No. 8294 [Edit]
We have a next gen dicussion already here

But yeah it is awful and evil and you should not invest in it.
>> No. 8308 [Edit]
File 136956488919.gif - (31.36KB , 300x200 , 1369175704998.gif )
>> No. 8309 [Edit]
File 136956700251.gif - (33.72KB , 300x200 , 1369233865829.gif )
I prefer this one
>> No. 8409 [Edit]
File 137293171464.jpg - (129.45KB , 970x485 , saaa.jpg )
Xbox One jokes write itself.
>> No. 11937 [Edit]
But mah Halo?
>> No. 11945 [Edit]
You mean the game that ruined FPS?
>> No. 11952 [Edit]
File 145673036662.jpg - (116.40KB , 1280x720 , c20160302.jpg )
How? It made FPS work for consoles.
>> No. 11954 [Edit]
If someone makes pearls work for pigs you don't congratulate them, you go and call them out as blasphemers and barbarians
>> No. 12001 [Edit]
How come Xbone and Win PCs have no multiplayer crossplay?
>> No. 12006 [Edit]
No, Goldeneye made FPS work for consoles. Halo turned it into a repetitive corridor shooting gallery with regenerating health for casualfags. Unfortunately it sold through the roof, and now almost all FPS are garbage.
>> No. 14656 [Edit]
File 167663879453.gif - (368.25KB , 125x84 , 00.gif )
Xbox S or Xbox X?
I'm waiting for Xbox E.
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