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File 134644855050.jpg - (2.02MB , 2128x3124 , 01.jpg )
7245 No. 7245 [Edit]
Tell me about your favorite video game artist.

Mine is Kazumo Kaneko. aka the guy who does the character and demon art for the Shin Megami Tensei games. I love his style and especially his strange demon designs. Sometimes they're sort of traditional-looking, but most of them are interesting takes on mythological and religious figures. I also love how Demi-Fiend here is grabbing Angel by the head, as though he was some kind of demonic pimp. She's obviously not enjoying it.

Honorable mentions to Ryoji Majima and Takehito Harada, the artists who did the designs for all of Nippon Ichi's games (La Pucelle, Disgaea and all the spinoffs) as well as to the artist for the Ar Tonelico games whose name I've forgotten.
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>> No. 7248 [Edit]
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Yoshitaka Amano. God this man is amazing, all his designs are beautiful and his style is just so damn unique.

Yuji Himukai also is cool, even though I guess his art isn't as "technically" good as Amano, I'm just amazed he somehow manages to draw awesome boss designs as well as really cute girls in Etrian Odyssey.
>> No. 7249 [Edit]
File 134647011359.jpg - (213.22KB , 800x1280 , az_akiman-chunli2.jpg )
Akiman. Pic related.
>> No. 7257 [Edit]
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Picking a favorite is hard. George Kamitani is defiantly high on the list though, along with Daisuke Ishiwatari, Nagi Ryou, and Kishida Mel.
>> No. 10818 [Edit]
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Daisuke Ishiwatari
>> No. 11662 [Edit]
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King of Fighters' artists
>> No. 13636 [Edit]
The mechanical designer for EVE ONLINE
>> No. 13644 [Edit]
File 156993916397.jpg - (127.75KB , 1024x768 , 20190922.jpg )
My fave Bengus is his Street Fighter Alpha art.
>> No. 13707 [Edit]
File 157596812479.jpg - (107.70KB , 643x900 , 20191215.jpg )
Nice choice
>> No. 13712 [Edit]
File 157661416353.jpg - (510.33KB , 1920x1080 , FFIV Amano Artwork.jpg )
Any answer besides Yoshitaka Amano is the wrong one.
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