Damn Kiwis... they think they can make a action rpg... http://www.ausgamers.com/news/read/3197812/new-zealand-path-of-exile-developers-raise-200-000-over-easter http://www.pathofexile.com/
This looks like a damned good game. Reminds me a lot of Diablo II.
It's pretty fun.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SydtaKnawVs http://www.torchlight2game.com/ I'm waiting for Torchlight II
I guess we all know who the king is
>>6643 Who?
>>6646 me
>>6647 I didn't know Duke Nukem browsed Tohno-chan, although I guess after DNF it kind of makes sense.
>>6648 exactly, after the greatest game of all time came out and made him so much money it would make sense that he has time to while away the days on the internet
>>6571 Anyone go to the T2 beta?
>>6571 >>6826 TORCHLIGHT TWO is out. http://www.ausgamers.com/games/torchlight-ii/review/ There's a demo version here; http://www.ausgamers.com/games/torchlight-ii/files/ Talk to Runic on reddit; http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/105md1/we_are_the_runic_games_dev_team_creators_of/
I just played a bit of Torchlight 2 but within minutes my body remembers the stress i put it through with the long sessions of Diablo 3 and it began to ache immediately. I've also noticed you need to be a bit more accurate in where you click in T2 compared to D3 imo.
>>7397 D3 is getting easier?
>>7398 I guess so
>>7397 But was it fun? A T2 review~ http://www.abc.net.au/tv/goodgame/stories/s3606926.htm
>>6522 Open BETA time. http://www.pathofexile.com/
Wow, that was disappointing. Just finished act 3 and the game looped back on itself but on "cruel" difficulty. Also I'm really starting to doubt that evasion is viable at all.
>>7915 It seems to me their whole defence system is a bit out of tune. Already seem some people complaining in forums/global chat that evasion just doesn't do the trick but many more about how armor doesn't scale well and pretty much any critical hit(any hit on the same order of magnitude of your armour even, I think) will almost invalidate it because of the way damage reduction is calculated.
Did anyone mention that Path of Exile is FREE? https://www.pathofexile.com/account/create
>>8415 Well, after the skilldrasil the other major promoted aspect of the game was that it was pay-to-fashion only, so I assumed...
So PoE is like Diablo2? ie. Focus on a spammable attack, find a way to stun and get as much health as possible? Pic from http://nebezial.deviantart.com/art/diablo-2-121998355
>>8479 Melee sucks. Use meat shields, stun and ranged attacks. Such sayeth the ways of naked ironman hardcore.
Not sure if still want... http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2013/09/diablo-3-to-permanently-remove-its-auction-houses-in-march-2014/
Official out of beta status on 23rd Oct. More content more leagues, guilds and PvP. Anybody else going to play? https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/536969
FORCED Danish ARPG? http://www.ausgamers.com/news/read/3369007/action-rpg-forced-developed-by-danish-squatters-now-available-on-steam
>>8607 Reaper of Souls expansion with Angel of Death as last boss? Meh.
Another review; http://games.slashdot.org/story/13/11/20/1924251/game-review-path-of-exile-video
>>6522 >>10371 Path of Exile by the numbers http://steamcharts.com/app/238960
Fireworks are pretty
Is it just me, or is invasion much easier than the previous hardmode challenge? I think it's because of the extra areas that give off massive amounts of xp such that I'm 2-4 levels above the area I'm supposed to be in. That or I'm playing a summoner witch instead of a melee with no shield.
>>10546 Having meat shields to hide behind is usually the better survival strategy than full-offense meelee alone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXH4Wa6_ssU
Forsaken Masters http://games.on.net/tag/path-of-exile/
>>6571 Engineering.. reporting. http://www.torchlight2game.com/news/2014/09/30/qa-with-matt-lefferts/
>>10781 Path of Exile: The Awakening http://games.on.net/2015/04/path-of-exile-the-awakening-is-the-games-biggest-expansion-yet-closed-beta-is-just-one-week-away/ Bonus comic: http://www.comicbookresources.com/comic-previews/path-of-exile-origins-4-dynamite-entertainment-2015
>>11268 http://www.torchlight2game.com/news/2015/03/04/tl2-for-linux-on-steam/
>>11673 http://www.pathofexile.com/ascendancy https://youtu.be/vwCGT8ttfWE
Found out my build is probably bad after around 40 hours. Oh well.
>>12007 Bad as in low scaling, or were you using gear 10-15 levels lower than you (or 30+ if they are rings.....)? or did you not have a +20% granite flask with immune to bleed flask to act 4 cruel? or did you forget to prioritize defense nodes?
>>11865 Another PoE expansion
Essence league = ez mode league but, overconfidence will get you and your perfect equipped character killed.
>>12230 overconfidence or random lag spikes. i thought lockstep mode was supposed to fix the desyncs... nope. I'll zone into a new map, get stuttering lag where i drop to 0 FPS, then watch everything catch up in fast-motion... lost my 1st character to that in act 4 normal, lost my 2nd character to it in act 1 merciless, lost my 3rd to it in act 1 cruel, then ragequit. been playing since CBT and never had this issue before. no idea what they changed.Post edited on 20th Sep 2016, 10:04pm
New Path of Exile 2-week league starts on Friday. Soon after it ends the new 3.0 expansion will drop. woo https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1921218
>>12478 it's about damn time. The legacy league got old once you learned to not fill the league slots with bad combinations once you get bored of clearing through maps on auto-pilot for xp.
I like the new set of Acts. The story is a lot more interesting than the D2 system of getting to the end and doing it again on a harder difficulty. The new bosses all have a metric crapload more health than they really ought to have, but the fights are quite enjoyable.
FOTM builds nerfed as usual, and now leveling in Maps is more grindy -- especially the last 10 levels to 100. Also, for some stupid reason, evasion was further nerfed, because there weren't already enough things that bypass evasion that make it nigh useless already.
>>6522 >>8523 PoE is still going strong... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThYCp7bjDa0
Details of the lastest mod: http://www.pathofexile.com/synthesis
LEGION 7/6/2019 https://www.pathofexile.com/legion Melee buffs sound fun but will it work? In aRPGs, missile combat is better than melee too easily.
>>13498 You would think, but skills like Cyclone that fuck with enemy pathing AI, and movement skills like leapslam really change that dynamic -- the monsters walking in circles and not attacking (or swinging at empty space) gets to the same goal as staying out of range and killing them before they get to you. Outside of bonkers uniques and high %damage AND +X-Y physical damage yellow weapons, physical skills are generally very much lacking compared to spells. I think there really needs to be some sort of stabilizing to the physical weapons, make things using starforged less stupidly overpowered and make SSF to level 100 with a weapon-based character less stupidly underpowered. Bows are in a bit of a better place than melee weapons in that regard, but that issue is still there to a good extent.
>>13512 Problem is that a lot of action RPGs is based on D&D where spells overpower melee. Fighters in japanese RPG tend to have more "impossible" moves that mimic spells.
Held in Auckland, New Zealand from November 16 to 17, ExileCon 2019 is a celebration of all things Path of Exile. https://www.pathofexile.com/exilecon
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