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File 173424747452.jpg - (1.62MB , 2016x1512 , mods.jpg )
15166 No. 15166 [Edit]
Does anyone here like repairing, or modifying consoles?

These are a few I've done custom shells for.
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>> No. 15167 [Edit]
File 173424812099.jpg - (1.85MB , 2016x1512 , DS.jpg )
I did this one this morning.
Bought a cheap old busted DS for like $20 with the common broken hinge issue, but wasn't able to find replacement shells online. I ended up half forgetting about the thing and leaving it in my car for more than a year. Searched again recently and found tons of shells available now. Guess I must have been using the wrong search terms before or something.
Both the top and bottom screen had a bunch of dead pixels so I had to get replacements for that too. It was interesting to learn the top and bottom of the DS use the exact same screens, but with a digitizer over the bottom one.
Kept the bottom black part of the original DS since that wasn't in too bad of shape, as well as peeling off and transferring the name sticker since the new one had a font that looked off.
Might have gone with a more interesting shell but was only able to find standard colors.
>> No. 15168 [Edit]
Can you do soldering tohno?
>> No. 15169 [Edit]
File 173424918499.jpg - (1.39MB , 2016x1512 , soldering.jpg )
Sure, but not that well.
I actually need to redo this I made years back since the battery needs replacing. (It's three batteries soldered together)
>> No. 15170 [Edit]
The only modification I did on a console was installing custom firmware on a PS3 (Evilnat), so I can play PS2 games on it. I also like to replace the HDD in it with some newer and/or bigger one.

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