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15162 No. 15162 [Edit]
Replies: >>15164
Has anyone else here played Nikki?
>> No. 15163 [Edit]
Replies: >>15165
Mirai or yume?
>> No. 15164 [Edit]
I tried to but the game wouldn't let me proceed when opening the app on my phone. I gave up after the first reinstall
>> No. 15165 [Edit]
I used to play the first one on my old iPod, fun times.
Then I tried the one where there's like some branching paths and gacha mechanics(?), but I found it too difficult to keep up with without paying so I gave up.
If Inifnity Nikki plays nicely on Linux, I might give it a go, otherwise it's Style Savvy for me.
Yume > Mirai

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