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File 171946650375.jpg - (99.35KB , 1280x720 , maxresdefault-2686986436.jpg )
15093 No. 15093 [Edit]
Bought Phantasy Star for $2 on Switch and man this game is the simplest example of why the genre is great. I just dungeon crawled to buy a cake from a cave to give to the governor of planet Motavia to convince him to help me kill the tyrant king of the solar system Lassic
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>> No. 15113 [Edit]
I do not share your enthusiasm. Early console rpgs share an excess of enemy placement with extremely simple command structure, slow pace and cumbersome menu design, and what's even worse is the audio design. Phantasy star, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, megami tensei...I find all of these series were dreadful until the 1990's.
>> No. 15114 [Edit]
I have fond memories of DQ1, but when trying to replay it a few years ago, the grind felt like a waste of my time, and the soundscape didn't help. One could attribute this to the difference in how children and adults perceive time, and while I think that's partially true, it's also a consequence of artificial elongation.
Still, I don't regret playing it as a kid, and I did have fun doing so back then.
>> No. 15153 [Edit]
>Bought Phantasy Star for $2 on Switch
What do you mean? I have tens of thousands of retro games on my hard drive and I didn't pay a penny for any.
>> No. 15155 [Edit]
Please use sage next time when making off topic posts.
>> No. 15176 [Edit]
I do love dungeon crawlers but I feel like I'm very picky with them. Like the Etrian Odyssey series and Labyrinth of Refrain and the like. The older RPGs do kinda feel like a slog to me nowadays. Some of them at least. I used to love Earthbound so much but playing it again earlier this year just kinda left it feeling boring/tiresome.
>> No. 15177 [Edit]
File 173657652854.jpg - (207.18KB , 680x850 , __hero_and_princess_laura_dragon_quest_and_1_more_.jpg )
I think the original Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest are very well paced. You get right into playing the game very quickly and it doesn't last too long. The only issue is that they're somewhat cryptic at times. I will say I played the SFC version of DQ1, though.

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