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File 170617458253.jpg - (89.40KB , 850x638 , __fujimaru_ritsuka_sensei_doctor_doodle_sensei_and.jpg )
14938 No. 14938 [Edit]
Mobile games, mobage, gacha games, phone garbage, so on and so forth.
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>> No. 14940 [Edit]
File 170617535181.jpg - (224.26KB , 1200x675 , GEqySoWaIAAyfoz.jpg )

>【Global Launch Notice】
We are excited to break the news to you that the global version of Love Live! School idol festival 2 MIRACLE LIVE! is launching soon in February 2024.

However, we also want to inform you that, the Global Version will close its doors on May 31, 2024, and cease in-app purchases accordingly.

We appreciate the love and support you've shown, and we're committed to making these last few months an unforgettable moment.
>> No. 14943 [Edit]
File 170617567299.jpg - (142.54KB , 1024x1024 , 64b020979b679a4f4a9e39c3bd90ee33.jpg )
They can't be serious. This is a joke, right?
>> No. 14946 [Edit]
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There are a lot of speculative reasons as to why but I don't feel like writing a long post with all of them.
In short, the game was in the red and LL has other ways of making revenue, including another mobage (Link! Like! Love Live!), so Bushiroad decided to axe it to cut costs. The English version had already been announced and developed so they are going to try to get some money out of it.
Keep in mind that they have other gacha games that are also in the red, but are still being kept alive because their fans don't have many ways of interacting with the IP outside of it, LL even has their own magazine, for example. Again, this is all speculative so take it with a grain of salt.
>> No. 14965 [Edit]
Exastris, a new game from the creators of Arknights.
>> No. 15084 [Edit]
How do people juggle playing so many gachas? I don't get it, doing dailies it's like a chore to me. I know many stick to their own game(s) but I come across people that like to try out every single one sometimes and I can't think of why
>> No. 15085 [Edit]
boredom. did you know solitary confinement has a way of changing you in an unexpected manner? boredom is somehow related to it, i never had a chance to study it deeper. excessive gaming kills your braincells and makes you dumber and dumber with time. it's not inherent to games, but to anything that doesn't require your brain to work, like many dead end jobs or whatever. at some point you're left with so few braincells that thinking becomes torture. that's where people turn to gachas and other grind-or-be-grinded games. i'm heavily experiencing it myself right now. i've never been this dumb, thinking was never so hard for me. i'm not gacha level yet, but you get the idea
>> No. 15095 [Edit]
Why play mobile games when you can just as easily emulate GBA and DS games on your phone
>> No. 15096 [Edit]
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Keeping up with the times would be a major component. For better or worse these are a significant part of otaku culture. With these games you stay in the know, you're up to date with the scene. I can't speak for others, but I feel like part of being a real nerd or otaku means staying up to date. Sure, there's such an overwhelming about of content out there now in various form, so much so I think it can be forgiven to be out of the loop with some things, but if you let that get too far you're basically transitioning into a normie at that point.

This leads into the second point, by keeping up with modern works, you have something to to relate to other people with who might be playing the same thing you are. There's a social aspect here you don't get by playing a 30 year old game alone. With these, you share experiences with other people, this gives you something to bond with other people over, something to talk about, or even break the ice with people. If it's not a massively popular classic, most people won't remember those old GBA or DS games very well and won't have much if anything to say about them. Just today someone told me they started watching an obscure anime I enjoyed when I saw it, but I watched it so many years ago I honestly couldn't remember a damn thing about it.
In contrast, I was wearing a t-shirt related to Arknights, and a random stranger recognized it and asked me who I think the best character is, which lead to us having a nice chat as we walked for a bit.

Third. These games have practically endless content. You can check in everyday and still learn something new about the world of the game or the characters in it. I think it makes the world feel more alive, like things are happening in the world even when you're not looking.
As you spend more time visiting these worlds, you build a sort of familiarity with them, they're almost like friends on the other side of a looking glass you can hang out with whenever you want.

Forth point. Emulating games on phones just sucks, they weren't designed for touch screens. invisible touch screen buttons make for a terrible experience compared to using real dedicated hard wear. Believe it or not, I've been carrying a 3DS with me every single day for years now, but I stopped using it ages ago even though it still has a ton of games in it I've never played. At this point it's just a force of habit, like feeling naked without it. Yet, I play mobiles on my phone daily.
>> No. 15097 [Edit]
Why play stuff on your phone at all?

Why give a shit about other people?
>> No. 15135 [Edit]
Gacha is the future, and the future is now. But I'm okay with it.
>> No. 15136 [Edit]
Have you ever actually tried this? It's horrible. If you need to play a game on your phone, it's best to play something actually designed for it rather than pitifully trying to touch fake "buttons" on a screen.
>> No. 15137 [Edit]
>Why play stuff on your phone at all?
Same reason you might listen to music or watch a video on it. It kills time and while it's not as nice as doing it on your computer, you don't always have that available.
>> No. 15138 [Edit]
Kill time differently
>> No. 15139 [Edit]
Interactive 2D on the go is a very compelling reason too.
>> No. 15140 [Edit]
You can't just say that and not offer some sort of alternative.
>> No. 15154 [Edit]
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Thank gods I have a modded 3DS and Vita. Literally every single phone game is shit, I can't comprehend how people can play them.
>> No. 15172 [Edit]
File 173596342052.jpg - (28.24KB , 218x250 , nagisathumbsup.jpg )
Buy a GBA or DS and emulate mobile games on it.
>> No. 15173 [Edit]
File 173596483384.jpg - (2.03MB , 1705x1991 , __hanami_ume_idolmaster_and_1_more_drawn_by_mui_tq.jpg )
Gakuen Idolmaster is the best game ever.
>> No. 15174 [Edit]
File 173598869587.jpg - (442.75KB , 1536x1536 , GeUVEPjbcAAS8Fl.jpg )
It's nice to see another Brohno playing gakumas too.
>> No. 15179 [Edit]
File 173732398926.jpg - (128.71KB , 1920x1080 , Wizardry-Variants-Daphne-PV_05-10-23-2097869558.jpg )
I'm playing Wizardry Daphne. It's good but I want more loli characters for my party.

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