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File 170329883057.gif - (88.58KB , 255x255 , 1701186521767.gif )
14851 No. 14851 [Edit]
Do you use GNU/Linux? What are you playing on your GNU/Linux system?
for me it's Factorio and The Long Dark both which are native GNU/Linux games and run flawlessly on limited hardware.
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>> No. 14852 [Edit]
Does steam deck count?
>> No. 14853 [Edit]
Sure does
>> No. 14854 [Edit]
Super Tux Cart.
>> No. 14855 [Edit]
Funny joke is most games work on Linux, and it will only get better.
>> No. 14856 [Edit]
When I tried Linux, I remember setting up Wine so VNs will work being a massive ritual, with one caveat being video files probably not playing.
>> No. 14857 [Edit]
I have been using linux mint since june and i dont regret switching. I have been playing blood fresh supply.
>> No. 15143 [Edit]
>Do you use GNU/Linux?
Yes, I do.
>What are you playing on your GNU/Linux system?
I play VNs for the most part, which work fine for me, some with more and some with less fiddling, some perfectly fine without anything. Higurashi and Narcissu work out of the box, as they're Linux native. Clannad, Rewrite and Planetarian work without any problems too, however you need to install Proton first, but once you've done that, it's fine. Muv-Luv also works out of the box with Proton. Tsukihime was a bit of a fiddle, to get running in Lutris, but I got it started too. I haven't played through Tsukihime yet, so I don't know, if there are any more issues, but I think it should probably work. Riddle Joker and Saya no Uta also work for me.

It's a much better experience with Steam/Proton. This if course requires your game, to be released on Steam, but when it is, then it works in my experience, pretty much flawlessly. Lutris sometimes also has scripts for some VNs. I imagine for more obscure VNs or games in Japanese language, it's more tedious to set up, but I don't know really, so I can't tell.
>> No. 15152 [Edit]
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On my Linux PC I basically only play emulated stuff, since I can't bother setting up all this Wine shit, and running proprietary software (games) on an open source OS is kind of dumb and misses the point (I know there is "sandboxing" or whatever, but that's just additional effort to set up).
For VNs I use an old Windows 7 laptop, and for other games I have a couple jailbroken (non-current gen) consoles.
>> No. 15175 [Edit]
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>> No. 15184 [Edit]
File 17419423007.jpg - (502.49KB , 1920x1080 , Project.jpg )
Well I've been playing a lot of zomboid b42 recently but about to give it. I'm too good at the game to allow updates to force me into debug mode. and yes I am that good.

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