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File 164547307250.jpg - (65.51KB , 600x337 , ame.jpg )
14434 No. 14434 [Edit]
What are your thoughts on Ame’s game?
>> No. 14435 [Edit]
It looked really interesting, Would you recommend it?
>> No. 14610 [Edit]
I like Ame. She is so cute and fuckable.
But her 'game' winds up being pretty boring after the first few playthroughs. Very repetitive.
>> No. 14620 [Edit]
I really enjoyed it for the first 2/3 hours but it got rather boring afterward.

Great game though.
>> No. 14627 [Edit]
Played it, made me want to kill myself. would have returned it if I could. Good stuff, would highly recommend it.

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