No. 14391
- (247.33KB
, 1179x753
, shot.png
So I tried adding another thing to the torrent, by just putting another file in the folder. Not only did that not work, it completely broke my ability to seed it. Even after I deleted that file, it wouldn't work.
One person was downloading it for the past day. Not sure if they got to 100%.
I removed the torrent from my list, and when I tried adding it again with the .torrent file, it starting downloading instead recognizing it's the same content.
I looked it up, and apparently there is absolutely no way to add something to a preexisting torrent.
I think I hate torrents. They're finicky, lack flexibility, break extremely easily, and when things do go wrong, you get 0 feedback.
File sharing is so fucked up and the only thing torrents seem half-way usable for is pirating large zipped files. For any other purposes, everyone puts up with centralized cloud storage instead.
So until I come up with a better solution, I'm keeping my collection on my website(yggdrasil)
Post edited on 25th Nov 2021, 10:17pm