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File 163530749516.gif - (1.63MB , 1025x603 , maid.gif )
14356 No. 14356 [Edit]
Might as well have a thread dedicated to it.
I'm making a git repository of the collection I have.
Expand all images
>> No. 14357 [Edit]
How does this compare with the collection at ?
>> No. 14358 [Edit]
File 163531489273.gif - (44.71KB , 640x400 , 1483852932496.gif )
Mine has the games listed individually and with their Japanese title, while that one either puts them in a folder of other games in the same series, or games made by the same publisher and is all english. Can't say which has more games overall, but mine might have a few obscure one offs that doesn't.

That one also has a lot of hardware and technical stuff, which mine doesn't except for operating systems, while that doesn't seem to have any of those.

Post edited on 26th Oct 2021, 11:13pm
>> No. 14360 [Edit]
File 163536545761.gif - (395.21KB , 448x320 , 1484452081795-2.gif )
Added a bunch of related links to the repository.
>> No. 14361 [Edit]
File 163539029799.gif - (249.21KB , 636x299 , f1a610668810c3c95513bf51934af77d.gif )
Finished uploading everything.
>> No. 14362 [Edit]
File 163552005248.jpg - (64.46KB , 810x1135 , ncr ranger outfit.jpg )
I prefer anex86 to nekoproject.
>> No. 14363 [Edit]
File 163552214762.png - (19.47KB , 640x400 , 422424-rusty-pc-98-screenshot-what-a-wonderful-day.png )
Why? Any reason besides it being older?
In my experience it's more of a pain in the ass. Doesn't come with all the fonts and stuff you need. Also has less customization and features.
>> No. 14364 [Edit]
File 163552537898.jpg - (510.25KB , 1769x2081 , 1605255129259.jpg )
Frankly, I haven't actually downloaded the nekoproject emulator. I've made that statement based on videos I've seen of both emulators running the same games. My experience with PC-98 games is not very extensive and is Anex86-only, so the times I encountered font errors I just assumed there was a problem with the game files or my computer. You say I can fix that by downloading further stuff?
Anyway, the main reason for saying that is that on the videos I've seen the nekoproject emulator has a different sound than that of Anex86. The sound sounds "too much like japanese LPs", their sound is a little different, but for older games it just feels a little off to me.
>> No. 14366 [Edit]
File 163552835929.png - (564.30KB , 1140x932 , sound options.png )
>the times I encountered font errors I just assumed there was a problem with the game files or my computer
Nope. You need the font files. Or you can use np21w, which has all of that packaged with it. Never had an issue.

>the nekoproject emulator has a different sound than that of Anex86
You can change the sound board on np21w. There's lots of options.

Post edited on 29th Oct 2021, 10:31am
>> No. 14367 [Edit]
Dosbox-X is a nice alternative if you want to play PC-98 games on GNU/Linux.
>> No. 14368 [Edit]
Neko Project 2 also has a port
>> No. 14369 [Edit]
I've always used T98... but then there's only one PC98 game I play, so I'm not picky.
>> No. 14373 [Edit]
The repo was deleted. Apparently somebody reported it. I'll re-upload elsewhere in two weeks.
>> No. 14374 [Edit]
Probably upset that you were digging into the sales of his new PC98 game.
>> No. 14375 [Edit]
Heh. Any suggestions for places to host my git repo are very welcome....
>> No. 14376 [Edit]
Try I don't have an account there, but since it's smaller and already hosts controversial (relative to normalfag's tastes) stuff, I think it's less likely you'll be booted.
>> No. 14388 [Edit]
File 163782856253.jpg - (77.76KB , 550x550 , 23b15f325c0d2cb4c0316f3c9a0f6707.jpg )
Okay, I tried uploading the repository to gitgud. It doesn't work. In even smaller chunks. After waiting for it to finish "Writing Objects" it keeps bitching at me with "fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly" errors.

I don't know if it's gitlab's fault or gitgud's fault, but it's seriously pissing me off.

All I want, is to be able to upload and download shit on the command line, without being spied on or having things taken down. Fucken thing sucks.
>> No. 14389 [Edit]
Here's torrent instead. No uptime guarantees.

table of contents

related links
>> No. 14390 [Edit]
Well thank you for your efforts.
I can't believe someone reported the original upload
>> No. 14391 [Edit]
File 163790737556.png - (247.33KB , 1179x753 , shot.png )
So I tried adding another thing to the torrent, by just putting another file in the folder. Not only did that not work, it completely broke my ability to seed it. Even after I deleted that file, it wouldn't work.

One person was downloading it for the past day. Not sure if they got to 100%.

I removed the torrent from my list, and when I tried adding it again with the .torrent file, it starting downloading instead recognizing it's the same content.

I looked it up, and apparently there is absolutely no way to add something to a preexisting torrent.

I think I hate torrents. They're finicky, lack flexibility, break extremely easily, and when things do go wrong, you get 0 feedback.

File sharing is so fucked up and the only thing torrents seem half-way usable for is pirating large zipped files. For any other purposes, everyone puts up with centralized cloud storage instead.

So until I come up with a better solution, I'm keeping my collection on my website(yggdrasil)

Post edited on 25th Nov 2021, 10:17pm
>> No. 14392 [Edit]
>I looked it up, and apparently there is absolutely no way to add something to a preexisting torrent.
That's a feature. Not to say that torrents are good for everything, but what they are good for would be immensely degraded if their content could change on the fly.
>> No. 14393 [Edit]
Well they're not good for collections that can grow.
>> No. 14394 [Edit]
IPFS would probably work best, hashing every file and putting it on a collection site would work.
So would making each file a separate torrent and just downloading the collection as a package of torrent files/magnet links.
>> No. 14395 [Edit]
File 163794872519.png - (19.62KB , 420x500 , f3acb677bc8a2cb9529bb181ca37f195.png )
You're probably right, so here's a git repo with a text file that lists all the ipfs hashes of every file in the collection.

When somebody gets a file, they'll probably rename it to something else(since by default the file received is named after the hash). People on windows at least, would have to rename it to add the file extension, so they can open it.

I wonder if doing so would make it impossible for them to host that file after instead of me. Though I think ipfs doesn't point to files on your system, but instead a "cache" of that file it keeps for itself. In that case, it's fine.

Post edited on 26th Nov 2021, 9:57am
>> No. 14396 [Edit]
Okay, sorry, ipfs is retarded and creates CIDs regardless of whether you're connected to ipfs or not. Now, even though I am connected, running "ipfs add" on files doesn't actually upload them to the network for some god damn reason. Before it worked, now it doesn't. Doing it with the stupid web ui does work.

So every hash in this git repo probably doesn't work. Fucking garbage technology.

Edit: So now that I started the ipfs daemon on the cli, the hashes on the git work. Before, I started it by just clicking the executable file. There's only one executable ipfs file on my system, and that's the one on my path. For SOME REASON, I have to start the daemon on my command line, or else any thing I add on the cli does not work.

Maybe this is windows fault, but I don't have this issue with nginx or yggdrasil.

Post edited on 26th Nov 2021, 1:42pm
>> No. 14397 [Edit]
So, I got to 100% with the torrent, am I missing out on much?
>> No. 14398 [Edit]
File 163796323540.jpg - (144.20KB , 500x712 , ps00201_1.jpg )
You're missing out on Photogenic.
Here's the hash, it works now:

If you don't have ipfs running yourself, you can also get it through
Make sure to rename it to add a .hdi extension

Post edited on 26th Nov 2021, 1:50pm
>> No. 14399 [Edit]
well thanks
>> No. 14403 [Edit]
File 164013194243.jpg - (139.09KB , 729x1200 , 4e08e047c741b98ed8ad66083c3172f3.jpg )
The ipfs hashes don't work anymore. I don't know for how long this has been the case. Maybe since my computer was last restarted. After starting the daemon again from the cli it didn't work. Didn't work after I re-added all the files too. And I know I'm online. However, my website is 100% functional.

Conclusion, ipfs is buggy, unreliable garbage and distributed file hosting is a severely limited, unfeasible technology. Just host shit yourself on your own machine.

Edit: upon further inspection, only this site seems to not be working
maybe. I'm still annoyed.

Post edited on 21st Dec 2021, 4:18pm

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