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File 161686278459.jpg - (506.17KB , 566x800 , 5ee362b998c856ccc3479eb2af48ce5e.jpg )
14214 No. 14214 [Edit]
This thread is for the sharing and discussion of unreported bizarre bugs that you've come to encounter during your time playing videogames.
I'll start with this one from Fallout New Vegas:
I was at the Freeside entrance to the Strip, when one of those random maniac vagrants appeared. I used VATS to kill him. But VATS was very slow, even more so than normal, much slower than usual. It took almost a minute to the bullet to hit the guy. I tried it again, same result. I went to pip-boy to see if there was something wrong, so I pressed B and pip-boy opened, when I pressed B again, the pip-boy closed but at the same time, I fired my weapon. I tried this one more time, same result. I tried to shoot normally, it would work only with the B button, and it seemed slower, I couldn't connect two shots very fast, with semi-automatic and fully auto weapons, the weapon fired only once, then a pause and I could fire again. Knifes and similar hand-to-hand combat weapons also worked like this. But they would respond to the normal RT trigger, to attack. The knife wouldn't connect the slashing attacks like it should, but only slash once, return to initial position and then I could slash again. I tried loading another save, but nothing worked. I exited the game and removed the CD, it was very hot, VERY hot, almost burning. I left it outside to cool down, and next time I played everything went to normal again.
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>> No. 14285 [Edit]
File 162341688241.jpg - (171.27KB , 1280x1276 , sailormoon.jpg )
Bug only the beta version of the SNES port
Arcade perfect ports were still not there yet at the time.

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