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File 16024672157.png - (444.37KB , 756x425 , unknown.png )
13963 No. 13963 [Edit]
Everyone is playing this, why aren't you?
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>> No. 13964 [Edit]
Replies: >>13965
My reasoning isn't allowed outside of /tat/.
>> No. 13965 [Edit]
lol ouch!
>> No. 13966 [Edit]
Because I don't play video games and when I do it's definitely not pay to win, open world, gacha shit. Jesus.
>> No. 13967 [Edit]
The website is an abomination.

Post edited on 11th Oct 2020, 7:08pm
>> No. 13968 [Edit]
File 160246946063.jpg - (248.12KB , 882x1000 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I already did.
>> No. 13969 [Edit]
Looks interesting, maybe I will.
>> No. 13980 [Edit]
Replies: >>14039
Okay I tried it. It's alright maybe but not that great. The idea of a gacha system with unique characters in an rpg sounds good but the gameplay itself lets all of this down.
>> No. 13982 [Edit]
Because it and other "games" like it are cancer.
>> No. 14026 [Edit]
Replies: >>14648 >>14650
File 160315961225.jpg - (629.04KB , 848x1200 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I don't know why but ever since I heard about this game something rubbed me the wrong way about it. I assumed it was actually shit and the fans were the type to get excited for garbage as usual because their favorite youtuber told them to or the game was actually spyware. Sure enough I did a search and found some kind of controversy about a kernel level anti-cheat. Apparently there's an issue where the game has access to your clipboard too if you play it on your phone but Mihoyo says they fixed that. Sage because someone is going to call me an idiot but I'm not sure if I want to play this game. Even if it wasn't gachashit there is still the privacy concern and my aversion to popular things. But it is a gacha game and I think I know enough about those to never want to go back to them even when they're at their best. I feel like I might be missing out on a fun game with fun characters but I'm also jaded enough to dismiss that thought.
>> No. 14039 [Edit]
Okay so. >>13980 again. The game play is still average, different characters can have an impact on it but there just are not many characters and the impact they often have is minimal. It has some nice areas and music, the gameplay is average but not bad and the game does feel like it could have potential in the future. Right now a big problem it has is a lack of content. There are not many characters right now(and the Gacha system is not that great), there are only 2 of the 7 nations that are in meant to be in the game actually in the game right now, the game has a few side quests but not so many as to keep you amused past Adventure level 25 or even below at many points(the game has some side quests focused on specific characters but only a few at the moment, most characters have no side quests regarding them and also play not role in the main story and never appear anywhere, it's probably something that will change later on) and the game lacks a fleshed out event/raid/whatever system, there was an event, it was bad and basically pointless, they are adding another event soon and I heard talk of raids. Most of the mid to late game content revolves around dailies, material gathering and looking for chests to open for Adventure level exp, there just isn't anything else to do.

Right now, it's just not enough to really get into. I'm going to wait a few months or maybe even a year and go back to it.
>> No. 14648 [Edit]
Replies: >>14649
I looked at the privacy policy for this game on my PS4 (didn't want it or its website to have anything to do with my PC) and it mentions it puts cookies on your system to monitor what other things you do on that device.
Should be avoided at all costs.
>> No. 14649 [Edit]
Chinese spyware is spying on you. What a surprise!
>> No. 14650 [Edit]
Replies: >>14651
I don't think you're missing much. I think half the people who play it just jerk off to the characters and little more. That might sound really ignorant, but it really does seem like most of the appeal is just attractive characters.
>> No. 14651 [Edit]
Replies: >>14652
I jerk off to them and I don't even play the game.
>> No. 14652 [Edit]
I don't find these characters attractive at all so I can't get that out of it.

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