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File 159924680873.jpg - (242.36KB , 1920x1080 , [Anon] High Score Girl - 05 (Web 1080p x264 EAC3)_.jpg )
13877 No. 13877 [Edit]
Until recently I haven't had much time for videogames, now that I do I've been knocking out games in my backlog one after another while occasionally dipping into old favorites. There has been a growing concern however about how long I can keep doing this. At a glance one would think there's multiple life times worth of videogames on the market, but what about worth while games when you remove all the shovelwear and half broken indie trash? I don't have issue playing older games, including those that are too new to be retro but also too old to be relevant (think wii/ps3 gen games), I'm not trying to impress anyone after all and couldn't care less about social trends.
Net games are certainly one option, but they're unbelievably repetitive with their content being very spread out (if they even have any), they also involve a social element that can be a bit off putting for an anti-social person. people spend weeks if not months playing some of these games, fighting the same type of matches over and over with friends or random strangers, that might work for them but I can't stand that and have always been a single player person.

Unfortunately the industry has been shifting away from single player games for some time now and in general it feels like there has been less and less quality content is being produced due to small and midsize production companies being cannibalized by larger companies who themselves seem only interested in continuing their one or two best selling game franchises. Someone new to videogames might find it hard to believe companies like activision, ubisoft, and EA used to actually produce a variety of decent games along side smaller companies for a healthy and vibrant ecosystem, and god do I miss those days.

Sure, there's enough videogames out there now to last a person like me a few years, but then what? What about in ten or twenty years? I worry about the day when I've played every (not garbage) game on every system and am left with nothing new to explore or learn. I can't help but feel like being 40+ is going to be insufferable.
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>> No. 13878 [Edit]
File 159924844079.png - (660.73KB , 1024x768 , classicpcgaming.png )
I worry about not having enough time and life to play all the good videogames out there, I don't see how you can end in the opposite. I discover interesting retro games every week, there's always something being translated or just unknown. And I replay a lot.
Today most games are really long, they take 100+ hours and I can't even keep the interest for that long. I end playing few games per year, something like Yakuza, The Witcher, Disgaea, can take me a whole summer easily.
I don't touch on-line games. Last on-line games I played intensively were Diablo 2 and Neverwinter Nights, I don't feel any motivation to play on-line anymore.
Thinking about it, for one reason or another I haven't even properly played games I really wished to play in late 90's. 20 years ago.
I will surely die without playing some of them. It's kinda depressing.
>> No. 14210 [Edit]
Oh god I'm in the same situation literally. Rarely good games with a lore, often I get bored (without solution) playing the same three games (the old battlefields for example and everytime the same rts I've been nerding since I was born) which every two years change
>> No. 14790 [Edit]
File 169726404018.jpg - (102.05KB , 747x893 , Clipboard02.jpg )
> I haven't had much time for videogames
Make time, man.

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