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File 159893329635.jpg - (34.17KB , 460x215 , header.jpg )
13866 No. 13866 [Edit]
Does anyone here play final fantasy 14 online?
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>> No. 13867 [Edit]
I did. I should resubscribe soon.
>> No. 13868 [Edit]
File 159894570488.jpg - (9.79KB , 244x246 , fd52037ca1b87b3f122be3be9b470076_1920_KR.jpg )
I do (used?) to. I resubbed recently but after learning my rotations again I've had trouble motivating myself to play, despite being super into it up until my sub expired last I played.
I'd like to try getting into it again soon.
>> No. 13869 [Edit]
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I generally like to stick to single player games and avoid multiplayer stuff like the plague, but I caved and decided to give this a shot. So far it feels like a pretty typical MMO so I'm not entirely sure what all the fuss was about, but I'll stick with it for a while and see how it goes.
>> No. 13870 [Edit]
It takes a while to really get going.
>> No. 13873 [Edit]
I've been thinking about resubbing.
>> No. 13874 [Edit]
File 159912097787.jpg - (849.64KB , 1920x1080 , ffxiv_02252020_201830_602.jpg )
Yeah, pretty much what >>13869 said. Though I think ARR's main story quest line got revamped recently. Might be a little less of a slog now. If you do end up sticking with the game, be sure to stick with the story quests. Completing those will unlock more stuff for you to do.
>> No. 13955 [Edit]
Everyone's moving to FF16. H
>> No. 14683 [Edit]
It's been almost 3 years. Do you still play? I might resub for 6.4

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