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File 15708877593.jpg - (759.68KB , 3840x2160 , CODE VEIN_20191012132349_1.jpg )
13661 No. 13661 [Edit]
There's anyone playing this?

One of the things I appreciate the most in a videogame (sometimes is the only thing I actually care) is character creation and this is one of the best I've ever seen, it almost feels like I'm playing Custom Maid.
It has uncommon things like all kinds of hair (like super long hair or 100% customizable braids), eyebags, eyepatches, accessories you can place literally anywhere or all colors and patron colors you can imagine. Only shortcomings are the lack of body customization and having limited number of accessories for some weird reason.

Also the aesthetics and clothes designs are amazing. I will post some screenshots while I play.
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>> No. 13662 [Edit]
File 157088785888.jpg - (690.26KB , 3840x2160 , CODE VEIN_20191012132225.jpg )
I love how she wears that jacket.
>> No. 13663 [Edit]
File 157090306282.jpg - (827.32KB , 3840x2160 , CODE VEIN_20191012164433.jpg )
Some better pics.
>> No. 13664 [Edit]
File 157090311676.jpg - (644.43KB , 3840x2160 , CODE VEIN_20191012164027.jpg )
>> No. 13665 [Edit]
File 157090317611.jpg - (756.45KB , 3840x2160 , CODE VEIN_20191012161615.jpg )
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