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13495 No. 13495 [Edit]
What do you think the best game console is?
I know emulators make this largely irrelevant, but if you had to have one console in your room with every game available to it, what would it be?
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>> No. 13496 [Edit]
Only ONE allowed? PC then.
>> No. 13499 [Edit]
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PS2, no contest. It's home to many of the best videogames ever made with the largest library of any console. It comes from a time when budgets were big enough to allow for some good looking AAA games, but not so bloated that creativity was completely stifled like it is today. In generations that followed, budgets got so big that publishers would shy away from taking chances on experimental games with strange concepts and instead opted to just copy what's been proven to work. It was the last console we had before DLC truly became a thing. There was also no installing to the system required, games could still be chucked in and played right away. There was also no shipping incomplete games and patching them latter. With just a few exceptions, Devs made sure the games were finished before they were printed, and this meant beta/bug testers were an actual paying job, The customer wasn't paying to be a beta tester. I feel like the ps1 laid the ground work, and the ps2 was the masterpiece built on top of that. I think the ps3, while nice, was a step back, and the ps4 was a leap back. They did everything right, but by then the industry changed so much it didn't matter. The industry was so huge and diversified during the ps2 days with countless devs and publishers turning out fantastic unique works. Even the likes of EA and Activation were putting out great stuff at the time, Before they started having a pissing match to see who could make the best selling dudebro shooter. It wasn't until after the ps2 era that all these publishers started to cannibalize eachother while killing off quality dev studios in the process.
Meanwhile the gamecube only had a handfull of games making it worthwhile with many people I knew at the time only owning the system for smash, same for the xbox(1) with halo. If you ask me, the PS2 was truly the sweet spot of gaming. The peek that we'll never see anything like again.
>> No. 13500 [Edit]
The original Xbox had some interesting games outside of Halo and diving deeper into the library is very reminiscent of diving into the Dreamcast, most memorable is that Steel Battalion game with the peripheral controller being larger than the already large console itself. Also interesting with the Xbox is how the very different US and Japan tried to appeal to their eachothers markets, with giants such as Konami and Capcom publishing exclusives for the console, SEGA actually publishing what is considered among fans of the sport to be the best American Football game and Microsoft actually trying to create a shōnen franchise with the creation of Blue Dragon and getting Zoids as an exclusive for the Xbox, although some of this spilled into the 360 era it was still an interesting thing to see. I do agree with you about the PS2 being the best simply due to the vast library and more Japanese dev exclusives, in fact I imagine it is far and above the best if you’re Japanese literate. The original Xbox is more of an oddity that’s worth exploring when you've seen all the known stuff, although due to how poor Xbox emulation is most people won’t. And to be fair, the PS2 probably has very obscure, eccentric lineup too simply due to the size of library. I think that whole generation was something that will probably never happen again and might have been the peak of the franchise, although I’m sure there are people who hold the torch for the fourth generation.
>> No. 13501 [Edit]
PS4 because they still make games for it.
>> No. 13502 [Edit]
I own every gen 6 console and there are at least 5 good exclusives for each of them but I would still have to go with PS2 as the best console for the crazy large library. I think that there are still a handful of great games every year but before 2005 or so there were dozens of great games per year.
>> No. 13503 [Edit]
I'd never willingly choose to play on a console.
>> No. 13504 [Edit]
PC barely has any Japanese stuff outside of emulation and doujin games
>> No. 13505 [Edit]
The PC-98 would be an exception, though I suppose many Westerners would consider a console for lack of any other use.
>> No. 13506 [Edit]
>I know emulators make this largely irrelevant
Only if you discount fifth-generation onward. And that's only if you don't value the native experience.

>but if you had to have one console in your room with every game available to it, what would it be?

Like others said, the PS2 for library alone. I remember getting it as a kid when I was 6, and I never really wanted anything else until I was 12. Besides Smash on the GameCube, there was nothing else I really wanted to play which I couldn't.
>> No. 13507 [Edit]
I'll assume you mean home consoles - at least for the PS1, Mednafen and Xebra are both quite accurate; for GameCube/Wii, Dolphin. Admittedly, the other consoles are not doing quite as well, but for Dreamcast and Xbox the situation is changing very rapidly. The N64 and Saturn will probably not see great emulation in years to come, however.
>> No. 13508 [Edit]
>The N64 and Saturn will probably not see great emulation in years to come, however.

Those were my particular thoughts.
>> No. 13509 [Edit]
I would probably choose a new Nintendo 3DS XL. I dont really know why, It is just the console I spent most of my time on. Also, it is backwards-compatible with DS/i carts and can natively run GBA roms. Because of that, the total game library is immense and also contains lots of japanese stuff.
>> No. 13511 [Edit]
Why not 1st gen ps3? Then you get three consoles worth of library.
>> No. 13547 [Edit]
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Are all PS1 and PS2 games backwards compatible in a PS3?
>> No. 13548 [Edit]
I believe so. The PS3 even provides anti-aliasing for PS2 games I think.
>> No. 13549 [Edit]
I believe it's the majority of games with a handful of exceptions, and only the original 60GB and 20GB launch models are backward compatible. They removed that thanks to retards who kept crying about the console's price tag. The 80GB Metal Gear Solid PS3 had it via emulation but I think it was removed in a softwear update.
>> No. 13550 [Edit]
If we don't count the PC the only home console I have is the Switch so the answer is trivial.
I do plan to get the PS5 though, because it can play all PS4 games, so maybe the PS5 if you include all PS4 games.
Also old consoles and retro games are overrated.
>> No. 13916 [Edit]
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The one with the best games on it
>> No. 13920 [Edit]
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I <3 Street Fighter
>> No. 13996 [Edit]
Should I buy a switch?
>> No. 13997 [Edit]
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While I don't want to be one of those "master race" pests I would strongly urge you to try and just build a good PC. If, however, PC isn't an option for you I think a switch is the best console decision you can make. New consoles will be coming around sooner or later and they aren't looking great, especially the PS5, while Switch has games to enjoy now and likely plenty on the way. Though I have heard something about a Switch Pro so I would advise waiting and maybe saving up money to buy a PC if it's at all possible to do so. If not, then just fall back on the new Switch that comes out. Not to mention, Switch-chan is cute and pure.
>> No. 13998 [Edit]
The biggest problem I have with PC gaming is that most of the library is western. It has changed recently but I havent heard great things about the ports. Emulation also. Most japanese games for windows are doujin games and those don't necessarily require a gaming PC to run. Maybe honey select?
>> No. 13999 [Edit]
I do both consoles and pc, and I think logically the pc makes much more sense. The library of pc games is huge to say the least, and it's hardly just western. When combined with emulators, you've got everything from the previous console generation and before all available to you (for free). You can also use console game pads with a pc to make it look and feel exactly like it would playing on a console. You can then take it one step further, playing around with graphical enhancements, save states, mods (such as undubs) and more.
Or for the same price of a good gaming pc, a machine that can do countless other tasks and be used day to day, you can buy a trending game console (that has emulation in good progress) with half a dozen games and just leave it at that.

I had this same kind of with someone recently who ended up going with a switch. Didn't make a whole lot of sense to me given what I had just explained about gaming on pc, but for a lot of people what's trending and popular can be a huge factor. I play lots of old games no one is going care about or want to chat about, but with a switch you can be more up to date and have something to talk about with friends, brag about to people, ect. Really comes down to which is more important, a massive library of customizable cheap/free games, or to be involved in something that's for the time being still relevant to gaming communities.
>> No. 14000 [Edit]
A large number of games for the Switch are not even available for PC, what platform you prefer is almost a moot point as the only way to play Pokemon Sword and Shield or Fire Emblem is to get a switch so if that is the kind of game you want then whatever merits the PC has are worthless(or you could wait for it to be emulated but that can take a while). Even PS4 has this issue. I don't think people buy a Switch to brag either or for social reasons either, that's just silly. If you were going to brag you would buy a top end gaming PC and it's not like the PC has no trendy games that people would talk about.

It's kind of hard for a random person to answer that for you. Because basically it comes down to what games you are after and how much spare cash you have.
>> No. 14001 [Edit]
The switch is an interesting case. The games on it certainly look fun (certainly more than PlayStation and Xbox) but there's nothing really new on it. Aside from maybe Arms?
>> No. 14002 [Edit]
>for a lot of people what's trending and popular can be a huge factor... with a switch you can be more up to date and have something to talk about with friends, brag about to people, ect... be involved in something that's for the time being still relevant to gaming communities.
Yeah, that's how normalfags work.
>> No. 14003 [Edit]
I'm not sure, it would be a Christmas splurge, but I haven't really played games in years. Because aside from first-party games the switch looks like a better option than the PlayStation which became the dudebro station last generation.
The only thing that gave me pause was the fact that Dolphin has a better version of sunshine than the official port.
>> No. 14004 [Edit]
People are already emulating switch games on their phones. It's games are only technically exclusive. And yeah it's a bragging thing mixed with impatience. The average person doesn't care what your pc specs are because they don't understand what they mean. They do know what the latest Nintendo product is. Only other pc gamers would care if you said you bought a 2080 ti or whatever, but even then it wouldn't be much of a talking point. People wouldn't ask you for friend codes or what games you got with it. If it wasn't a social thing then why spend a premium on getting the latest popular game console when there's no way in hell anyone reading this has played even half of what's available for previous consoles that can be bought for cost a fraction of the price? It's silly to try and say it's about the games when you're turning down an option that gives you hundreds times more games. It's about saying "look at me guys, I just bought the new Nintendo station X!" in hopes of being accepted by people who have done the same, having something to talk about, and making friends.
I'm not saying that's a bad thing mind you, just that it's very much a factor, one worth considering when making the decision.

Post edited on 16th Oct 2020, 3:58pm
>> No. 14005 [Edit]
>I'm not saying that's a bad thing mind you
Yes. Yes it is. Buying things to brag about it and socialize is a bad thing.
>> No. 14006 [Edit]
I don't think it is that awful. People like to belong to things.
>> No. 14007 [Edit]
I hate people. Next anons will be asking for a tohno-chan discord.
>> No. 14008 [Edit]
I'm a console player and I wouldn't care less about people or any kind of social engagement related to videogames. I noticed people who are into computers can't assimilate there's other people who doesn't give a fuck about them. Personally I don't care about graphic cards, I can't touch anything without breaking it and any involvement with the subtleties of PC's functioning means an enormous headache I preffer to avoid at all costs. So when I play I just turn on a dedicated machine for it and forget about things different than playing. Last time I wanted to play a PC game; a) temperatures happened to be too high because I happened to have a bad box, so if I kept playing I could have killed my PC quite fast. b) some RAM randomly died, then returned to life, then some other RAM died, and it took me time and money to figure what was the problem.
I know I'm dumb and it's all super easy for everyone but I just don't want to spend any more energies on it, I don't care enough. As I see it PC gaming is mostly for people that takes an enjoyment in PC's and hardware, kinda like car fans love cars but I just want a vehicle to take me to places, so I take the bus.
>> No. 14011 [Edit]
Humans are inherently social creatures. The majority don't think the way we do. I play old games from old consoles and often times never breath a word about it to anyone, but that's just me. I realize and respect not everyone will think the same way I do. This is about what they want, not what we want. There for I think it's best to present the pros and cons of each side in an objective manor and let them decide what works best for them. After all, I for one gain/loose nothing either way regardless of what they pick.

Indeed I think those are perfectly valid points. A long time defense of consoles over PC is the simplicity of them where they "just work". Although I do think that's starting to be less and less of the case as current gen systems now require games be installed and add on content be installed to hard drives. Consoles are now essentially dedicated gaming pcs with proprietary operating systems that require require regular system updates, user accounts, and ever increasing options/settings. It's still a lot more simple than getting some emulators running though, lord knows I've spent my fair share of time tweaking and configuring emulators and games. Some might say that's half the fun for them, but that's of course not for everyone. Also, I don't think it makes you dumb, not everyone was born as a computer wiz kid. Even the best of us spend hours googling the various problems that pop up for us like everyone else.
>temperatures happened to be too high
That's actually becoming more and more of a problem with modern consoles. It was a big issue with the xbox360 that killed many systems, and current gen systems when stored improperly (close spaces with no air flow) have been having the same problem. Consoles might shy away from looking like a pc on the outside, but on the inside they're similar and are susceptible to the same hardware problems.
>> No. 14012 [Edit]
>This is about what they want, not what we want.
Why are you assuming they're on tohno-chan?
>> No. 14013 [Edit]
Well the play station is an actual console not a handheld so if you are playing the same games it is better(unless you want something portable). Yes the Switch can be used like a console but not to the same quality as a PS. As for weather it's a 'dude bro' console or not, who cares?

Not all of them.

>The average person doesn't care what your pc specs are because they don't understand what they mean.

The Average person doesn't care if you have a Switch or not either.

>They do know what the latest Nintendo product is.

They know what a computer is too.

>Only other pc gamers would care if you said you bought a 2080 ti or whatever, but even then it wouldn't be much of a talking point.

It's the same for a switch, actually less so, why would Oher switch havers care either?

>People wouldn't ask you for friend codes or what games you got with it.

Yes they would, people share steam accounts these days, and i's not like the PC has no multiplayer games.

>If it wasn't a social thing then why spend a premium on getting the latest popular game console when there's no way in hell anyone reading this has played even half of what's available for previous consoles that can be bought for cost a fraction of the price?

Because they don't want to play Mario 64, they have games they want to play that are out now and only on Switch... That's generally why you would get a new console or even a new Graphics card or other PC upgrade, it's not rocket science.

>It's silly to try and say it's about the games when you're turning down an option that gives you hundreds times more games.

You aren't though. You are aware you can actually have a Switch AND a PC right? Hell you could even throw a PS4 in the mix, both combined cost less than a graphics card.

>It's about saying "look at me guys, I just bought the new Nintendo station X!" in hopes of being accepted by people who have done the same, having something to talk about, and making friends.

You are being silly again, you could say the same about a PC, 'look at me I am le PC master race now, rate my battle station guys'.
>> No. 14016 [Edit]
Because they are? >>13996
>> No. 14017 [Edit]
I take back my attempt to reason with you. Please refund me my time.
>> No. 14018 [Edit]
Ur an idiot.

>> No. 14020 [Edit]
I suppose that was a bit rude of me. Not sure if you're the same anon or not, but if you're going to break down my posts like that to argue each and every word, it really makes me not even want to respond. It only tells me you're that much of an argumentative person and I don't want to get dragged into an argument, especially not that type. I've seen it enough times to tell that sort of debate goes back and forth until one person gets frustrated or tired and stops responding.
>> No. 14160 [Edit]
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PC Master-race
>> No. 14809 [Edit]
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