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13419 No. 13419 [Edit]
Any thoughts on this steam competitor?
>> No. 13420 [Edit]

Seems they wont allow porn or "crappy" games.
>> No. 13421 [Edit]
Its success is predicated on the gaming community giving up on its attempts at a boycott before Tim runs out of Fortnite money; that is to say, the store has a surprisingly high chance of taking at least some of Valve's pie. Probably not a majority - I doubt Fortnite money will last a decade, and that's how much time you'd need to get a generation of gamers who has not sunk hundreds/thousands of dollars into Steam.
>> No. 13422 [Edit]
I'm very concerned by what they'd consider crappy games.
>> No. 13423 [Edit]
GOG, another store which tries to be curated, has famously rejected Opus Magnum from Zachtronics before being pressured into allowing it after all. Might give some perspective.
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