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File 152889169013.jpg - (2.90MB , 3670x680 , tmp_3624-15288257760772031137425.jpg )
13251 No. 13251 [Edit]
>Mario, Sonic, Mega Man, Pacman, Ryu, Cloud and Solid Snake are all in the same game
This might be the greatest vidya crossver of all time.
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>> No. 13253 [Edit]
Still no Banjo yet huh?
>> No. 13254 [Edit]
Owned by Microsoft, iirc. Will never happen.
>> No. 13255 [Edit]
Isn't this almost the same line up as the last entry?
>> No. 13257 [Edit]
Considering the goal was to include all the previously-featured characters, yes.
>> No. 13294 [Edit]
File 15364661255.jpg - (73.85KB , 590x682 , 20180909.jpg )
Wasn't Heihachi in smash before?
>> No. 13295 [Edit]
he was in playstation all stars. easy mistake to make
>> No. 13296 [Edit]
>This might be the greatest vidya crossver of all time.

Crossover games are generally crappy all around, most of them are nothing more than a low-effort cash-in on the franchises the characters are drawn from.

Still, there aren't many other competitors for that sort of fighting game market, and Slap City is still quite rough around the edges.

You're thinking of soul caliber.
>> No. 13297 [Edit]
It will never top Mugen.
>> No. 13315 [Edit]
File 154120167659.jpg - (84.89KB , 1024x335 , Kulk.jpg )
Sure you KEN
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