>Mario, Sonic, Mega Man, Pacman, Ryu, Cloud and Solid Snake are all in the same game This might be the greatest vidya crossver of all time.
Still no Banjo yet huh?
>>13253 Owned by Microsoft, iirc. Will never happen.
Isn't this almost the same line up as the last entry?
>>13255 Considering the goal was to include all the previously-featured characters, yes.
Wasn't Heihachi in smash before?
>>13294 he was in playstation all stars. easy mistake to make
>This might be the greatest vidya crossver of all time. Crossover games are generally crappy all around, most of them are nothing more than a low-effort cash-in on the franchises the characters are drawn from. Still, there aren't many other competitors for that sort of fighting game market, and Slap City is still quite rough around the edges. >>13294 You're thinking of soul caliber.
It will never top Mugen.
>>13297 Sure you KEN
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