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File 152392334349.jpg - (105.53KB , 1024x768 , XP-tan_full_63585.jpg )
13201 No. 13201 [Edit]
So, just finished my new setup for playing old games, running 32-bit XP SP3 (since neither seihou nor touhou would run adequately on windows 10).

What are some nice, possibly obscure japanese games (better if they're in English for obvious reasons) to play? I specially have a thing for fun to read VNs.
>> No. 13219 [Edit]
I'd recommend Yu-No.

It's an Elf game made in the mid-90's. You should be able to find a download pretty easily. Elf made great eroge back in the day.

Without spoiling too much; You take the role a horndog high-schooler who gets pulled into an intrigue involving your archaeologist father, time travel, and a murderer. Two of the developers died at the same age so perhaps there's a curse.

It's highly in-depth considering the period it was made in and the sex scenes are pretty nice. It's half point-and-click adventure, half-erotic VN. As such, it demands more engagement than a typical VN, you interact with the typical narrative tools found in VNs, namely the branching paths of the story, in a direct way.
>> No. 13240 [Edit]
Nice, I'm gonna dl it thank you!
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