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File 152179429070.jpg - (604.88KB , 720x1280 , photo_2018-03-23_01-25-43.jpg )
13182 No. 13182 [Edit]
Come across any noticeable bugs or glitches lately?

This here is sonic racing for 3DS. The course is supposed to change during the race, but here the path became completely walled off making it impossible for me or the ai to finish the race.
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>> No. 13184 [Edit]
I forgot that they also released that game on the 3DS.

Anyway, the last one I remember was in Xenoverse 2 where I was doing one of the Expert Missions with a random. I was pretty much forced into a section where I had to fight a miniboss, however, the miniboss didn't spawn and I couldn't get out unless my teammate broke the crystal that contained the area I was in. I had to spend the next 5 minutes waiting for the mission to fail because my teammate couldn't or didn't know what to do while I was trapped in another area with some of the AI teammates the game gives you for EMs.

I'm not sure if this was caused by lag or something, but it was pretty awful since I could've beat the mission pretty easily on my own.
>> No. 13208 [Edit]
It's not a bug, it's a feature!
>> No. 13245 [Edit]
File 152851087910.jpg - (254.02KB , 1778x1000 , 20180617.jpg )
Got a ultra interaction that froze SF4. Had to re-bbot.
>> No. 13681 [Edit]
File 157328048394.jpg - (49.48KB , 314x385 , B9T.jpg )
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Contains documentation of pre-2000 fighting games, mainly Capcom.
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