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File 151426142985.jpg - (71.03KB , 850x908 , K9q8rVG.jpg )
12807 No. 12807 [Edit]

20. Cuphead
Studio MDHR, Xbox One/Windows

19. Statik: Institute of Retention
Tarsier Studios, PSVR

18. RiME
Tequila Works, PC/PS4/Xbox One/Switch

17. Night in the Woods
Infinite Fall/Finja, Windows/Mac/Linux/PS4/Xbox One/iOS/Android

16. Destiny 2
Bungie / Activision, PS4/XB1/PC

15. Nioh
Team Ninja, PS4/Windows

14. Pyre
Supergiant Games, Windows/PS4

13. Fidel
Daniel Benmergui, Windows/Mac

12. What Remains of Edith Finch
Giant Sparrow/Annapurna Interactive, PS4/Windows

11. Heat Signature
Suspicious Developments, Windows

10. Sonic Mania
Christian Whitehead/Sega, PS4/Xbox One/Switch/Windows

9. Persona 5
Atlus, PS3/PS4

8. Resident Evil 7
Capcom, Windows/PS4/XB1

7. Yakuza 0
Sega, PS3/PS4

6. Player Unknown's Battlegrounds
PUBG Corp, Windows/Xbox One

5. Divinity: Original Sin 2
Larian Studios, Windows

4. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Nintendo, Switch

3. NieR: Automata
Platinum Games/Square Enix, PS4/Windows

2. Horizon: Zero Dawn
Guerrilla Games / Sony, PS4

1. Super Mario Odyssey
Nintendo, Switch
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>> No. 12808 [Edit]
is that a nier automata anime
>> No. 12809 [Edit]
File 151430746635.jpg - (288.88KB , 1280x720 , A2 message.jpg )
- BotW
- N:A

The rest is inconsequential.
>> No. 12810 [Edit]
RiME was good, but can't hold a candle to, say, Ico.
>> No. 12811 [Edit]
>night in the woods
stopped reading there
i feel sorry for you
>> No. 12817 [Edit]
Star Wars BattleFront 2 by EA & COD:WW2 are the worst.... before even considering loot-boxes.
>> No. 12834 [Edit]
I loved Automata so much, I tried talking about it a lot after finishing the main story but every active community about Automata seems to be tards who just want to meme about le 2butt and wacky yoko xddd and haven't any interest in its world and story. Saddens me so much.
I just want to talk about videogames, why this curse?
>> No. 12835 [Edit]
You just need to learn how to ignore the shit. There were some nice discussions on /v/.
I'm not a huge fan of his games though.
>> No. 12978 [Edit]
File 151642492282.jpg - (33.84KB , 523x400 , 20180115.jpg )
Nope. Just fan art.
>> No. 13313 [Edit]
File 154069713745.jpg - (135.04KB , 850x1361 , 20181028.jpg )
No but she is in Soul Calibur 6.
>> No. 13329 [Edit]
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JEANNE from World Heroes guest-stars in SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy.
>> No. 13345 [Edit]
File 154651360379.jpg - (156.65KB , 850x1422 , 20190106.jpg )
2018 was the year for 18..
>> No. 13469 [Edit]
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2018 felt like so long ago...
>> No. 13470 [Edit]
Not really.
>> No. 13489 [Edit]
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This is relaxing and nostalgic.
>> No. 13603 [Edit]
File 156560903773.jpg - (378.29KB , 850x1266 , 3GUPPIEES.jpg )
Playing Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.
Man, my reflexes suck.
>> No. 14146 [Edit]
She's everywhere these days
>> No. 14162 [Edit]
File 161204841647.jpg - (103.00KB , 678x594 , 20210131.jpg )
Legally free fighting games;
>> No. 14163 [Edit]
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Nioh 2 was fun & a good sequel gameplay-wise.
>> No. 14242 [Edit]
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2017 was a good year
>> No. 14243 [Edit]
Funny how things just keep getting worse and worse, so people take a step forward as a good sign, even after taking 20 steps back.
>> No. 14250 [Edit]
All this tells me is that either people are making poorer choices with their money, or people have more money to blow on stupid shit. Hell, it's probably not an exclusive-or situation.
>> No. 14875 [Edit]
File 170400712714.jpg - (35.27KB , 545x276 , 20240101.jpg )
2023 picks ~
Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon
Baldur's Gate 3
Blasphemous II
Spider-Man 2
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
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