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File 150813138034.png - (83.50KB , 500x400 , 0209cdbbd8be15c331cd3251b76af7bdca016093.png )
12646 No. 12646 [Edit]
What game(s) do you want to experience for the first time again?
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>> No. 12647 [Edit]
Eroge. That was the first time I saw hentai. It was quite the shock

It would also be nice to go back in time and play Need For Speed 3 with friends in split screen. It was around 2000 I think
>> No. 12648 [Edit]
I don't really. There are several games I could play with my eyes closed I know them so well and I can't really enjoy them any more but I don't see this as a bad thing since it means I enjoyed them enough to ruin them for myself.
>> No. 12649 [Edit]
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I think crackdown would probably be one of the only games I would actually enjoy if I were to play it for the first time again since most of the other games that would I might want to play for the first time again. There are story driven games that I might want to play again but though that is really only because those types of games you play once and then can't play them again since you know what happens and it just feels a waste of time or at least that is what happens for me.
>> No. 12650 [Edit]
>There are story driven games that I might want to play again but though that is really only because those types of games you play once and then can't play them again since you know what happens
The biggest exception to this rule is MGS2. I didn't understand what was going on until my third play through.
>> No. 12651 [Edit]
I think the plot of the Metal Gear franchise is a bit of an exception to this whole story driven game genre considering how they didn't even release the games in order and how many times the plot contradicts itself but to be able to know what is going on you just have to say "that makes sense" and accept it.
>> No. 12652 [Edit]
>they didn't even release the games in order and how many times the plot contradicts itself but to be able to know what is going on you just have to say "that makes sense" and accept it.
I get the impression you probably think that is a negative thing. I love it personally.
>> No. 12654 [Edit]
Pokemon. Playing the series is completely different if you don't know type match ups (much less what type the Pokemon you're facing is). It's also different because you don't know which Pokes to catch, where to catch them and when to catch them. And you wouldn't understand why your level 100 Growlithe won't evolve.
>> No. 12655 [Edit]
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I don't think it is a negative thing, I think it was a fantastic way to give plot twists and surprise the audience but I am just saying Metal Gear is not like most story driven games in which you can just play through it and everything is presented to you and explained, it requires an actual effort to understand it which many games have started to lack due to them not wanting the majority of their userbase to leave for a game being "too hard" for them to complete.
>> No. 12658 [Edit]
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The plot only contradicts itself when Kojima tries to erase MGS2 from Metal Gear history, which is every-time MGS2 needs to be brought up.
>> No. 12659 [Edit]
MGS2 is my favourite game. I wish he kept playing it weird even if it alienated some people. The third one was supposed to feature permadeath and restarting the game if you died. I also hate that the ending of 4 was changed because of bad first response to it.
>> No. 12662 [Edit]
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Me too man.
But I don't think Kojima himself cared much for it, seeing as he personally tries to forget it exists (Ground Zeroes Deja Vu mission, the MGS2 logo is hidden behind a sign you have to physically destroy to see, then Miller says 'Snake's polygons' instead of Raiden's even though Raiden is the main character).
You see, people forget (because nobody ever reads the credits) that MGS1, 2 and 3 had another writer by the name of Tomokazu Fukushima, and he is solely credited as the 'Codec Script' writer. All other Metal Gear games do not feature him as a writer.

You may or may not have noticed it, but MGS1, 2 and 3 had a specific kind of anti-Americanism, it wasn't a direct attack but a sort of acknowledging that 'might makes right' (America being the mightiest) even if that 'right' isn't what is good.
When Fukushima leaves Konami (after MGS3), the theme disappears.

But yeah, that's business. Can't help that most people are intolerant of philosophy.
>> No. 12706 [Edit]
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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Super Mario Galaxy.
Both games had an emotional impact on me, Ocarina gave me a sense of wonder and adventure. I was mesmerized when I first stepped out to Hyrule Field because before that I played Wind Waker. In that game I saw a place I wanted to see more of outside of the castle area but I couldn't explore it until I played Ocarina of Time and I stepped out into a vast area I just wanted to see and know more of. It gave me a sense of wonder and adventure so few games ever give me.

Super Mario Galaxy was another one, it also gave me a sense of wonder to see so much creativity go into a portrayal of space like what I saw. There was also another character who I admired for years and have a lot of respect for, which is probably why some people thought she was my waifu.

Both games rest in my collection and my memories as very well-loved favorites.
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