No. 12645
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I don't know if it's because I played it right after Vegas 1, thus still having it fresh in my memory, but Vegas 2 went in the wrong direction, I felt.
Being able to control a female Operator in a tank-top is neato, but the game-play itself took a more arcade turn.
The AI seemed to get stuck more often and moved slower (because they cover each other, even though it was useless for me). The areas you go to seemed to be made as 'interesting' as possible as opposed to as authentic as possible (malls, convention areas, Caribbean holidy homes etc). The enemies too often spawned-in as opposed to just being there like they should be if they were terrorists holding ground. Then there was that utterly boring bit you go solo and it seemed to want to be Splinter Cell. And then there was a freaking Boss Battle with a fucking helicopter!
And maybe it was just because it had a longer campaigne, but it seemed there were less civilian hostages to save than Vegas 1.
Over-all, it is either less tacticool or more forgiving of guns blazing. I like arcade-ish games, but Vegas 2 was neither here nor there.