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11700 No. 11700 [Edit]
Who else here prefers old video games over new?

I know people are probably sick of hearing this but I just have such incredible nostalgia for the games of the late 90s and early 2000s. It felt like every major release was something I was excited about, and they were games that other people were excited about too - Majora's Mask, Final Fantasy X, Metroid Prime, etc. Now every headline-grabbing game is yet another generic open world RPG and/or FPS, and I just don't feel like keeping up with the mainstream gaming community at all. I played 2 hours of Skyrim and it bored me to tears. Fallout 4 is such a normie thing, it's disgusting. I basically only play Nintendo games and other japanese games now.

I'm pretty excited about The Last Guardian and Shenmue 3 though, and other people are excited about those too. Gives me some hope.
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>> No. 11702 [Edit]
What happened to all the fun games on the PS Vita?
>> No. 11703 [Edit]
In OPs defense it doesn't work too well when you want to change the image.
>> No. 11705 [Edit]
I'm rather fond of ps2 era games myself. It might just be the nostalgia talking but I felt it was the perfect time for games.
It was at a time when videogames could have good production values because budgets were still tame compared to games today. There was lots of room for experimentation and trying new interesting things which you can't get away with on today's games that cost millions to make.

visually speaking technology was at a point where games looked pretty decent in 3d compared to the ugly mincraft style shit often seen in the previous gen. Hell, a little known fact is if you have the right cables you can play some ps2 games natively in 1080p.

The gen after that admittedly blew me away with some very impressive graphics for the time, but I found a lot of the games were really lacking in substance. This gen I didn't even feel like bothering with as diminishing returns seems to be really hitting hard. Games don't look much better than before and big releases seem few and far between. Then you have endless squeals, remakes, HD releases, and clones of other games. That last one being my issue with the current state of indie games which for the most part try to rip each other off at every turn. Every time I check out steam it's always a sea of letsplay simulators and mineclones. Thank Haruhi for emulators.
>> No. 11707 [Edit]

I do as well but it's not really nostalgia in my case. My family was poor so I couldn't really afford to play (m)any games in my childhood. I can now though and in my opinion the overwhelming majority of modern games are simply garbage and I just gravitate towards older stuff.
>International video game revenue is estimated to be $81.5B in 2014. This is more than double the revenue of the international film industry in 2013.
When video gaming grew into a massive multi billion industry it dug its own grave. Now the games cost increasingly more to produce and as such they have to sell more copies to turn in a profit. And the easiest way to sell more is to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
>> No. 11708 [Edit]
I don't really care how old a game is.
Quite a few of my favorite series have gotten worse over the years but some stayed true to themselves and I really like those new games, so I would lie if I claimed to prefer old video games over new ones.
>> No. 11740 [Edit]
I get depressed over nostalgia personally, not that I don't play older games but I do feel a ping of sadness about memories.

Is it better to have loved and lost than to never loved at all? Kind of thing I guess, apart from the 'love' is meaningless and not character building.
>> No. 11741 [Edit]
Yeah, no doubt fam. I have an Xbox One and I haven't even bothered with Halo 5 yet, I'm sure its gonna suck.

I listen to a lot of podcasts where people talk about old games but I don't usually go back and play them myself. I mostly play roguelike games these days.
>> No. 11742 [Edit]
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There's always good new games coming out, usually indie or AA titles (AAA games don't take the risk of doing something new or interesting the majority of the time), but I generally don't pick many up because I keep playing older ones instead. For example, I have no reason to switch to a modern fighting game when I can play a bunch of older ones on fightcade for free.

I have a fondness of the old art as well. Older PC-98 art, for example, is amazing and still holds up (not suggesting they should go back to it but it stratches an itch modern art doesn't do for me) but in terms of things with older 3D - I still love it more than all the shiny and realistic stuff they can make now. It's impressive what they can do now but, maybe I'm just nostalgic, I prefer seeing what they did on older titles.

The PS2 is one of my favourites as well. I keep discovering new games for it every time I look. Same with the PSP, though that's not really old yet.
>> No. 11748 [Edit]
I don't, in fact I started to get into videogames since they started to look decent.

for examply, i tried hard to like counter strike, but it just looks so shitty...
>> No. 11749 [Edit]
>they started to look decent
Do you mean graphically?
>> No. 11796 [Edit]
I've genuinely lost interest in video games. I just use them as a way to re-experience old childhood memories if I do play them at all.

I think the last game I truly immersed myself into was Deus Ex: HR which I decided to give a go this year. Unforunately, I started to get bored of it by Chinatown and then my PSU died. Due to the necessity of wiping my HDD, I lost all my progress and I haven't seriously played a game since then.

It's so sad. I bought so many games on Steam, hoping that one day, I'd have an awesome PC to play them off of. Now I have that PC and you know what? I had more fun building it then I did on any of these games.
>> No. 11825 [Edit]
File 145275096965.jpg - (298.31KB , 746x1000 , a20160116.jpg )
There is no Diablo3.
Only Diablo & DiabloII.
>> No. 11832 [Edit]
Diablo II is casual garbage.
>> No. 11835 [Edit]
If DiabloII is casual trash, then D3 is colorful plastic junk at the bottom of the waste bin.
>> No. 11853 [Edit]
I'm in the same boat.
How old is too old?
No old is too old, i say.
The games are still brand new.
But we become old.
Don't let your minds rot away.
>> No. 11881 [Edit]
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I still like playing Megaman.
>> No. 11884 [Edit]
I like both new and older but som genres were definitely better before like RPGs and FPS. I'll take Baldurs Gate over anything by modern Bioware.
>> No. 11897 [Edit]
Tales of Symphonia is out on steam but i've heard negative reviews on the porting team.
The gameplay mechanics seem untouched but some texts were blatantly ripped or altered.
Since i don't use steam i can't say for sure how much is altered/missing from the GC/PS2 version, just bringing some news.
>> No. 11904 [Edit]
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Gaming has changed.
>> No. 11924 [Edit]
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Darkest Dungeon ~ rogue-like game even with Sanity checks for extra-difficulty but nice graphics UI. Best of classic & new!
>> No. 11946 [Edit]
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StarCraft lore & gameplay were better than anything in SC2.
Only the cinematics & graphics are better in SC2.
>> No. 13088 [Edit]
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Can't improve on perfection that is SSFIIX
>> No. 13130 [Edit]
I think the problem is that most game companies want to stick to what's safe and profitable. This results in a lot of games seeming homogeneous. That appears to be the main issue with video games these days. Very few games are a labor of love or care about breaking new ground.

I can't think of a recent game that I've been really excited about playing. DW9 (1 star on Steam btw) comes close, because they are trying something new with the series and that's got my interest. I have no money though so I can't play it atm.

Oh, and Re Fantasy, by Studio Zero. I believe they made the Persona games. I thought p5 was overrated as hell, but it's still a good game. They're going to do more of a fantasy environment, I'm hoping it'll feel like Nier or be more like what FFXV was tagged as ("a fantasy based on reality" =/= GTA-style open world navigation and sick cars; that game was shit).

I have a huge backlog of games because I've been occupying my time with other stuff. Out of the newer stuff, I've been slowly working my way through MGS5 (which wasn't put out that recently actually), which is pretty decent.

Speaking of Elf games, I've been playing YU-NO and that game is 10/10. It has a level of depth in regards to interacting with the narrative structure that not a single VN has managed to capture in the ~20 years since it was released. The story is intriguing but nothing special, and it gets very repetitive but the system put in place is surprisingly deep for a game made in 1996 that came on a floppy disk.
>> No. 13131 [Edit]
>I think the problem is that most game companies want to stick to what's safe and profitable. This results in a lot of games seeming homogeneous. That appears to be the main issue with video games these days. Very few games are a labor of love or care about breaking new ground.
Indeed. This is a result of the industry going more mainstream and pushing for bigger and better looking flashy games. The more graphically impressive the games are, the bigger the development time and budgets need to be. The bigger the budget is, the more money the company risks to loose and will need to make up in sales. To them the best way to cut down the risk and make the profit they need, is to play it safe by making games based around what's been proven to be popular and sell well. Breaking new ground on the other hand is scary to them and not worth the risk. Even though new and interesting games are what many gamers desperately crave and have the potential for massive popularity.

I feel like each console should have twice as much life to it as they do now. As it stands, a new gen of systems come out just around the time devs are starting to figure out how to make the most of the current system. I would have much preferred to see a few more years of devs pushing previous gen systems to their limits, rather than start from scratch as soon as they've got it down. Back in the days of previous gens, budgets ran lower with creativity running high. This is why the ps2 will always be my favorite console. It was the high point of gaming in my opinion. The hardware allowed devs to make good looking games if they wanted to (many still decent by today's standards) but it was still very accessible to smaller devs who could make creative and innovative games with many laying the ground work for modern games. When the Seventh generation came around we started seeing a lot of games which looked pretty much had little content behind them. It was clear where all the time and work from the devs was focused. Smaller devs started to die out as big ones put out increasingly generic games. While not a huge fan of the wii myself, it took off like a rocket in spite of being extremely underpowered. Those hardware limitations allowed for lower budgets and more creativity, not to mention lowering the bar for smaller devs as well.
These days you've got steam which gets rid of the bar, giving a platform to small/indie devs and letting companies take as much or as little risk as they want. But the big devs are still trying to outshine each other with the best graphics while making zero risk games unfortunately. The entry bar is gone, but all they care about is hitting the graphical ceiling and they're the ones getting almost all the attention. Even indie devs have succumb to the risk free game making problem, by copying each other endlessly. The amount of Minecraft and Teraria clones alone is mind boggling.
>> No. 13169 [Edit]
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Videogames are now too "safe". No one wants to try something new because it might fail.
>> No. 13170 [Edit]
Look at the shitty sequels being funded on Patreon compared to the incredible looking games that don't get funded. Big developers take far bigger risks than the player community ever would.
>> No. 13171 [Edit]
>incredible looking games
Would you mind giving me a couple titles of those incredible looking games not getting funded? I'm curious.
>> No. 13172 [Edit]
This was the one I was most interested in since I'm a huge fan of the developer
>> No. 13271 [Edit]
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Games should have gameplay. The "interactive movie" themed games are the antithesis of what I want from a game.

>> No. 13281 [Edit]
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>Perfect Grand Master Challenge GUILE

>ShoryuBarbie's Ultimate Grand Master Challenge X - Combo Video
>> No. 13440 [Edit]
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>NKI Vol 12
>> No. 13441 [Edit]
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Guile vs Dictator super match
>> No. 13443 [Edit]
My family didn't have much growing up so they couldn't always buy me the latest game consoles and such. So I ended up playing a lot of Nes and Sega Genesis games through emulators and that's what I grew up on. One of my favorite games on all time is Nightshade. It had an open world to interact with and was very innovative for it's time.
>> No. 13445 [Edit]
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Beware the CLAW
>> No. 13446 [Edit]
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>> No. 13447 [Edit]
You are right games do not age they stay the same just people growing older and changing technology gives us the perception that they are old when it’s really the human that is aging.
>> No. 13454 [Edit]
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T.Hawk's vortex

*Bonus* KojiKOG
>> No. 13458 [Edit]
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N.Vega and O.Sagat are soft-banned in JP tournaments of SSFIIX
>> No. 13460 [Edit]
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Super Turbo Tutorials- Hosted by Sergjiev and eltrouble
>> No. 13474 [Edit]
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I remember playing Ms Pacman on the arcade machin at the local corner shop.
>> No. 13518 [Edit]
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SSF2X:The Grandmaster Challenge
>> No. 13552 [Edit]
I prefer newer games over older games with a few exceptions.
In my opinion most old games are only better because you played them earlier with less experience. If you play part 5 of a series it's not as fresh as part 1.
Old games often have a lot of problems like awful controls or annoying mechanics.

Squeals often have their own problems because thy try to be interesting for new and old players.
>> No. 13557 [Edit]
File 15611767456.jpg - (169.39KB , 902x1200 , Dc3190a42adc7e7fed7489bf402c565d6.jpg )
Street Fighter 5 dumb down a lot of Street Fighter mechanics rather than do a good tutorial....
It's perplexing that the best intro into fighting games 101 is one done by a fan:
>> No. 13558 [Edit]
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For iterative game series, such as meltyblood, what you say is true.
Every sucessive game adds a lot more things and fixes problems with the previous games, and adds a lot more overall polish and makes for a more enjoyable fighter.

But when I think of new vs old, I'm comparing Xenogears to Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
Same type of game, same genre, but very different games for very different eras.... and all I see is a gigantic leap backwards when it comes to the overall experience of enjoying the story and combat systems.
>> No. 13559 [Edit]
I generally agree with your sentiment, but the filters on that screenshot look bad.
>> No. 13594 [Edit]
File 156508765854.jpg - (89.50KB , 850x765 , Kkk.jpg )
I still play Tekken Tag Two
>> No. 13617 [Edit]
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When's DIABLO4?
>> No. 13641 [Edit]
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>> No. 13705 [Edit]
It works
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