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File 142489375442.jpg - (260.16KB , 1600x899 , ultimate attack.jpg )
11400 No. 11400 [Edit]
This is a thread for giving out games you don't want. Be it keys or hard copies that could be mailed.

Please try not to be greedy and if you can pass along the favor.
Expand all images
>> No. 11401 [Edit]
Just to start things off, I got Hitman GO but don't have an android device so if anyone wants it (not sure if I'm linking this right)
>> No. 11402 [Edit]
That's a good idea.

There's a couple of stinkers in the Square Enix humble bundle that I don't want in my steam library - Startopia and Kane&Lynch Collection. Here's gift links (Steam keys) for anyone who's interested:
Startopia -
Kane&Lynch -

I don't personally care for thank you posts, but it's probably a good idea to reply if you've claimed something. That way, others will know what to ignore.
>> No. 11403 [Edit]
Thanks for Kane & Lynch Collection!
>> No. 11415 [Edit]
Okay, looks like the keys are gone. Thanks for taking the time to grab them.
>> No. 11423 [Edit]
I don't use Steam but long story short I've got £6.99 in my Steam wallet that I want to get rid of (since I can't have it back). I've been trying to find an artist who will take a steam key as commission payment but nobody wants to do that.

So either if anybody can draw, would you be willing to accept a game (your choice - £6.99 isn't the max) as a commission fee or I'll just buy something for somebody here to give away?
>> No. 12235 [Edit]
It's not exactly a game and I'm not particularly fond of necromancy but I got the blessing of some higher ups so here goes.
I've got a playasia coupon, 5$ off from orders of 60$ or more (excludes Weekly Special and Season Sales). Pretty restrictive and it's a small discount but hey, maybe it'll be of some use to someone.

The code is
It expires on 23rd of November, 2016.

Have a nice day.
>> No. 12236 [Edit]
File 147517284393.jpg - (107.26KB , 1600x900 , 130928521242000.jpg )
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack

Devil Daggers

Runestone Keeper

Rayman Origins (need to be redeemed on Uplay)

Have fun!
>> No. 12237 [Edit]
File 147518291860.gif - (558.30KB , 500x281 , thumbs_up.gif )
Thanks anon. I took Devil Daggers and Runestone Keeper. I would have taken Rayman too but when I opened Uplay I got inexplicably anxious and I also thought that would have been to greedy.
>> No. 12280 [Edit]
Dirt 3 is free! But not for long, only one day left
>> No. 12285 [Edit]
File 148097036795.jpg - (110.89KB , 854x439 , screen.jpg )
Train Simulator 2016

RollerCoaster Tycoon: Deluxe

Out of the Park Baseball 17

Second Out of the Park Baseball 17 key

Have fun!
>> No. 12293 [Edit]
File 148122224284.gif - (51.15KB , 500x393 , train.gif )
Thanks anon! Got greedy and claimed both RC and Train Simulator(sorry).

Very nice games for autism.
>> No. 12295 [Edit]
File 14815061836.jpg - (144.18KB , 450x600 , 1410876899932.jpg )
i'm feeling generous because train simulator is very relaxing.

here, more keys of the same humble bundle!

Train Simulator 2016

RollerCoaster Tycoon: Deluxe

Out of the Park Baseball 17

one day i will find a job and i will give you guys free games monthly!
>> No. 12296 [Edit]
Thanks very much anonymous.
>> No. 12298 [Edit]
Very belated thanks. I did get it after seeing your post.
Thanks anon, I got one of the Roller Coaster Tycoon keys.
>> No. 12305 [Edit]

grid for free!
>> No. 12306 [Edit]
Thanks a ton bro! good lookin out!
>> No. 12307 [Edit]
File 148253800858.jpg - (15.93KB , 240x152 , header_586x192.jpg )
If anyone wants the Carpe Fulgur Collection (Recettear, Fortune Summoners, Chantelise) or Serious Sam 2, give me your mail and i can send it to you!
Merry Christmas!

Post edited on 23rd Dec 2016, 4:07pm
>> No. 12308 [Edit]
Dang, I just bought the Carpe Fulgur Collection last night. Oh well.
>> No. 12320 [Edit]
Dirt showdown for free!
>> No. 12372 [Edit]
File 149215108270.png - (83.92KB , 169x240 , cover.png )
Galactic Civilizations I: Ultimate Edition

Free on Steam through Humble Bundle. You can find the claiming field after the $15-tier option (or just click on the link's header once it opens).
>> No. 12378 [Edit]
File 149272679735.jpg - (46.11KB , 256x320 , cover.jpg )
Saints Row 2

Free on Steam for a limited time. Just click on "Install Game" to acquire the game license. You can check if the license correctly registered through the following menu:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations.
>> No. 12379 [Edit]
Nice, thanks!
>> No. 12390 [Edit]
File 149454426625.jpg - (48.65KB , 300x330 , Dungeons_2_cover.jpg )
Dungeons 2

It'll remain free for another ~43 hours. To get it, click "Add to Cart", then click on the cart itself a couple hundred pixels above; at the checkout, press "Get it for free!", then it will say the key has been sent to your mail (or if you have a HB account, just go to your keys). It says "Note: You must redeem your free Dungeons 2 key by 10AM Pacific on Saturday, May 27th, 2017", so be careful not to just claim and forget.
>> No. 12400 [Edit]
File 149557031978.jpg - (753.17KB , 700x1000 , Boxart.jpg )
Starpoint Gemini 2

Free on Steam for a little more than 20 hours (ends on May 24th at 10AM Pacific Time). Just click on "Install Game" to acquire the game license. You can check if the license correctly registered through the following menu:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations.
>> No. 12401 [Edit]
Starpoint Gemini 2: Origins

I just noticed one of the DLC is free too, but I don't know if it's always free or just part of the previous promotion; better safe than sorry though. Same principle: Just click on "download" and check your licenses too see if it registered correctly.
>> No. 12402 [Edit]
got them, thanks
>> No. 12403 [Edit]
Thanks. They seem alright from what I've looked at. One review said it was a bit like a sci-fi mount and blade. If that's even half true, then I'll be a happy man. If not, then I've not lost any money, and can just go back to X3 for my space sim fix.

Endless Sky is also a free and low-tech game with a similar premise. It's simple compared to something like X3, but it's really fun regardless and has a really interesting atmosphere despite being quite generic. I recommend reading all the text describing spaceport surroundings and so on as it adds a lot to the game, especially when you start making runs from the paradise worlds to the southern sectors where you see a gradual shift from Coruscant style spaceports to something that is not unlike the atmosphere of Firefly. It's also really easy to mod apparently, though I haven't done it.

No time limit here either, it's a freebie at all times, just thought I'd drop it in case others didn't know of it.
>> No. 12411 [Edit]
I tried collecting badges/cards recently on steam for a few games and acquired a couple coupons on games I have no interest in.
90% OFF for VCB: Why City
50% OFF Chaos on Deponia
90% OFF Outrunner
If anyone wants em hit me up on steam ( ) they expire in a few days and I think they have to be traded out, can't just give a code I believe.
>(Valid until 6/13/2017, 2:00:00 PM)
>> No. 12412 [Edit]
File 149684531614.jpg - (104.99KB , 482x698 , Outland-Cover.jpg )

Free on Steam for a little more than 26 hours (ends on June 8th 10AM Pacific Time). Just click on "Install Game" to acquire the game license. You can check if the license correctly registered through the following menu:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations.
>> No. 12413 [Edit]
Links for the interested.
>90% OFF for VCB: Why City - The_Ballad_Of_Drunk_Khovansky/
>50% OFF Chaos on Deponia -
>90% OFF Outrunner -
>> No. 12414 [Edit]
If it were Deponia, I'd recommend it heartily to any anon to take Tohno up on his offer there, but in my opinion the quality of the series dropped extremely quickly after the first game. I only managed to finish the last one, I think it's Goodbye Deponia or something, because I wanted to see the end of the story. I was sorely disappointed. Didn't touch the one that came out last? year.

The first game is cool as shit though. Lots of fun with that one, even if it was on the short side.
>> No. 12417 [Edit]
File 149703918596.jpg - (1.14MB , 1000x1239 , PAYDAY_2_Cover.jpg )
Payday 2

It apparently became free in anticipation or celebration of its "Ultimate Edition"; nevertheless, based on one of the steam blog posts ("Giving away 5 million copies for a limited time only"), it might not be a permanent deal. Either way, just click on "Install Game" to acquire the game license. You can check if the license correctly registered through the following menu:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations.
>> No. 12418 [Edit]
Awesome, thanks for the heads up!
>> No. 12466 [Edit]
File 149816314257.jpg - (281.36KB , 392x500 , cover.jpg )
Killing Floor

Free through Humble Bundle for another 44 hours. To get it you can opt to log into an account if you have it or just add a mail to be sent the code to. Click "Add to Cart", then "Checkout" and then "Get it for free!". Remember code redemption has a time frame, so don't take too long to add it to your Steam or gift it, or the freebie will expire.
>> No. 12467 [Edit]
Shame I already got a copy, but that seems like it'd be fun to play with other TC bros.
>> No. 12483 [Edit]
File 150024041167.jpg - (38.71KB , 581x659 , cover.jpg )
Jotun: Valhalla Edition

Free on Steam for a few more hours (until the weekend ends). Just click on "Install Game" to acquire the game license. You can check if the license correctly registered through the following menu:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations.
>> No. 12485 [Edit]
File 150057186446.jpg - (44.63KB , 616x353 , sw s.jpg )
FREE for a limited time!
>> No. 12486 [Edit]
File 150069035358.jpg - (98.32KB , 1028x978 , 1395586048638.jpg )
still has about a day left.

I sear, every time humbe offers something for free, it just isn't quite so....

the last time, they wanted me to sign up for a humble account. Well, the game offered was worth the 5 mins to do that.

This time, they want the humble account linked to your steam account before they give you the free game. Again, not quite an issue, but I see where this might be going, and it doesn't look like a fun, happy place.
>> No. 12487 [Edit]
> they want the humble account linked to your steam account before they give you the free game
Odd, when I got it they gave me a key. I just never used it because I already have the game.
>> No. 12488 [Edit]
Humble bundle gives discounts that are almost incomparably better to what Steam themselves can ever offer. It's a safe site, with good systems and security credentials, and valve-approved. I wouldn't go as far to say it's flawless and you have nothing to worry about, but I deem it more than worth it to link both accounts together.
>> No. 12574 [Edit]
File 15054180385.png - (345.81KB , 616x353 , Psychonauts.png )
Free through Humble Bundle for another 45 hours. Code can be redeemed until September 30th, 2017, 10AM PST. To get it you can opt to log into an account if you have it or just add a mail to be sent the code to. Click "Add to Cart", then "Checkout" and then "Get it for free!".
>> No. 12593 [Edit]
Abes Oddysee is free on GOG for 48 hours.
>> No. 12597 [Edit]
File 15059747296.png - (220.47KB , 390x350 , Oddworld.png )
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - Also on Steam, and Humble Bundle - until 10 am PT on September 21, approx. 10:40 hours left
Log into an account if you have it or just add a mail to be sent the code to. Click "Add to Cart", then "Checkout" and then "Get it for free!". Code redeemable until October 5th, 2017, 10AM PST.
Just click on "Install Game" to acquire the game license. You can check if the license correctly registered through the following menu:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations.
>> No. 12598 [Edit]
File 150597485158.jpg - (27.56KB , 460x215 , Back_to_bed.jpg )
Back to Bed
Free on Steam for another ~10:40 hours (September 21st at 10AM Pacific Time). Just click on "Install Game" to acquire the game license. You can check if the license correctly registered through the following menu:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations.
>> No. 12599 [Edit]
Best thread on TC, prove me wrong.
>> No. 12600 [Edit]
It's just a matter of content. At least for me, in the other boards I feel there is nothing of value for me to submit... but here I can help out other economically challenged users get notified about some free entertainment.
>> No. 12601 [Edit]
File 15060239005.png - (308.85KB , 545x353 , Outlast.png )
Outlast, Deluxe Edition (+ Whistleblower DLC)
Available for another 46 hours as of this post. Code redeemable until October 7th, 2017, 10AM PST. Log into an account if you have it or just add a mail to be sent the code to. Click "Add to Cart", then "Checkout" and then "Get it for free!".
>> No. 12602 [Edit]
I'v had my eye on this for a while. Might be the first game I play when I build a new computer.
>> No. 12603 [Edit]
Same. I had it on my wish list and couldn't believe it was given away for free. It has great reviews and was highly acclaimed.
>> No. 12625 [Edit]
File 150680466662.jpg - (172.98KB , 670x800 , Fallout.jpg )
Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game
Free on Steam for another ~10 hours (September 30th at 11:59PM Pacific Time) in celebration of its 20th anniversary. Just click on "Install Game" to acquire the game license. You can check if the license correctly registered through the following menu:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations.
>> No. 12667 [Edit]
File 15084820443.jpg - (15.89KB , 248x299 , Civ3.jpg )
Sid Meier's Civilization III: Complete
Available for free on the Humble Bundle Store for another 34 hours as of this post. Code redeemable until November 4th, 2017, 10AM PST. Log into an account if you have it, or just add a mail to be sent the code to. Click "Add to Cart", then "Checkout" and then "Get it for free!".

I redeemed one code but I already had it on Steam - B5853-E3T2V-6NT97
>> No. 12723 [Edit]
File 151088227728.jpg - (40.26KB , 256x295 , cover.jpg )
Killer is Dead: Nightmare Edition
Available for free on the Humble Bundle Store for another 34 hours as of this post. Code redeemable until December 2nd, 2017, 10AM PST. Log into an account if you have it, or add an e-mail for the key to be sent to. Click "Add to Cart", then "Checkout" and then "Get it for free!".
>> No. 12724 [Edit]
Thanks for still posting about the free games.
>> No. 12728 [Edit]
I feel it's the least I can do. I wish I could afford leaving some keys every month or so.
>> No. 12741 [Edit]
File 15110902471.jpg - (4.11KB , 256x192 , 20171115.jpg )
SC is F2P now; thanks, Blizzard.

>Excluding the campaigns, all of the game is free. Everyone gets Wings of Liberty, the first campaign, for free.

If you already own WoL, you get Heart of the Swarm. No free upgrades to the Legacy of the Void campaign, though.

All of the custom games, arcade, and multiplayer is free at the Legacy of the Void level. The only two catches are that ranked multiplayer is locked away until you get 10 "First Win of the Day"s and after that, you have it forever, and you can only level like 3 basic Coop Commanders to level 5 or whatever until you buy the commanders.

The only things you ever pay for are the campaigns if you want them and Coop Commander stuff.

Also Starcraft: Remastered version is $15, adds modern resolutions and shit, but if you want just original out of the box Brood War it's free ( )
>> No. 12749 [Edit]
File 151121537812.jpg - (27.24KB , 220x277 , cover.jpg )
Brütal Legend
Available for free on the Humble Bundle Store for another 34 hours as of this post. Code redeemable until December 6th, 2017, 10AM PST. Log into an account if you have it, or add an e-mail for the key to be sent to. Click "Add to Cart", then "Checkout" and then "Get it for free!".
>> No. 12751 [Edit]
File 151155881435.jpg - (352.77KB , 768x768 , cover.jpg )
Sanctum 2
Available for free on the Humble Bundle Store for another 20 HOURS as of this post. Code redeemable until December 9th, 2017, 10AM PST. Log into an account if you have it, or add an e-mail for the key to be sent to. Click "Add to Cart", then "Checkout" and then "Get it for free!".
>> No. 12752 [Edit]
You really are a saint, aren't you?
>> No. 12757 [Edit]
File 151207274126.png - (61.96KB , 230x180 , cover.png )
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
Available for free on the Humble Bundle Store for another 45 HOURS as of this post. Code redeemable until December 16th, 2017, 10AM PST. Log into an account if you have it, or add an e-mail for the key to be sent to. Click "Add to Cart", then "Checkout" and then "Get it for free!".
>> No. 12759 [Edit]
Wow that's awesome! That doesn't even feel that old and I recall wanting to play it. How are they able to give out all these free games?
>> No. 12760 [Edit]
Promotions with the respective publishers or developers. Usually it's always older games, and sometimes that sold poorly, that have current or just-released sequels (in this case XCOM 2), off-shoots or just games from the same company. i.e. It's marketing.

I wanted to play it too but missed its humble bundle pack some time ago.
>> No. 12769 [Edit]
File 151272389231.jpg - (34.40KB , 250x310 , Homefront.jpg )
Homefront is being offered for free on Humble! Better get it quick!
>> No. 12787 [Edit]
File 151329711199.jpg - (63.23KB , 300x404 , cover.jpg )
Company of Heroes 2
Available for free on the Humble Bundle Store for another 41 HOURS as of this post. Code redeemable until December 30th, 2017, 10AM PST. Log into an account if you have it, or add an e-mail for the key to be sent to. Click "Add to Cart", then "Checkout" and then "Get it for free!".
>> No. 12791 [Edit]
File 151362749122.jpg - (79.61KB , 370x440 , hitman.jpg )
HITMAN - Holiday Pack
This one is a bit hard to understand and explain, look at it like some sort of free game demo-and-a-half. The offer is from December 15th to January 5th and you have to install the game using Steam by pressing the green "Play Game" button. This will install the base game, give you some base missions and a few from another DLC, plus the holiday DLC missions and achievements. ONLY after installation (instead of key entry like with Humble Bundle and regular free Steam games), you'll get to keep the game in this weird incomplete state.
>> No. 12793 [Edit]
File 151362858992.png - (174.50KB , 260x325 , layers.png )
Layers of Fear + Soundtrack
Available for free on the Humble Bundle Store for another 45 HOURS as of this post. Code redeemable until January 3rd, 2018, 10AM PST. Log into an account if you have it, or add an e-mail for the key to be sent to. Hover over the "Free" button, click on "Add to Cart", then press "Checkout".

Note: I redeemed a code but I already had the game (but not the soundtrack) so here's the key: 4WLWK-B6XX0-B5VXH
>> No. 12815 [Edit]
Street Fighter x Megaman
>> No. 12972 [Edit]
File 151604689563.jpg - (85.51KB , 241x339 , cover.jpg )
The Red Solstice
Available for free on the Humble Bundle Store for another 46 hours as of this post. Code redeemable until January 31st, 2018, 10AM PST. Log into an account if you have it, or add an e-mail for the key to be sent to. All you need to do is click on "Add to Cart", then press "Checkout".
>> No. 12986 [Edit]
File 151700747782.png - (237.92KB , 410x310 , cover.png )
Amnesia Collection: The Dark Descent + A Machine for Pigs
Available for free on the Humble Bundle Store for another 19 hours as of this post. Code redeemable until February 10th, 2018, 10AM PST. Log into an account if you have it, or add an e-mail for the key to be sent to. All you need to do is click on "Add to Cart", then press "Checkout".
>> No. 13146 [Edit]
File 152057369718.jpg - (61.66KB , 636x378 , amnesia.jpg )
This two-for-one is once again free for a limited time (unknown for how long, but it started today) directly from Steam:
Click on the game banner ("Amnesia -Collection-") and you'll be brought to the store page. Be careful though because the option is slightly confusing, so I attached a screenshot with the encircled correct choice. After "Install Game" it'll notify you that you have added them to the library, so you don't actually need to install them right now. If you're doubtful you did it right, you can check in:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations.
>> No. 13167 [Edit]
File 152106726033.jpg - (49.56KB , 460x215 , header.jpg )
Turbo Pug DX
Available for free for another 43 hours until March 16th at 9AM PST. Just click on "Install Game" to acquire the game license. You can check if the license correctly registered through the following menu:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations.
>> No. 13180 [Edit]
File 152177815991.jpg - (22.11KB , 220x252 , F1-2015.jpg )
Formula 1: F1 2015
Available for free on the Humble Bundle Store for another 37 hours as of this post. Code redeemable until April 7th, 2018 - 10:00 AM PST. Log into an account if you have it, or add an e-mail for the Steam key to be sent to. All you need to do is click on "Add to Cart", then press "Checkout".
>> No. 13181 [Edit]
Took me a moment to realize you censored the faces so you could upload it here.
Honestly makes me wonder if we're not taking the 3D thing a bit too far.

Anyways, thanks as always.
>> No. 13188 [Edit]
File 152210031480.jpg - (10.85KB , 188x268 , cover.jpg )
The Darkness II
Available for free on the Humble Bundle Store for another 44 hours as of this post. Code redeemable until April 11th, 2018 - 10:00 AM PST. Log into an account if you have it, or add an e-mail for the Steam key to be sent to. All you need to do is click on "Add to Cart", then press "Checkout".
I'm ok with the no-3DPD rule, specially when it comes to western media and celebrities, of which F1 drivers would qualify under.
>> No. 13189 [Edit]
File 152237134822.png - (121.15KB , 220x269 , cover.png )
Spec Ops: The Line
Available for free on the Humble Bundle Store for another 40 hours as of this post. Code redeemable until April 14th, 2018 - 10:00 AM PST. Log into an account if you have it, or add an e-mail for the Steam key to be sent to. All you need to do is click on "Add to Cart", then press "Checkout".
>> No. 13192 [Edit]
File 152295181392.jpg - (32.01KB , 220x280 , cover.jpg )
Crusader Kings 2
Available for free on Steam for another 46 hours (Until April 7th, 2018 - 19:00 CEST). Just click on "Install Game" to acquire the game license. You can check if the license correctly registered through the following menu:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations.
>> No. 13204 [Edit]
File 152426345483.jpg - (41.82KB , 310x300 , cover.jpg )
Satellite Reign
Available for free on the Humble Bundle Store for another 18 hours as of this post. Code redeemable until May 5th, 2018 - 10:00 AM PST. Log into an account if you have it, or add an e-mail for the Steam key to be sent to. All you need to do is click on "Add to Cart", then press "Checkout".
>> No. 13205 [Edit]
File 152426376118.jpg - (433.22KB , 711x1000 , cover.jpg )
Eador: Masters of the Broken World
Available for free on Steam for another 47-55 hours (offer until Sunday ends, but no time zone given). Just click on "Install Game" to acquire the game license. You can check if the license correctly registered through the following menu:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations.
>> No. 13217 [Edit]
File 152603281310.png - (440.50KB , 590x420 , cover.png )
The Flame in the Flood
Available for free on the Humble Bundle Store for another 31 hours as of this post. Code redeemable until May 26th, 2018 - 10:00 AM PST. Log into an account if you have it, or add an e-mail for the Steam key to be sent to. All you need to do is click on "Add to Cart", then press "Checkout".
>> No. 13224 [Edit]
File 152660662882.jpg - (68.58KB , 465x360 , cover.jpg )
Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
Available for free on the Humble Bundle store for another 39 hours as of this post. Code redeemable until June 2nd, 2018 - 10:00 AM PST. Log into an account if you have it, or add an e-mail for the Steam key to be sent to. All you need to do is click on "Add to Cart", then press "Checkout".
>> No. 13225 [Edit]
File 152673528211.png - (355.05KB , 557x378 , cover.png )
Prismata - Lite Edition (Only 1/5th of the Campaign)
Available for free on Steam for another 51 hours (until Monday May 21st 10AM PDT). Just click on "Install Game" to acquire the game license. You can check if the license correctly registered through the following menu:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations.
>> No. 13229 [Edit]
Unreal: Gold
Supposed to be free to keep on Steam if you add it in the next ~48 hours, but it's blocked on Germany so can't confirm any of the details (not available in this region).
>> No. 13231 [Edit]
File 152712287011.jpg - (197.64KB , 750x515 , 1412624251609.jpg )

Thank you, and it works. It also includes the mission pack/expansion.

>The Unreal Gold freebie will be up until 10 am PT/1 pm ET on May 24.

It's free on both steam and GOG. Perhaps try GOG and see if it's available there.
>> No. 13233 [Edit]
File 152719158085.jpg - (59.89KB , 410x350 , cover.jpg )
Hacknet - Deluxe
Note: Comes with a 10% Humble Monthly subscription in case anyone uses that.
Available for free on the Humble Bundle store for another 45 hours as of this post. Code redeemable until June 9th, 2018 - 10:00 AM PST. Log into an account if you have it, or add an e-mail for the Steam key to be sent to. All you need to do is click on "Add to Cart", then press "Checkout".
>> No. 13235 [Edit]
File 152719833472.jpg - (33.08KB , 290x245 , thumbsup.jpg )
I'm glad others are benefiting as well.
Now also available free directly on Steam for another ~3 days (offer until 5/27 at 10:00 PST). Just click on "Install Game" to acquire the game license. You can check if the license correctly registered through the following menu:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations.
>> No. 13241 [Edit]
File 152836255564.jpg - (62.44KB , 280x215 , cover.jpg )
Available for free on Steam for another 30 hours (until June 8th, 11AM Pacific). Just click on "Install Game" to acquire the game license. You can check if the license correctly registered through the following menu:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations.
>> No. 13243 [Edit]
File 152836338638.jpg - (45.23KB , 460x215 , header.jpg )
Totally Accurate Battlegrounds
Also free for the next ~70 hours, but it's a bare-bones game (e.g. no trading cards), mostly just for if you're beyond bored or the extra (1) in your game count.
>> No. 13244 [Edit]
Thanks for posting this one. I'm actually into pulp so something inspired by it was right up my alley. It's pretty good too from what I've played. It's definitely geared towards coop though. The lanes are often too varied for one player to effectively cover with the amount of resources you get. Still, I didn't pay anything so it's hard to complain too much.
>> No. 13258 [Edit]
Free again on Steam for another 22 hours until June 15th 8AM Pacific. Unlike last time, though, it doesn't include the DLCs but it's still a very decent game. Just click on "Install Game" to acquire the game license. You can check if the license correctly registered through the following menu:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations.
Have fun; good to know it's best when played with someone else.
>> No. 13259 [Edit]
File 152961420752.jpg - (98.12KB , 490x460 , cover.jpg )
Shadowrun Returns: Deluxe
Available for free on the Humble Bundle store for another 44 hours as of this post. Code redeemable until July 7th, 10AM PST. Log into an account if you have it, or add an e-mail for the Steam key to be sent to. All you need to do is click on "Add to Cart", then press "Checkout".
>> No. 13274 [Edit]
Saw this a little too late: Free again on Steam for another 7 hours (until July 14th at 10AM Pacific). Just click on "Install Game" to acquire the game license. You can check if the license correctly registered through the following menu:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations.
>> No. 13285 [Edit]
File 153427825061.jpg - (70.53KB , 704x478 , Stainless_night_02_[179BA0CD]_mkv_snapshot_05_33_[.jpg )
Decent FPS free forever for a limited time.
>> No. 13289 [Edit]
File 153565262894.jpg - (30.28KB , 220x313 , cover.jpg )
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Available for free on the Humble Bundle store for another 46 hours as of this post. Code redeemable until September 15th, 10AM PDT. Log into an account if you have it, or add an e-mail for the Steam key to be sent to. All you need to do is click on "Get your free game".
>> No. 13303 [Edit]
File 154049762397.jpg - (45.67KB , 460x215 , header.jpg )
Metro 2033 Free for 24 hours
>> No. 13317 [Edit]
File 154157894957.jpg - (86.40KB , 460x215 , header.jpg )
DISTRAINT: Deluxe Edition
Available for free on Steam for limited unknown time (maybe until Nov.13) . Just click on "Install Game" to acquire the game license. You can check if the license correctly registered through the following menu:
>Steam > Settings > Account > View Account Details > View licenses and product key activations
>> No. 13483 [Edit]
File 155815823376.jpg - (57.17KB , 616x353 , 1be0705560c8edf3b749dadf9dd29852a13e91d4.jpg )
Free until may 19th: Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
>> No. 13710 [Edit]

Draw Slasher, free until the 20th.
>> No. 13727 [Edit]
File 157865551078.jpg - (56.61KB , 618x355 , dfghj.jpg )
headsnatchers free on humble
>> No. 13758 [Edit]
File 15852895318.jpg - (40.78KB , 460x215 , header.jpg )

>Free to keep when you get it before Mar 30 @ 10:00am.
>> No. 13759 [Edit]
File 158528973569.png - (768.21KB , 1200x628 , 3fc6a4a55e44e90abed0ca873e1ec7a83f43d139.png )
100% Orange Juice is free until the 30th.
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