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493 No. 493 [Edit]
do you ever worry that certain elements of society misinterpret the enthusiasm we express for 2d girls and think that it somehow means that we value human females in the same way? does drooling over anime cuties empower feminists?
>> No. 494 [Edit]
>does drooling over anime cuties empower feminists?
They might be delusional and insane, but "anime cuties" display a type of female that psychotic feminists hate. Those girls are in good physical shape, they're well liked with good personalities and style, and purity to match.
Feminists tend to be fat whorish entitled nasty bitches. What anime girls represent is 'possible' for women, but it takes a lot of work to stay fit and take care of yourself among other things. Most of them are too far gone anyway to ever be decent people. So instead it's easier to just lash out with bitterness and hate, call anime girls whores and unrealistic standards, and claim the men who like them are pathetic sexist pigs virgin losers ect. If they had it their way they'd ban anime, or make all anime women masculine fat sluts with shaved heads.
>> No. 500 [Edit]
No. Women hate being compared to idealized females, real people are imperfect and ultimately shitty.
This is also why fujoshi almost never have boyfriends, noone can match up to what is designed to be perfectly attractive instead of to function in the real world. Men resent competing with fictional characters, same as women.
The queers seem to be more of a mixed bag, as usual. Some gay men read yaoi or crossdress cosplay, I've seen some lesbians identify with lesbian characters.
2D girls and guys are closer to religious idols than people, they are superior yet incomplete imitations of people, that's why some people adore them and other people mock them.
Whatever happens with this supposed Animegate nonsense, the truth will be buried in insults, attacks, and lies from both sides.
>> No. 530 [Edit]

Yeah this is why feminists nowadays latch to cartoons with animesque elements instead since cartoon females are as ugly, if not more so, than themselves.

SJWs love to see themselves "represented" on fictional media for reasons I just don't get, Anime is aspirational and idealistic, so it represents what the Japanese people value as ideal.
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