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429 No. 429 [Edit]
as an example on how things never play out the way they do in the movies, here's the ending to the original 1964 Willy Wonka as is followed by how it would play out in real life

>Willy Wonka movie

Grampa Joe: it's an elevator

Wonka: it's a wonka vator! an elevator can only go up and down, but the wonka vator can go up and down, side to side, long ways and short ways, and up and till now I've pressed them all! except that one! go ahead Charlie!

now lets see how that same scene would play out if Willy Wonka had Aspergers syndrome

>Willy Wonka real life

Grandpa Joe: it's an elevator

you: it's a wonka vator! an elevator can only go…

Grandpa Joe: well I'm not going to argue with you! all i did was make an observation, and you want to argue with me about it right off the bat!

you: sir I'm not arguing with you I'm…

Grandpa Joe: see your doing it again! you don't need to argue with everything I say! and another thing…

10 minutes later

Grandpa Joe: and that's why I'm never eating your chocolate again!

you: can I say something really quick?

Grandpa Joe: go ahead!

you: all I was trying to say is that this is a special kind of elevator, that goes in more directions then just up and down! up until now I've pressed them all! except that one! go ahead Charlie!

Grandpa Joe: don't tell my kid what to do!!! why don't you press it!!!

you: fine

it takes off and the a**hole still wont shut up

Grandpa Joe: what the hell happening?!!! get me out of this thing before I call the police!

yeah I'm sure this version would have been a family classic, I hope whomever is reading this is able to see by now why people with Aspergers live angry stressful lives, engaging in unusual behavior like this toward them accomplishes nothing and only creates problems, it's the responsibility of society as a whole to do their part and see to it that these types of societal problems don't stick around for future generations of Aspergers to suffer through, clean up your act and your reward is a brighter tomorrow.
>> No. 430 [Edit]
WARNING: Please refrain from misusing the quoting function in the future. I understand it's tempting to use it as a way to "format" a post, but it's still an infraction.

With that said, and taking the mod hat off, I don't really get the point you're trying to bring across regarding Asperger's, specially since there's little to debate. Fiction in general is hardly ever realistic so it'd be silly to expect such property from a children's novel, specially a fantastical one where a chocolate factory has a river of chocolate in it. To double down, expecting a children's book to be a guideline for how to behave towards people with mental issues is unrealistic at best and entitled at worst.
>it's the responsibility of society... that these types of societal problems don't stick around for future generations of Aspergers to suffer through
Society doesn't owe you nor others with Asperger's anything. It's not society's fault you have such issues and it's certainly not its responsibility to pander to you. Regardless, it'd be nice people in general were less adamant to keep a double-standard regarding personality and developmental disorders where they are embracing of some yet despondent to others.
>clean up your act and your reward is a brighter tomorrow.
Only eugenics will achieve that.

Post edited on 14th Jan 2018, 5:00am
>> No. 431 [Edit]
From both personal experience and observation of those with aspergers doing something similar to people on TV or even flat out mimicking word for word something a character said they end up getting a completely different reaction in real life then what the character on TV got, that's what the op scenario is meant to convey.
>> No. 432 [Edit]
"Please refrain from misusing the quoting function in the future."

Sorry about that, I actually copied and pasted this op to several different sites, and didn't remember that rule before pasting it here.
>> No. 433 [Edit]
>flat out mimicking word for word something a character said they end up getting a completely different reaction
Yes, I understood that. What I meant was that you may not think it but it would have a different reaction with people that don't have Asperger's as well. Conversations in media are scripted, written in particular way to achieve a particular goal. They don't generally follow a realistic scenario. I don't consider myself normal, but I'm relatively certain I don't have Asperger's, and yet the scene would have been vastly differently as well if I was opposite to the Wonka character.
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