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35 No. 35 [Edit]
How do you feel about females being on TC? Do you think their presence here negatively affects the post quality and atmosphere?

This is a legitimate question and in no way meant to disrespect Tohno nor the person he was discussing things with in the locked thread. I'm genuinely curious about how other users feel about this. I stopped browsing TC about two years ago, and looking back on it, the increase in female users was a large reason for it.

I agree with Tohno in that implementing a "men only" rule would be impractical, though I disagree in the oft-expressed sentiment that [3D] females can be the same as us or hold the same views as us. Even if they don't blatantly advertise their gender, the way all females conduct themselves is very similar. Their behavior in the past has oft been disruptive and somewhat stereotypical despite their apparent interest in similar hobbies. I'm not saying that they're better nor worse than us per se, but simply different- biologically, physiologically, and psychologically different- in a way that is very much not compatible with the general views and lifestyles that most of us hold here, regardless of their individual quirks as people.

But on that note, sometimes I wonder if I'm generalizing when I say "most of us", which is why I made this thread to ask. Are there still others here that would rather female users were kept to a minimum? I placed this thread in /tat/ instead of /fb/ because I'm not calling for any sort of changes, and I don't want to start a shitstorm on a visible board if it comes down to that.
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>> No. 36 [Edit]
I don't mind them. Also I should say I'm not a misogynist although many users on this board are. Men are the same shit, just different smell.
>> No. 37 [Edit]
Well I, being gay, hate them and want nothing to do with them. But I think the tried-and-tested rule of just nothing telling people what your gender is would be preferable.
But really I didn't even know there were any here. They can just fuck off to tumblr if they want. They have anime and shitposting there, too.
>> No. 38 [Edit]
I'd prefer not to interfere with this topic and let it go where it may, but I feel I should point out something many might not have considered. That being if TC went strictly male only, there would be a chance it could have the opposite effect and draw in more woman(in protest) and negative attention should tumblr grade feminazis catch wind of a website that forbids women from posting on it. Just felt I should get that out there.
>> No. 39 [Edit]
>Also I should say I'm not a misogynist although many users on this board are.
Was adding a caveat like that even necessary after you just stated that you don't mind them? Spontaneous accusations of "misogyny" are one of the things that make females so annoying in the first place.

I agree, and I've considered that possibility too. That's why I think it would be impractical, if not flat out impossible, to enforce (along with the fact that they could simply lie, as you've mentioned in other threads).
>> No. 41 [Edit]
Yep, it was neccesary. I hate bad people. Some bad people happen to be men and some happen to be women. Thats not misogyny. Some people on this board hate females just because they're female. That is misogyny, and its a gross generalisation.
>> No. 43 [Edit]
>Even if they don't blatantly advertise their gender, the way all females conduct themselves is very similar.
How would you know?

> I'm not saying that they're better nor worse than us per se, but simply different- biologically, physiologically, and psychologically different- in a way that is very much not compatible with the general views and lifestyles that most of us hold here, regardless of their individual quirks as people.
I think the second part is a very bold statement. They sure are different biologically and physiologically and they might be necessarily different psychologically (with all the hormones and shit) but why would they not be compatible with the general views and lifestyles here? (except the misogyny and no, >>39, this is not a spontaneous accusation, it should be pretty obvious that a lot of people don't like women here. I don't mind the misogyny but I can't understand it, what makes females especially hateworthy? For me normalfags are all the same (that's what makes them normal in the first place), them having a dick or not doesn't really matter to me)
What about all the female otaku, do you just ignore them? There are a lot out there with a similar lifestyle.

I don't think it's possible to generalize by sex like this because I (and a lot people here) sure as hell aren't the stereotypical man. If I think back to my school years (and some experiences my mother and sister have told me about), most men were pretty needy and from what I frequently read on the internet having sex is a very important thing for a man (and probably woman too). Being a virgin is something extremely unusual because pretty much everyone can get laid if he tries (even "ugly" people) and almost everyone also wants to either because they really want to or because they just don't want to be a virgin since as ridiculous as it sounds being a virgin seems to be seen as a negative trait for whatever reason (I mean getting laid is really not something you could call a success or something to be proud of when pretty much the whole humanity has managed to do it, staying a virgin while being a social person seems to be a much harder task because you would need to refuse all those offers and most likely hurt others and make yourself unpopular or even hated while doing it because they'll think they're unattractive, there's something wrong with you or something similar).

OHNs aren't normal, they don't fit the stereotypes. So whatever image you have of women, female OHNs most likely aren't like that.
>> No. 44 [Edit]
>> No. 45 [Edit]
That would negatively affect quality and atmosphere but we have nothing like that fortunately.
>> No. 46 [Edit]
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I don't mind them so long as they aren't attention whores. They have a tendency to be that way when the webspace is predominantly made up of lonely men. Not that we are beta orbiters or anything; in fact, I despise beta orbiters far more than I do most women.

Some women can be genuinely like us. It is rare, but I've seen it happen. They tend to be overweight (although not necessarily obese) and very introverted/quiet/lonely. Attractiveness can range from being extremely ugly to slightly above average. In a way, it is cool to see such women, because not very many go on about video games and anime from the 90s or earlier. They tend to be less annoying than those into modern anime, probably because they are older and somewhat wiser.


What is an OHN? I'm curious. I might be one.
>> No. 47 [Edit]
>I'm not a misogynist although many users on this board are
>Some people on this board hate females just because they're female. That is misogyny, and its a gross generalisation.
Saying that "many" users on this board "hate women just because they're female" is a gross generalization too, but it didn't stop you from making it. I might also add that misogyny is arguably the most wrongfully used word in the English language today. Before being adopted as a feminist buzzword, it used to mean 'a pathological hatred of females'. Now as you can see, it's being applied to mean 'not wanting to be around females', 'pointing out that males and females are different', and oftentimes outside of TC, even disagreeing with females. I doubt many users here have a pathological hatred of women, even if they don't want them around.

>How would you know?
Men and women do NOT have the same psychological makeup. No matter how close our hobbies are, we will never act nor feel the same way. Disruptions in the past on this site are a good example: some that stand out are the feminist shitstorms on /so/ and /fb/, a girl that linked to social media sites in her e-mail (which were filled with dozens of e-dating type messages from hundreds of "friends", it wasn't like she was an archetypal hikki), a girl on /mai/ pointing out her gender in her name, and multiple cases on /mai/ talking about their bodies in detail.

>what makes females especially hateworthy?
I can't speak for everyone, but I never hated females, despite constant accusations of it from feminists and those defending females here alike. I simply want nothing to do with them. There are so many other sites where they can go- like the 8chan boards, if they're insistent on an "otaku imageboard"- but I really think their presence here is troublesome. The examples above I pointed out should be sufficient to explain why. And even on IRC, they make the environment worse. I really do sympathize with that guy that was arguing with Tohno- females tend to drop not-so-subtle hints about their gender without outright stating it. At the same time, I understand Tohno's position, because you can't just Nazi ban someone when they're not being an overt attention whore about their gender. It's an annoying environment to be in.

>OHNs aren't normal, they don't fit the stereotypes. So whatever image you have of women, female OHNs most likely aren't like that.
Again, I have to reiterate that males and females just aren't the same biologically. It doesn't mean I hate them for being born female. Nobody can choose how they're born. But just because they have the same hobbies doesn't mean they're like us per se; for example, while hikikomori are certainly not "stereotypical men", they are virtually all men. Females are naturally more social than their male peers and have more social support to boot- the incidences in which they become hikikomori are astronomically low. Likewise, it is difficult for women to be truly "lonely" in western culture.

>I don't mind them so long as they aren't attention whores. They have a tendency to be that way when the webspace is predominantly made up of lonely men.
That's really the main issue- they've demonstrated before that they have a difficult time dropping their histrionic behavior. Obviously, we can't have an issue with them if they've blended in as truly Anonymous members with the rest of us. I'm fine with that.

>I despise beta orbiters far more than I do most women
No arguments here. They're just enabling that type of behavior.

>What is an OHN
It's part of Tohno-chan's abbreviation. "True Otaku Hikikomori NEET Organization channel".
>> No. 48 [Edit]
You seem to be assuming any indications of ones gender in someones posting is dropping hints to try and point it out to people.
Someone being female seems unusual because you've rarely been around them, and society likes to make a huge point of how thats disgusting and pathetic, but someone is likely to inadvertently hint at their gender to some extent if they're just speaking normally, over time. Bring up some simple anatomical thing, or some stereotype, process or whatever that typically only applies to their gender, or hobby typically had by that gender rather than the other one, etc.
Just because something about someone that gets hinted in their posting seems stand-out or attention-getting a bit to you doesn't mean they're trying to get attention.
>> No. 49 [Edit]
>You seem to be assuming any indications of ones gender in someones posting is dropping hints to try and point it out to people.
My experience with the internet and time wasted with online games tells me that it generally IS intentional, but quite frankly, I don't care. I don't want to hear it regardless. Sorry if that sounds strict or "misogynistic" to you, but that's really how I feel. If men had the same tendency to veer conversations towards their gender, I'd probably be annoyed by that too.

>someone is likely to inadvertently hint at their gender to some extent if they're just speaking normally, over time
The thing is, there's a pretty large discrepancy in how often males and females talk about their gender or "drop hints" about it. If there's one thing I've noticed it's that males don't really care about their gender (perhaps because they've never been told that it's special) and virtually never leave any indicator of it. I have seen guys mention their anatomy, and I'd agree with your point if I noticed males and females leaving "hints" of their gender in equal numbers, but 95% of the time, it's a female doing it. Given that I'm usually in environments that you yourself described as places where I'm "rarely around [females]", this disparity seems even less likely to be some coincidence.
>> No. 50 [Edit]
well, I dont think theres much I can say other than that I think your observations are probably misguided, assuming any indication of someone being a girl is attention-seeking and trying to push it because thats something some girls do but basically no guys. I really don't think the great, great majority of girls do that though, including those who mention something that hints at their gender.
Im reminded of someone automatically assuming any femenine voice in an online game is GURL GAMURRR syndrome.
>> No. 51 [Edit]
Examples of some females being attention whores (which really isn't something only people with vaginas can be) don't really back your statement of "the way all females conduct themselves is very similar". I agree that attention whores shouldn't be allowed to post here but what about the countless females on the internet who never reveal that they're dickless because they know it's unnecessary information? Half of the userbase of TC could be female, who the fuck knows.

>Again, I have to reiterate that males and females just aren't the same biologically. It doesn't mean I hate them for being born female. Nobody can choose how they're born. But just because they have the same hobbies doesn't mean they're like us per se; for example, while hikikomori are certainly not "stereotypical men", they are virtually all men. Females are naturally more social than their male peers and have more social support to boot- the incidences in which they become hikikomori are astronomically low. Likewise, it is difficult for women to be truly "lonely" in western culture.
That sounds like your personal view. Could you cite some scientific shit that would support your statements? And even if everything you wrote were true, how would you explain the very very very small amount of female hikikomori? Were there born with a dick but lost it somehow?
>> No. 52 [Edit]
You're free to see it how you'd like. I think your statement that the "great, great majority of girls would never [do anything for attention]" goes beyond simply misguided and ventures into trolling myself- I don't think I need to get into the statistics for histrionic personality disorder (HPD) to make a point here, because I assume it's pretty common knowledge to you too.

>assuming any indication of someone being a girl is attention-seeking and trying to push it
Trying to push what? In the first place, I blatantly stated that I wasn't calling for any changes in the OP- so I hardly see how I'm "pushing" anything. I'm really not shocked that one of you came out with the old "we're not all like that" argument. But if you aren't, and don't ever intend to post about your gender (the same as the male users), then there wouldn't be any reason to take offense. Just a thought.
>> No. 53 [Edit]
er, no, 'trying to push it' as in 'trying to push the subject of their gender'
>> No. 54 [Edit]
Slightly off topic, and more of a thought about girls on image boards. It is probably quite hard to be a true hikki girl, must be very difficult to find internet friends that would not either instantly fall in love with them because that is the only girl that has ever spoken to them as an equal, or outright reject them for being female.

I must admit though, out of some of the online friend groups I've been in, often times girls bring nothing but trouble, because there are always some neckbeards that will begin to fall in love.

We already feel so alone, but at least we have each other to an extent, imagine how hikki girls must feel, being impossible to find anyone to connect with or even talk to without hiding your true identity.
>> No. 55 [Edit]
>Examples of some females being attention whores (which really isn't something only people with vaginas can be) don't really back your statement of "the way all females conduct themselves is very similar".
Cherry-picking and debatable; it was meant to demonstrate the way that they've negatively affected the post quality and atmosphere of this website, which is the entire point of the thread in the first place.

>what about the countless females on the internet who never reveal that they're dickless
I've already stated that I have no problem with this. Do you have any citation that states that most females choose to hide their gender, or something?

>Could you cite some scientific shit that would support your statements?
This feels like a cop out, but I'll bite.

On male v. female "loneliness":

Differences in socialization, particularly social exclusion, in males versus females:

On hikikomori:

On male and female brain differences in general:!ideafarm.6.20120313@0844.001.000b356e.a8000000.ab10f1c3.txt.!.sex_diffs_in_the_brain.pdf

>And even if everything you wrote were true, how would you explain the very very very small amount of female hikikomori?
Don't resort to strawman arguments. I never said every single hikikomori was male. This kind of white knight backlash here is frankly pretty saddening.

The whole problem is that most of you push your gender. I've already stated that I have no problems with females that remain Anonymous, and that I'd be complaining about men if they brought up their gender all the time too. But I just don't see it.

Post edited on 11th Apr 2016, 9:28pm
>> No. 56 [Edit]
>If men had the same tendency to veer conversations towards their gender, I'd probably be annoyed by that too.
They do.
>> No. 57 [Edit]
>Don't resort to strawman arguments. I never said every single hikikomori was male. This kind of white knight backlash here is frankly pretty saddening.
>I'm not saying that they're better nor worse than us per se, but simply different- biologically, physiologically, and psychologically different- in a way that is very much not compatible with the general views and lifestyles that most of us hold here, regardless of their individual quirks as people.
The existence of female hikikomori (and otaku, NEETs) seems to be very much not compatible with your general views.
If you don't deny the existence of those, there's no reason to keep females to a minimum as long as they fit in, same with males, pretty sure nobody wants Chad talking about his recent conquests here. Mindset is what should matter not the crotch.

>I've already stated that I have no problems with females that remain Anonymous, and that I'd be complaining about men if they brought up their gender all the time too.
Wait, your only problem is the attentionwhoring? So this isn't a gender thing at all?
>But I just don't see it.
Try opening your eyes, then. Anonymous talks about his dick quite often.

Post edited on 11th Apr 2016, 10:10pm
>> No. 58 [Edit]
Did I not already say I've seen some male anons talk about their genitalia, just not to the same prevalence? We're just going in circles now, and you ignore most of what I post in favor of feminist-style 'lol ur just being prejudice' type arguments.

Sorry, I don't see females in the same positive light that you do. I feel like I've already sufficiently explained why I think they poison the atmosphere in websites like this. "Well, not *every single one* is like that" isn't a logical argument. But if it makes you feel better, the male white knights that rush to their aid and raise their metaphorical swords at the first sign of someone daring to question females are really just as much to blame- and I'd certainly rather have truly anonymous females than white knights around.

I wonder how much of you really believes that men talk about their gender as much as women do, and how much of you just wants to believe that because "you're not like that"? It's all just meaningless words, since I highly doubt anyone has ever done a study on "mentioning of gender on *chan imageboards", but I'm fairly confident that you're even bullshitting yourself with this one.

Regardless, I'm done goofing off with you two. I essentially wanted to know how the user base stood in regards to this topic, and the fact that an archetypal femanon and an anti-misogynist (for lack of a better term) jumped on it immediately is rather disappointing, but still insightful of the small active community TC has left. At the same time, it's not everybody. Thanks for sharing your thoughts anyway.

Post edited on 11th Apr 2016, 11:02pm
>> No. 59 [Edit]
>Did I not already say I've seen some male anons talk about their genitalia just not to the same prevalence

>Sorry, I don't see females in the same positive light that you do.
I don't. I have similar views to >>36
>> No. 60 [Edit]
Yes: >>49
>I have seen guys mention their anatomy, and I'd agree with your point if I noticed males and females leaving "hints" of their gender in equal numbers...

We can just agree to disagree at this point, anyway. I DID want to find out how many people still had "old TC" beliefs in the first place.
>> No. 62 [Edit]
>I doubt many users here have a pathological hatred of women, even if they don't want them around.

I beg to differ.
>> No. 63 [Edit]
I wouldn't hold it against you. It's much more preferable than the alternative.

Also, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that anyone that has a hard time differentiating between male and female anonymous is probably a normalfag that hasn't spent much time on the internet.
>> No. 64 [Edit]
>Also, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that anyone that has a hard time differentiating between male and female anonymous is probably a normalfag that hasn't spent much time on the internet.
>> No. 65 [Edit]
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Jesus Christ. Is there nowhere you people wont spew your tired rhetoric? Dont you have something better to do than dick genitalia around and crusade against misogyny on a small otaku website?
>> No. 66 [Edit]
Don't you have something better to do than dick around and crusade against (the possibility of) females being on a small otaku website?
The only argument I've read here is females tend to have more attention whores among them. Pretty sure that we can count on the staff to take care of those. As for the rest of the female users (if we even have any) let me quote Agent 47:
>Obviously, we can't have an issue with them if they've blended in as truly Anonymous members with the rest of us. I'm fine with that.

So I really don't see the point of this whole thread.

Post edited on 13th Apr 2016, 10:24am
>> No. 67 [Edit]
It's a debate board dude, that's kinda the point.
>> No. 69 [Edit]
You don't see the point in it, yet you're still here, fighting against muh soggy knees.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this debate board is not immune to the global rules, one of which is:
>Do not complain about the community's opinion on certain groups of people (ie: normalfags, females)

It's one thing to say "I don't mind if females are here". It's another to incessantly whine that Tohno-chan is "misogynistic", and bitch about people not wanting females here even when evidence and off-site citations have been provided to back up a perfectly legitimate reason for it. The argument against it is what, that misogynists are quote "bad people"? That it's supposedly morally and emotionally incorrect to not want females here? Keep that shit out of here.
>> No. 71 [Edit]
No, I've read that. Thanks for asking though.
>> No. 84 [Edit]
Thanks for the citations. They were interesting reads.
>> No. 949 [Edit]
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There used to be a time when I had a view like >>36. So long as they keep their gender to themselves, follow the rules, post on-topic, and don't raise any problems, what's the harm? While I still feel that a good anon belongs regardless of gender, my faith in their ability, or rather willingness, to blend in is gone. I'm probably uninformed and should have seen more examples before feeling so much conviction on my stance but I've seen that they'll skirt the limits of what is acceptable in a community, never state their gender but every post is so horribly clear about it, and are pretty determined to not just go the fuck the away. Add in their usual bragging about their social lives and it makes for an unsavory user I don't like being around. Mind you, this is one of the better case scenarios. There are plenty of examples of women tearing things down, intentionally or otherwise, and one could possibly even say the entire internet serves as an example. Anybody who doesn't live under a rock could look at what they've done to politics, gaming, movies, and just about every hobby they cried to be let into and see the proof. To say that a woman could be a good anon is fine, to believe that it's anything more than very rare is just deluding yourself. Pic related rings very true.
And if you haven't seen the proof then "you might think you're living under a rock but let me tell you... it's a rock worth living under."

I know this is an old thread but I just don't want to see any more communities turn to shit. I don't want to endure the sight anymore.
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