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File 146033725948.jpg - (114.92KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Teekyuu - 78 [C808B8C4]_mkv_snapshot_00_0.jpg )
30 No. 30 [Edit]
What's your stance on abortion?
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>> No. 31 [Edit]
Abortion is a difficult topic.

On the one hand it kills kids which is something I support. On the other hand it gives women a choice.
>> No. 32 [Edit]
I really don't care. I don't consider it murder, but I definitely don't think it's a "human rights issue" either. It's just another convenient excuse for western women to start up their tired "MUH BODY" tirades, showing everyone once again that they egotistically believe themselves to be the only person involved in the creation and nurturing of life.

It slows population growth a bit, and the genes it removes from the gene pool are always very low quality, so that's a plus.
>> No. 33 [Edit]
In my opinion, abortion should be law for prostitutes.

I've seen a couple of sad things thus far in life but nothing compares to the sight of a crackhead prostitute with a ballon-belly.

It's like i can predict, feel the suffering and pain of this chis child, even before being born.
>> No. 40 [Edit]
Glad it exists. Those who abort don't want their child. If they couldn't abort that child most likely wouldn't have a good life. Also there would be even more humans on earth. I don't agree with it being murder since it isn't a person yet.

Of course those children who aren't wanted would probably like to stay alive once they have a life, same with the disabled, they want to stay alive because that's the only chance they got regardless of how bad it is but the possible future doesn't really matter in my opinion, a fetus doesn't know what it'll lose if it gets aborted and we don't have any obligations to a thing with the potential of becoming a person, if we had, we'd be pretty fucked because we would have obligations to our sperm and we'd be killing a fuck ton of potential persons by not impregnating a woman every minute.

My mother didn't want me either by the way. She just has a moral problem with abortion.
>> No. 333 [Edit]
Cult of Moloch, keeping their child-sacrifice rituals alive and well in [current year]
>> No. 509 [Edit]
Legal, mandatory for handicapped fetuses or signs of (hereditary, chronic, ...) illness.
>> No. 1454 [Edit]
File 163994349186.png - (488.09KB , 800x700 , 818733cc2724d45a5e17c987448b4d1c.png )
People who are aborted have a 100% chance of going to heaven. If they aren't aborted, that drops to like 10%, and that's being generous.

Christians get extremely butthurt about abortion though. Shouldn't they be glad more people are being saved? If those people went on to live their lives, more of them would definitely go to hell, which seems like a worse outcome to me.

Post edited on 19th Dec 2021, 11:51am
>> No. 1455 [Edit]
The fact that there's such a controversy over abortion but no one is out there advocating for suicide pods shows that in the end it's not a question over human autonomy but just women doing their usual screeching. If you really believe in human autonomy, then why not give people the ability to end their own lives. (For reference, my personal view is that abortion is net positive since I view unborn human lives as fungible since they have developed no concept of self. Hence killing one isn't really any ethical issue).

On the flipside, if you believe that every life has some intrinsic value without regard as to the quality of life (or the expected value of the quality over a future lifespan in the case of a potential life), then the clear logical option is mass breeding programs.
>> No. 1457 [Edit]
It's incredibly hot when paired with NTR.
>> No. 1503 [Edit]
Abortion in China, India and Africa should be mandatory. They got too many people.

In western countries any form of disability should be an abortion. As for the rest of the world, I don't care as long as their population is kept in check.
>> No. 1505 [Edit]
Pretty vile
>> No. 1506 [Edit]
Despite that being meant as a joke, I do indeed feel this way. As mentioned in >>1455 most women use abortion as a proxy issue (and its the sacred cow of the womens rights movement) so I feel nothing but sheer joy whenever they start freaking out about this. (*) On the other hand while I have nothing but disgust for the women, not allowing abortions is going to mean a lot of children end up suffering.

(*) Coincidentally there's some ruckus around the supreme court overturning this at the federal level. Guess now that Covid's over, they've moved on to the next thing.
>> No. 1508 [Edit]
I don't think it's that they consider themselves the only people involved in producing life, but rather that their body is the host of a new life for so long.
you mean the same way Yahweh asked for child sacrifices?
well, originally it's because Catholics believed only the baptised could get into heaven, which is why they baptise babies - child mortality was so high in the past, after all. that's why they stop caring what happens to the child after it's baptised, too.
well, there is euthanasia advocacy, which the church and pro-life types have also been the most vocal critics of.
>then the clear logical option is mass breeding programs
funny you should mention it, Catholics also don't like contraception.
>In western countries any form of disability should be an abortion
well thanks for wishing me dead. hopefully someday you get to enjoy your perfect muscle chad world where no virgins are allowed.
>On the other hand while I have nothing but disgust for the women, not allowing abortions is going to mean a lot of children end up suffering.
you've forgotten a very important factor: abortion is one choice, bringing up a child is a whole host of choices. every abortion is one child not brought up by a woman, and remember, abortions are more likely among single women, so it more pertinently prevents women from being the sole influence in a child's life.
>> No. 1525 [Edit]
I was hoping for a bigger meltdown.
>> No. 1630 [Edit]
Its murder, but I don't care about people being murdered.
>> No. 1642 [Edit]
after having to spend some time around disabled people recently i can safely say i am pro-abortion. and you know what? why does it matter if theyre born or not, just kill them when theyre kids as well, hell, when theyre adults even. this topic troubles me, because beforehand i had thought i was pretty staunchly against murder, but when it comes to disabled people i find i dont give a shit. and well fuck it if were doing away with disabled people we might as well get rid of the blacks while were at it. no no, i mustve missed something somewhere, i just cant put my finger on it...
>> No. 1716 [Edit]
My stance is simple. I agree with both the Catholic, and the Satanist: Abortion is murder.
Predictably, I also agree with the Catholic on the matter of not permitting it.
>> No. 1756 [Edit]
It's murder. But murder can be an act of mercy. Ie. it's OK for getting rid of people with severe deformities/disablities, etc., but it shouldn't be used for silly reasons like it just being an unintended child (including rape).
I view some races (basketball devils, indians) as sub-human, though, and the word "murder" only applies for humans. Ie. I don't care if those races get abortions, and it should actually be beneficial.
>> No. 1763 [Edit]
I can only defend abortion in case of rape or if the fetus is dysgenic, don't want a women wanting to be forced to have a subhuman kid..

Christianity in this area is cuckolry, because a women is forced to be cursed by a subhuman breed because it's is apparently a "plan of God"
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