No. 1508
I don't think it's that they consider themselves the only people involved in producing life, but rather that their body is the host of a new life for so long.
you mean the same way Yahweh asked for child sacrifices?
well, originally it's because Catholics believed only the baptised could get into heaven, which is why they baptise babies - child mortality was so high in the past, after all. that's why they stop caring what happens to the child after it's baptised, too.
well, there is euthanasia advocacy, which the church and pro-life types have also been the most vocal critics of.
>then the clear logical option is mass breeding programs
funny you should mention it, Catholics also don't like contraception.
>In western countries any form of disability should be an abortion
well thanks for wishing me dead. hopefully someday you get to enjoy your perfect muscle chad world where no virgins are allowed.
>On the other hand while I have nothing but disgust for the women, not allowing abortions is going to mean a lot of children end up suffering.
you've forgotten a very important factor: abortion is one choice, bringing up a child is a whole host of choices. every abortion is one child not brought up by a woman, and remember, abortions are more likely among single women, so it more pertinently prevents women from being the sole influence in a child's life.