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1757 No. 1757 [Edit]
Japan is the only country on earth inhabited by real human beings and running on a cultural operating system relatively unmolested by judeo-christian slave morality.
The west is shit because it was literally built on "virtue ethics" that became stoicism and then amalgamated with Judaism into Christianity to form the slave morality BS that we see today. Nietzsche explains all of this. One of the hallmarks of slave morality is "free will" (which is now environmental reductionism in the atheist humanists) and the idea that intelligence, creativity, and kindness are all uncorrelated. Furthermore, westerners HATE cute and beauty. They have underdeveloped amygdalas which results in "cute aggression" and they call everything moe Japan produces a "pedophilia" nature.
This cancer in embedded in the english language itself and everyone takes part in it. NEVER give an INCH to westerners they are zealots all of them, including the atheists and the vulgar harlots. The christians have NO power over this vulgarity because their religion itself is the cause; relative morality is the foundation of christianity and post-modernism has no hand to turn the other cheek to.
You are fucked in the head and I hope all of you post-christian ironic weebs get the israeli version of covid.
>> No. 1759 [Edit]
Is the Buddhist roots of Japanese morality not the slave morality you hate so much? Nietzche criticizes the ascetics as being no better than Judeo-Christian repressive slave morality in that the ascetic priest willingly represses his will to power, rejecting natural desires and sources of joy, to numb the emotions and to give meaning to life. This is done by occupying the mind with vast amounts of mindless work and a sense of "loving your neighbor" - a community of shared interest. This sounds a lot like the ideals Japan has, and if you had actually spent any time there instead of basing your knowledge of Japan on its cultural exports, you'd realize the reason anime is so morally different from western media is because it acts as a moral escape from the extremely repressive Japanese working life - no wonder there are millions of shut-ins unable to comply with these ideals, expending all of their time to that beautiful moral escape of Japanese media!

I'll agree with you for the most part, except for the idea of Japan being an exception to this. The specific moral values of Japan may be different, as you've identified it being untainted by Judeo-Christian ideals, but the morality it does have is equally as repressive. Perhaps they are simply more self-aware of this and have created an adequate escapist medium for sustainability.
>> No. 1760 [Edit]
Japan is even more consumerist than the US. The average American is a hedonist, consumerist, and has to work a lot to barely make it by and save a couple hundred a month for savings. Japan takes these and multiplies it.

Westerners don't hate cuteness. Both the US and Japan use tactics to psychologically influence people in a bad way. Japan uses the most text on TV out of any other country to keep people watching, youtubers adopted this. The US uses seŃ… in almost every form of media. Both brainwash their people to pacify them and make them work a lot and spend what little they have on consumerist bs.
>> No. 1761 [Edit]
The only kind of country which would allow for a more pleasant lifestyle for the average person, are those like Norway. Small, low population, overflowing with cash.

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