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1690 No. 1690 [Edit]
What are your thoughts on racemixing?
>> No. 1691 [Edit]
The child might end up having identity issues, while feeling detached or unaccepted by either race. possibly feeling like they have no race they can relate to, no sense of community or belonging. I should know...
>> No. 1692 [Edit]
All pussy is good pussy.

The british should not mix, their genes should not be passed on if we are to protect planet earth.
>> No. 1707 [Edit]
Ideally it shouldn't happen, but if it were to, the men should be white, and, on their land.
>> No. 1714 [Edit]
Not bad, but, unpreferred I think. I think it can work when both parents, despite differing in race, have been raised in the same culture. But yeah, if there's even cultural differences, perhaps, as the wife takes the father's surname, and, as the wife converts to the husband's religion in mixed-religion marriages, perhaps the parents should agree that the children should conform to the father. Perhaps in religion if that's a factor, but definitely in culture. That's my main point.

But yeah, when two races mix, they kind of create a new race, one that doesn't really fit in anywhere. Racemixing will always certainly be the unpreferred option. Acceptable, but not preferred. At the very least, I would hope that those in a mixed-race marriage create many children, because, I think in some sad sense, the siblings only really have each other.
>> No. 1723 [Edit]
>I would hope that those in a mixed-race marriage create many children, because, I think in some sad sense, the siblings only really have each other.
Only child here of mixed parents. Yeah, shit sucks.

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