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File 167946068716.png - (302.09KB , 1077x606 , 1653947226969.png )
1669 No. 1669 [Edit]
How does tohno-chan feel about ironic lolicons?

Basically, people who call themselves lolicons even though they aren't pedophiles despite the fact that lolicon and shotacon mean pedophile in Japanese.
>> No. 1670 [Edit]
Cute girls are cute.
>> No. 1671 [Edit]

I agree.
>> No. 1672 [Edit]
T-C only cares about flat-chested Christmas cakes riddled with insecurities.
>> No. 1673 [Edit]

Basically legal lolis?
>> No. 1674 [Edit]
I only like younger sisters.
>> No. 1675 [Edit]

So, like sagiri izumi?
>> No. 1676 [Edit]
And what about the ephebophiles
>> No. 1677 [Edit]
I think op is a bunch of tired, tribalistic bullshit.
>> No. 1678 [Edit]

Liking JKs is normal but Japanese normies will still call you a lolicon for liking 15–18-year-old girls. despite it technically not being pedo at all just like people being called pedos for liking 16-year-olds in America.
>> No. 1679 [Edit]

I beg to differ.
>> No. 1715 [Edit]
>Basically, people who call themselves lolicons even though they aren't pedophiles despite the fact that lolicon and shotacon mean pedophile in Japanese.
I would say the opinion of the Japanese on the "true" meaning of the word is irrelevant. Why assume the Japanese are the ultimate authority on what the word means? It's good to know how the Japanese see the word, but that's only when you're speaking to a Japanese person. Any word, can have any meaning. If a group of people are using it consistently, to convey a specific idea, then that's the meaning, for them. That's just how language works.

Also, what "is" an "ironic lolicon"?

Initially, I would assume an "ironic lolicon" was someone that enjoyed lolicon material, "ironically." They would do so, whilst looking down on it, and maintaining their self-awareness that it's actually bad.
I think the word "irony" here is being used weirdly though. It's more like "A guy that's ironically a lolicon" rather than "A guy that enjoys lolicon with a sense of irony".

And finally, I want to say that that image was confusing. Your post clearly describes the "ironic lolicon" as someone who calls themself a lolicon, despite not being a pedophile, and yet the image argues that the "ironic lolicon" is in fact, truly a pedophile! This was a bad post OP. Up until today, I've been confused every time I saw it.

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