No. 1685
My sibling studies psychology. They said that the people with gender issues are a small percentage of the population, but the number of young people coming out with gender issues is disproportionately large. The only way to explain the disparity is not that gender issues have become more common due to the original reasons, but because discussion of the matter through social media has allowed it to spread. According to my sibling, the spread can actually be mathematically modelled like the spread of a virus.
So yes, it seems you can socialise people into it, although my sibling also said that the majority of people discovering they have the issue are also on the autistic spectrum. Autistic people are also a low percentage of the population, yet also have disproportionate representation amongst those with gender issues. So perhaps being socialised into it, is only a risk for the autistic, and you are in fact, correct, in that it's basically a non-risk for a normal person.
Nonetheless, you seem to be of the opinion that you either do desire it, or you don't, but I think there's a spectrum, with room for socialisation, conditioning, and influence. I absolutely believe there are some who desire it (more strongly), only because of exposure, without which, they would not.
I think there are straight people choosing not to engage in homosexual desires, and I think there are homosexuals choosing not to engage in heterosexual desires.
And so, yes, there's a spectrum, with room for influence in my opinion. Some transsexuals would simply not be so, in another era.