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1632 No. 1632 [Edit]
Where does the rumor that anime turns you into a tranny come from? Why do so many people think that?
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>> No. 1633 [Edit]
I've never heard anyone say that. Can you cite some examples of where you've seen this?
>> No. 1634 [Edit]

This is the first I've ever heard of it.
>> No. 1635 [Edit]
Ironically those people tend to hate anime. It's quite a weird idea and I think one that was kind of a meme that people tried to force and didn't catch on.
>> No. 1636 [Edit]
There was a specific Medium post written back in the day which pushed the idea that lonely teenage men imprint on idealized depictions of female adolescence.

It was reposted by Ray Blanchard, among others.
>> No. 1637 [Edit]
I don't doubt that it's probably true for some subset of people who were susceptible in the first place. But making a statement that the broad appeal of CGDCT anime is a way to escape the "heavy chains of masculinity" is nonsense. The appeal of CGDCT isn't really about the "femininity" per se but instead about the 2D world of "soft, gentle,... carefree and cheerful[ness]" as the author himself notes. The people who can't distinguish fantasy from reality, confuse the latter for the former, and start taking estrogen would probably have been influenced by something else anyway.
>> No. 1639 [Edit]
>The appeal of CGDCT isn't really about the "femininity" per se
Femininity is literally in the name. There's a reason doing the same exact thing but with male characters rarely catches on. Certain aspects of the feminine gender performance are essential to the "soft, gentle" aspect of moe, and adding the idealized fantasy world to the mix, I think describing moe as a peculiar subtype of "glamorized femininity" is not untrue.

>The people who can't distinguish fantasy from reality
I think people absolutely can distinguish fantasy from reality - but underlying that statement, to me, is an inherent assumption that reality must suck; and I don't agree with that.
>> No. 1640 [Edit]
Reality does suck. Unhappiness is the norm.
>> No. 1641 [Edit]
I don't think anime is the catalyst, but rather it might exacerbate it. A susceptible individual who has been infected by this particular social contagion, or might very well have the psychological disorder, might delude themselves into thinking that emulating 2D is viable. After all, in the lower dimension even guys can look cute. Of course, the limitations of biology and technology show that's simply not feasible nor even healthy in this extra-dimensional world.
As an aside, one might consider pornography (2D & 3D) to be more of an influence than something as broad as anime or Japanese arts in general.
>> No. 1643 [Edit]
>Where does the rumor that anime turns you into a tranny come from?
Apparently from tradcuck /pol/tards that love blaming anime for shit that Jews are responsible for

>Why do so many people think that?
Cuz they hate anime and they're racist Japanphobics
>> No. 1665 [Edit]
I think when you chat over the internet and your only visual image of the other person is an anime avatar, it somehow mentally fools you into thinking that your interlocutor _is_ the personification of the anime girl.

I've even found myself getting tripped up by it: e.g. when there's a twitter account with witty comments and a cute anime avatar you can't help but feel fondly... someone write a paper called "the unreasonable effectiveness of anime avatars"
>> No. 1666 [Edit]
That my friend is the only way I'm able to tolerate this level of human interaction.
>> No. 1680 [Edit]
>Femininity is literally in the name. There's a reason doing the same exact thing but with male characters rarely catches on. Certain aspects of the feminine gender performance are essential to the "soft, gentle" aspect of moe, and adding the idealized fantasy world to the mix, I think describing moe as a peculiar subtype of "glamorized femininity" is not untrue.
There is a reason why men in the days of olde liked to be around women and it is that. I think it is natural that men would like to be around pleasant females who are tender and merry. Trying to become the pleasant female just shows there is an underlying psychological issue though.
>> No. 1682 [Edit]
Where does it come from?

I think a casual observer could glance and see an overlap between the anime community and the transsexual community. Twitter and Discord are rife with transsexuals with anime-girl avatars.
And then, a further glance would show that anime tends to depict:
-"Female" characters who are female in all things except genitalia
-Handsome male characters who lack any conventional, overtly male characteristics
Then, the casual observer would note the lack of masculinity in the regular male anime fan, and the popularity of a rejection or critiquing of traditional masculinity in the anime-community.

Is it no wonder, that to the casual observer, anime will make you into a transsexual?
I must admit, I don't think anybody seriously believes this, but nonetheless, I think it really can be an aid to the process to those who were susceptible to it, as another poster said.

>would probably have been influenced by something else anyway.
That doesn't change anything. If someone's in a formative-stage of their life, then yes, they can be influenced towards, or away, from becoming a transsexual. The point is: if you are in a formative-stage of your life, and you don't want to be a transsexual, you (supposedly) should avoid anime, because anime will influence you in that direction.
The problem is that the tranny-to-be had no warning that Anime would have this effect on them. All they saw were seemingly harmless, cute cartoons. Now, with this rumour, there's a sort of warning label. Now would-be anime-viewers can make a better informed decision.
>> No. 1683 [Edit]
>if you are in a formative-stage of your life, and you don't want to be a transsexual, you (supposedly) should avoid anime, because anime will influence you in that direction
I don't think anybody who doesn't want to be a transsexual, ends up as one.
>> No. 1684 [Edit]
It's western culture doing that, I should think that obvious. Anime idealizes the female form and femininity, it doesn't tell you to become one.
>> No. 1685 [Edit]
My sibling studies psychology. They said that the people with gender issues are a small percentage of the population, but the number of young people coming out with gender issues is disproportionately large. The only way to explain the disparity is not that gender issues have become more common due to the original reasons, but because discussion of the matter through social media has allowed it to spread. According to my sibling, the spread can actually be mathematically modelled like the spread of a virus.

So yes, it seems you can socialise people into it, although my sibling also said that the majority of people discovering they have the issue are also on the autistic spectrum. Autistic people are also a low percentage of the population, yet also have disproportionate representation amongst those with gender issues. So perhaps being socialised into it, is only a risk for the autistic, and you are in fact, correct, in that it's basically a non-risk for a normal person.

Nonetheless, you seem to be of the opinion that you either do desire it, or you don't, but I think there's a spectrum, with room for socialisation, conditioning, and influence. I absolutely believe there are some who desire it (more strongly), only because of exposure, without which, they would not.
I think there are straight people choosing not to engage in homosexual desires, and I think there are homosexuals choosing not to engage in heterosexual desires.
And so, yes, there's a spectrum, with room for influence in my opinion. Some transsexuals would simply not be so, in another era.
>> No. 1686 [Edit]
If awareness/acceptance hasn't been widespread (or has been less widespread), how could anyone possibly know what's proportional?

Not that people wouldn't be confused by social pressure, I'm aware of one youtuber who misidentified their issue as being trans and ended up giving themselves gender dysphoria. But I think that would mean they *didn't* end up as trans.

Are you saying that, in your view, people who have homosexual desires but choose not to act on them aren't homosexual/bi? And analogously, people who may desire it but choose not to transition are not trans?
>> No. 1687 [Edit]
>If awareness/acceptance hasn't been widespread (or has been less widespread), how could anyone possibly know what's proportional?
This. You'd think there was fewer gay people a few decades ago too if you only looked at the number of self-identifying ones.

Post edited on 3rd May 2023, 3:51pm
>> No. 1719 [Edit]
Btw separate anon to thread progression over here...

You could be anything you wanted by the 80's. I think the difference is in you being told it's good for society. That you're gay or a furry or a MAP; it's positive. "Well if it's not bad for society and it's not hurting anybody, then I guess I'm a furry."

I don't think you're gay in having gay thoughts either. Latent homosexuality is born that way and can seldom help acting that way. You're just somebody who hasn't delineated for whatever reason between varieties of love e.g. Eros, philo, agape etc if you're in that sort of boat. Sometimes it's just immaturity. If the frequency of the thoughts is a daily occurrence, maybe you're gay, but then you could just have an Oxytocin addiction also and manifest that from the halo effect in a man's company.

Same goes for the anon below you - you're more likely autistic than homosex.
>> No. 1736 [Edit]
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I think what is key here is community and not content. Otherwise we would dealing with a lot more trannies from the past. I just really can't believe that anime, in isolation, no matter how girly the content may be that it would convince someone that they are a female. They would need to have this idea from the start or peer pressured into them.

Though I do wonder, if some of the problem comes from the corruption of waifu culture. Like normalfags that just pick some random cute anime girl and call it a waifu. They then get/let themselves be reinforced into the idea that they must embody that form. Which in turn creates some sort of positive feedback loop from interacting with "anime" communities. And through this disingenuity of the relationship, you get the results in all bad traits you usually see in trannies.

The tranny problem is one more of social media or what eventually happens when human cattle interact especially when some bad actors are able to wheel and deal there shit onto the masses.
>> No. 1755 [Edit]
I commented this on a KYM article related to tomboys and got banned for being a "troll".

>Those in power want women to be weak and malleable, because if you control women, you control men. Part of that is undermining women who are actually strong, and capable(not the indoctrinated, danger hair types), i.e "masculine". "Conservatives" bully the adult ones for not being "feminine" enough. "Liberals" corrupt the young ones by telling them they're actually boys(destroying the possibility of a romantic relationship with "biological men"). It's a pincer attack.
>> No. 1758 [Edit]
I was following some links and ended up in a reddit where some women were talking about how Uranus and Neptune in Sailor Moon S woke them up to their lesbianism when they were teenagers, and that made me wonder, how much of homosexuality/transsexuality in the anime community is not just some form of chuunibyou that got out of control?
>> No. 1775 [Edit]
This kind of thread is fun. But you people's kind needed to realize that people outside and normal people will be confused when reading things like this. I recommend explaining things
>> No. 1815 [Edit]
There was the other thread on TC where there was discussion about how there isn't really anything "cute" in the West, and moreover that men aren't even allowed to like cute things. If you like cute things as a man (e.g. the example of MLP watchers) you get immediately classified as a bunch of categories that have been redefined and hijacked by psychologists and political groups for their own agenda.

Yet the feminine beauty ideal is something that men clearly do appreciate given all the traditional art. The distinction between appreciating some facets of the ideal and being aroused by others are mostly one of context and circumstance – so I find it baffling that society historically accepts appreciation of superficial feminine beauty but find the need to invent some other label for those who appreciate the non-sexual, intangible emotional aspects as well. And appreciation is sort of linked with wanting to immerse/imbue onself in that: which would be carnal activities for the superficial aspects and moe, heart-warming stuff for the intangible.

So instead of just stating the obvious that there's nothing wrong with liking cute, warm things as an orthogonal dimension to other aspects of their personality [and whether they have a penis] (and then moving onto doing stuff that might actually matter), entire cottage cheese fields of psychology/gender-studies have formed around trying to construct some grand unified "narrative" with a bunch of unfalsifiable theories so poor they make macroeconomics look like experimental physics: man who likes cute things and wants to surround himself with cuteness? Man with a fetish for crossdressing? Man who prefers assertive, dominant women? Let's just invent some categorizations like MTF-PAN-AGP-HSTS-AMAB or whatever (I think all of those are actual terms used?).

It almost feels like there's some shadow organization intentionally spining this semantic fog out of this air to create a rabbit hole to suck people in, because not even the DSM categories are this vague and malleable.

I guess that essay in >>1636 more or less states the above but it too falls into the same trap of trying to reframe everything in terms of some gender-critical partiarchy stuff. The issue isn't gender itself as an aggregate identifier of personality (which is empirically proven to be a decent predictor), it's going around telling people that if you fall outside the historical deviation in even one-dimension of this distribution then clearly that distribution isn't a good fit for you so you should work to mutate your other attributes to fit into this other distribution. E.g. it's as absurd as telling a man interested in knitting that he should chop his dick off and become a woman. This whole stuff about "transgenderism" is an entirely self-inflicted epidemic stemming from a flimsy facade that falls at the slightest critical inspection, but because that critical inspection has been silenced it's formed a community that allows it to fester and continue infecting others.

Basically >>1736 is spot-on: the only way it can happen is with a community that blinds you in two ways: by convincing you that enjoying cute things is inherently incompatible with one being male, and by convincing you that the fictionalized portrayal of cuteness can be reified by becoming female. In the past we probably didn't see this not just because communities were more scattered, but also because this amount of concentrated cuteness (and intense porn for that matter) didn't exist so the second wouldn't be as readily accepted.
>> No. 1816 [Edit]
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>It almost feels like there's some shadow organization intentionally spining this semantic fog out of this air to create a rabbit hole to suck people in
I find it hard to believe a man could be convinced to cut his dick off and or pretend to be a woman, unless there's already something wrong with him.
>> No. 1817 [Edit]
Take a lonely, aimless person and put him in a community that encourages line of thought without allowing dissent, shower them with affection and validation, and it seems reasonable enough to me. I mean people get sucked into cults and convinced of other weird stuff, and the trans movement is effectively a similar form of indoctrination. I'm sure porn addiction probably also plays a large role in terms of amplifying things.

Also food for thought: girls into traditionally masculine activities were just considered tomboys and accepted in society, but there is no counterpart for men that isn't derogatory or have implications of homosexuality. Also the fact that a large portion (most?) of the men who cut their dicks off still prefer to date females seems to imply something.
>> No. 1818 [Edit]
I'm surprised it wasn't Ranma ½. Or I guess recently OniMai, that surely must have caused a stir among the susceptible.

Interestingly enough the /a/ threads for OniMai were great and somehow managed to not become a spamfest. There were some threads where the appeal of genderbender was discussed (e.g., and some broad consensus that it's mostly either about wanting to explore the feeling of being a different person [not necessarily sexual or gender-related], perhaps slightly linked with ability to redo your life. Of course for OniMai in particular it's mostly a CGDCT with a twist, so that childhood life that is relived is a warm happy one, with lots of cute emotion – which makes it an appealing fantasy to either self-into or passively yearn for. Latter could probably extend a bit to yuri or CGDCT as well (but it's surely more passive there).
>> No. 1821 [Edit]
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I don't have much to add to the discussion as everything that needed to be said has been said, but here's an interesting infographic that shows that regardless of whatever causes some anime fans to become trannies, they're still a very small portion of the community. Before anyone comments something about this being from Reddit, that's exactly where trannies hang out, so...
>> No. 1822 [Edit]
I'd prefer poltards think anime is for trannies so I don't have to be around the obnoxious faggots.
>> No. 1823 [Edit]
They're just the loudest, as usual.

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