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File 163822959673.jpg - (1.58MB , 1171x1678 , the-boondocks_00304655.jpg )
1453 No. 1453 [Edit]
Has anyone else here watched The Boondocks? What do you think about it? In retrospect, it's bizarre that is was ever made at all. A black American makes a satirical comic strip about race relations, black pop culture and politics, and that of all things gets an adult swim adaptation, styled after anime.

It's the kind thing that could have only been made at that specific point in time where American networks were trying to replicate anime, before they gave up on that.

The show pushes boundaries(at least the boundaries of that time) and makes quite of bit of fun of things you wouldn't typically be able to mock black people for. It's done under an interesting lens though.
All of the stereotypical "bad behavior" or tastes associated with black people, are attributed to "ignorance". Ignorance is The Boondocks' favorite word. Ignorance of what exactly, is never specified. What magical piece of knowledge black people are missing is never explained to the audience.

White people on the show are portrayed as caricatures. Either they're blissfully ignorant and unaware of how society works, greedy and morally bankrupt, or they imitate black people. The main antagonist of the show is actually not a white person, but an extreme uncle tom.

It's hard to piece together what exactly the show's overall message is. It's kind of exotic, as you can tell from it's lukewarm, bitter representation of Obama. Not exactly standard liberal propaganda. People have said the creator is a "black nationalist". I don't know anything about that ideology. The show does have some element of self-aggrandizing though. Huey, the main character, is a genius 10 year old who knows kung-fu. He's the show's main mouth piece of reason and has been called a writer self-insert.

So those are my thoughts.
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>> No. 1556 [Edit]
It takes from 1980s hip hop where blacks actually knew a lot of shit was ignorant and they could've really made it, this is during the crack era but pre gangsta rap.
(It wont let me embed for some reason)

Once you know that it takes from that 1985-1991 hip hop culture the show makes a lot more sense.
>> No. 1644 [Edit]
File 167569684795.jpg - (76.10KB , 903x508 , Screen_Shot_2019-11-14_at_12_59_03_PM.jpg )
The Boondocks is the only adult American animated sitcom I still enjoy and I can easily rewatch. Also it did the good thing to be finished after 4 seasons instead of being milked to the death like the majority of popular animated American sitcoms.

Finally it's ironic that American cartoon networks won't stfu about BLM, Black History Month, "support black creators" etc while they still ban "problematic" episodes from The Boondocks, a show made by a black creator (and a leftist one on top of that).
>> No. 1646 [Edit]
I normally dislike rap music profusely (there is some that I like, like Doctor Octagon) but Kool Moe Dee's lines in that song were nice.
>> No. 1647 [Edit]
I think it's kind of goofy a song needed to be written explaining that killing your own people is counterproductive to prosperity. You would hope that's just common sense.
>> No. 1648 [Edit]
That was the most dominant branch of hip hop that even NWA did some songs on that lane. Somewhere in the 90s when hip hop started making real money that gangsta rap was in full force. the irish were violent, the italians were violent even the asians were violent, then black people were violent, whoever is in the bottom of the totem pole its violent until they rise up. Black people think that they were deliberately targeted and kept in a cycle. They blame and hate jews in the music industry to this day for it.
>> No. 1650 [Edit]
>until they rise up
People "rise up", by being smart and productive. If by violent Irish, Italians and Asians, you mean organized criminals, those are parasitical to everybody, and mostly rejected and shunned by their law-abiding "compatriots".
>> No. 1651 [Edit]
>People "rise up", by being smart and productive. If by violent Irish, Italians and Asians, you mean organized criminals, those are parasitical to everybody, and mostly rejected and shunned by their law-abiding "compatriots".

Yes, now that they live in suburban homes and have a chance to make it, being seen as a gangster its definitely a bad thing, especially for asians.

But at the time, were you to be a fresh of the boat italian, You were grateful for the guy giving your dad a job, making sure you sister was alright, all he asked in return was too look out for cops every once in a while.
The mob made and while they profited from the Italian-American Civil Rights League the average italian profited in a much more tangible way, to this day italians benefit from it even though most of the mob power its long gone.
Not counting all the nyc property in italian ghetto neighborhoods that goes from exorbitant prices now, or literally every single person who lives in las vegas.

Yes you are correct that they are usually predatory, but not usually on their own people, post viatnam when every body came back strunged out on drugs, china white and jap meth single handled funded their respective countries economics boom, especially japans economy when most companies in the 70s were flooded with yakuza money, they however never sold it on their own neighborhoods, that was punishable by death.
Imagine you were chinese, you come to america and spend all your money in the hopes to get a better life and get slammed repeatedly by the chinese exclusion act and others, your choices are to live in squalor, become a opium addict or to join a tong, funnily enough after public officials were attacked with meat cleavers suddenly chinatowns were as prosperous as they could be and chinese people were land onwers despite it being ILLEGAL for them to do so for the longest time. Nowadays most asians have their own businesses and live comfortable middle class lives.

The irish were the most violent by far in the 1800s until the italians came in mass in the 1900s, and then the gov decided that you need wolves to fight wolves and started deputizing the irish, because as you know the police its simply a state funded gang that its allowed to use violence. Before that descriptions of irish neighborhoods were uncannily similar to modern somali pirates. Ironically due to their street ties the ny police force was instrumental to the flourishing of the italian mob during the world wars + viatnam periods. Nowadays most irish live comfortable lives especially compared to their 1800s alleycat ways. Irish protests from back in the day are literally 1:1 compared to modern black protests, looting and all.

Blacks actually tried to do things in a legit way, it just so happened to be during a time where the gov was wacking everybody that could disrupt societies pyramid, even their own(jfk), Malcom x and the black panthers weren't even close to what other races organized crime used to do, and their armed protests were entirely defensive despite not really needing it to be, but they believed of doing things the right way, forming their own things and institutions the legal way instead of just being common criminals, and look where it got them.
MLK was even more soft and purely about peace and doing it the love way and he still got clapped. In contrast to other races that when they chose to go legit they already had much power illegaly acquired behind them that it would be actually disruptive to society to deny them.

Being smart can only take you so far if you don't have the opportunity to apply it. You can be the smartest kid in detroit right now, i doubt you will make it very far.
You will probably do better being a chemist and making drugs than having a chance to teach chemistry at a university, even though you know more about it than 99% of people. With poverty comes discrimination, with discrimination comes crime. East side Detroit used to be one of the most productive black neighborhoods ever until everything happened with the city.

The thing is with blacks and the music industry is that there was already someone who controlled it already, and they of course protect their own.
Ice cube made priority records millions of dollars and they refused to give him 100k to buy a house now that his son was on the way, until him and his buddies ran into the record label office and he smashed the place with a baseball bat, and just like that magically he got his fair share of the money.

Violence its might not be the correct answer but it its an option to pick from, and sometimes its the only option that you have other than to be victimized.

Now this is not to excuse blacks and the retarded things they do in any shape or form, but it makes sense they are the way they are, it also makes sense why society would like them to be that way.
Its a pyramid, somebody gotta be at the bottom. And its a fight to the top.
>> No. 1652 [Edit]
>not usually on their own people
Extortion and loan sharking was their bread and butter for a long time. They didn't just ignore the people right next to them.
>they however never sold it on their own neighborhoods, that was punishable by death
That does not sound like blacks. The song that was linked is about "self-destruction". Killing your own. They don't consistently distinguish between harming their own, and harming the government.
>Irish protests from back in the day are literally 1:1 compared to modern black protests, looting and all
Were they led by Marxists, and at least partially motivated by a desire for handouts?
>it makes sense they are the way they are
I don't think your explanation is complete. These can be factors, but blacks as a collective have never done well in any place or time. So I think they're fundamentally less competent. I don't have concrete evidence, but I do prefer going with simpler explanations until they're ruled out.
>Its a pyramid, somebody gotta be at the bottom.
There's plenty of poor as dirt white people. Descendants of the first Brits who came to America. Living in a mid-west state or mountain range like the Appalachia. They don't commit nearly as much crime.

Post edited on 27th Feb 2023, 8:26am
>> No. 1653 [Edit]
>Ignorance of what exactly
Ignorance of the self destructive nature of this thug life bullshit 'culture' they've adopted, which some people say was actually forced onto them as a form of oppression along with the introduction of drugs to ghettos. Brothers killing brothers, running in gangs, taggin up turf, racking up babies mamas, gettin crunk when you should be getting a job, all that shit is learned and it didn't used to be that way. Black media is some of the worst and most toxic garbage out there, those who are ignorant of this fact are doomed to fall victim to it.
It wouldn't even be the first time the white man has done something like that, getting the Chinese hooked on opium for easy exploitation is much better known and documented.
>> No. 1654 [Edit]
>Extortion and loan sharking was their bread and butter for a long time.

Yeah they didn't but if you are a italian man and your options are to be extorted by the russians, the greeks or by your fellow italians you will choose and support the italians, while you would rather not pay at all that its not realistic when you are at the bottom, you play by the rules.
Loan sharking its legal, the illegal part its breaking your legs when you don't pay.

I don't mean to make excuses for organized crime, but without their people they cannot flourish so its on their best interest to keep them happy, thats all.

>That does not sound like blacks. The song that was linked is about "self-destruction". Killing your own.

No it doesn't sound like blacks, and thats why blacks believe they were targeted post civil rights era.
The crack era was made by american interests to fight sandinistas(this is not a conspiracy it its well documented), So blacks think that they were targeted since they were the ones in the come up and their leaders were put in a coffin, and now their new "leaders" are playing by fuck you get mine rules when before it was for the community.

>They don't consistently distinguish between harming their own, and harming the government.

Do you think that your local biker gang selling meth isn't harming their own? Once they were a brotherhood but what about now?

Once you make money every movement lines blur, that happens with everything, from the IRA to the hells angels to crips and bloods, it just the way things go.
And now all of the sudden previously po' kids know advanced chemistry(to this day bags of *military issued* guns are randomly found in gangland chicago with *federal ammo*), and they're not good at basketball, so they could work at mcdonalds for pennies or sell dope and move to Beverly Hills. This was also during the 80s coming off of the 70s hippie era where people already were doing all kinds of drugs regardless of race.

>Were they led by Marxists,
Marxists, anarchists and irish nationalists against freed blacks that were being given jobs in what now are big black cities like atlanta while they were living in squalor in the north.

>and at least partially motivated by a desire for handouts?
Mostly motivated for free loot. Some were motivated as a counter to police violence.

>but blacks as a collective have never done well in any place or time

We wuz kangs was a thing because they were indeed kangz once.
African mercenaries were highly prized by the romans, ethiopia was the only african country that resisted the gunpowder wielding europeans and they even thought themselves racially different from the rest of africa, To this date the richest man on earth was a black man, they bulid pyramindz n shieet.

There are many black african nations that are in par if not better than some south american and balkan nations. Like Cape Verde or Mali (most people don't even know these are countries), The island ones like São Tomé and Príncipe or Seychelles seem to be doing pretty well too since they don't have natural resources to be exploited.

>There's plenty of poor as dirt white people. Descendants of the first Brits who came to America. Living in a mid-west state or mountain range like the Appalachia. They don't commit nearly as much crime.

Yes they do, they're hopped up on meth and fetanyl, molest their children, beat their wives and shoot at each other all the time, its just that they are not living on top of each other packed together in a urban hellscape so its not on the forefront of the news(another reason blacks think they are being unusually targeted). And the whites that are dirt poor and live in urban environments? We usually call them wiggers, I wonder why?

Most blacks are poor and urban(due to slave displacement) so they're most likely to commit crime and conversely for those crimes to be news.
Jamal gets stomped out by crips in nyc? Big news. Cleetus gets cut up in the middle of nowhere? It might not even make the local county news, they might not even have a news outlet.

In the upper tax brackets blacks that are born into money actually the most reserved and docile compared to other races. Asians are the opposite.

Look at the depiction of blacks during the late 70s vs the early 90s, it went from being the cop buddy or the gym teacher to menace to society and random "thugs". It slowly went from black sitcoms about normal families to "thug" shows, From comedians that were black that were universally loved to black comedians that basically perform for rich whites only(house niggas), from stop self destruction the song to become self destruction the culture.
I wonder what happened in the meantime from these things to change?
>> No. 1655 [Edit]
This reads like a laundry list of excuses. Yeah, the weak are exploited. You can either do something about it or wallow in misery. And I don't mean enriching yourself through crime. They should be cleaning their ranks and getting serious about education. That wont happen though.
>Cape Verde
A former Portuguese colony on a previously uninhabited island. The last president was a Hispanic man.
Has been a war zone for like ten years.

>they were indeed kangz once
In the upper half of Africa, where they copied Arabs. And it was relatively short lived. And nothing really came out of it in the end. They didn't build the pyramids either.

>We usually call them wiggers, I wonder why?
Because they also can't speak English properly?
>Look at the depiction of blacks during the late 70s
White flight began before the 70s.
>> No. 1656 [Edit]

>This reads like a laundry list of excuses.

I can't believe you got me out here defending blacks of all things.

>You can either do something about it or wallow in misery. And I don't mean enriching yourself through crime. They should be cleaning their ranks and getting serious about education. That wont happen though.

They could or they could build the most profitable city on the world(las vegas) with illegal money, or they could attack public officials with their traditional swords and demand change or they could have crime lords effectively ruling over detroit and no-go zones in europe.
Then maybe after a couple of generations they could get serious about education, or they could make a lot of money as rappers promoting shooting each other in the head and fucking white women and running away.

Could've should've would've are not arguments just escapisms.

>A former Portuguese colony on a previously uninhabited island.

Every single african country was a colony once, so was every single country in the americas. What' your point?

>The last president was a Hispanic man.
(he is actually lusophone)
The president of the french Council of the Republic was a black man and the usa had a black president, What's your point?

>Has been a war zone for like ten years.

So has Mexico, Ukraine, Colombia, Israel, Myanmar, Tajikistan, (...), They are obviously not 1st world countries but I don't think I ever claimed them to be. I don't think there is a single country that has never been at war at one point or another.
What's your point?

>In the upper half of Africa, here they copied Arabs.


There are many more but for for the sake of not polluting the thread i will stop. I found these in a simple google search.

>And it was relatively short lived. And nothing really came out of it in the end.
This could be said for most empires and kingdoms, From the mongols to the kingdom of finland.

>They didn't build the pyramids either.
Who did? Aliens?

>Because they also can't speak English properly?
In part.
But its mostly because the W of white goes in the place of the N from nigger because nigger usually refers to blacks only so a distinction needed to be made, because they are white but they act like niggers.

Now, why would fine white men want to do that I wonder?

>White flight began before the 70s.
What do you consider white? Are White people are people with low melanin or are white people people with European culture? Its Eminem a white man?

Because people with money moving away from poor people that they think to be violent or criminals has been happening since the beginning of times, the irish and british had explosive arguments over that IIRC so did the romans and others that have never met blacks before.
>> No. 1658 [Edit]
>I can't believe you got me out here defending blacks of all things.
How is that surprising? What would you criticize blacks for?
>Could've should've would've are not arguments just escapisms.
My position is that they aren't becoming more productive because they're incapable. Who's saying "could've should've would've"? I think they're far more stupid and impulsive on average, and that they're born that way. Everything else is just a nicer explanation because the truth is offensive.
Cut Africa in half. Which half is Mali on? These articles support my point. They bring up the Arab world's involvement. Yeah, it doesn't apply to every little empire, but to most of them. I'm not impressed.
>Who did? Aliens?
I'm starting to think you're black.
>Now, why would fine white men want to do that I wonder?
Because that behavior is glorified by the media, and or they're unlucky enough to be directly influenced by blacks.
>What do you consider white?
People of European descent. Now you're going to pedantic about that? I don't care about your relativistic bullshit and historical precedents.

Post edited on 2nd Mar 2023, 5:53pm
>> No. 1659 [Edit]
>What would you criticize blacks for?
There is plenty of reasons to criticize blacks for, welfare draining, behaviour within their own vs with others, their music, their food habits, plenty of things really, its just that the reasons YOU are presenting are inane.

I could argue any side on any point I want to, its a debate board, I do this to have fun. Don't ask for my help, it ruins the game.

>My position is that they aren't becoming more productive because they're incapable.
They seem to be making a lot of money by legal and illegal means, impregnating a alarming number of white women, taking over europe, becoming the most well know celebrities, the foremost face for athleticism, the face for the biggest and most influential music genre in the entire planet and others.
That does not seem incapable to me it seems pretty good actually, especially considering the fact that a couple generations ago they were picking cotton and a couple before they were throwing spears at each other.

>Who's saying "could've should've would've"?
>They should be cleaning their ranks and getting serious about education. That wont happen though.

>I think they're far more stupid and impulsive on average, and that they're born that way. Everything else is just a nicer explanation because the truth is offensive.
I don't disagree, although I don't think stupid per se(synthesizing drugs and avoiding the mighty feds requires some degree of intelligence, far more than people who play videogames and smoke weed all day for example have or at least show).
Blacks on average live in shitholes so its understandable why they are like this, which it was my whole point.

Is mbtumbe who was born in beverly hills, who went to prep school and its a university teacher naturally more stupid and impulsive than billy bob the wife beater meth dealer?

I don't think so. I think it's an excuse lots of people have because without it they have nothing else going on, and when you have nothing going on that leads to depression which ultimately leads to suicide. Everything else is just a nicer explanation because the truth is offensive.
So its better to have something that you cannot prove and even if you could nobody would bother too. Because the alternative for you its to face that you are who you are and there is nothing really special about you. That is the side I am arguing if it was not clear.

>Cut Africa in half. Which half is Mali on? These articles support my point. They bring up the Arab world's involvement.
Mali its 1 of the 4 I posted and there are dozens more.
And it is located western africa, the west, north, central, south and horn regions of africa have their own distinct cultures and way of living.

And just to entertain you(and me), European powers had Arab and Asian involvement too, what is your point? Are blacks not allowed to learn?

>but blacks as a collective have never done well in any place or time.
>In the upper half of Africa, where they copied Arabs.
>Yeah, it doesn't apply to every little empire, but to most of them

Never > Only in one part > Not to every little one outside that part but most of them > ???

Here is a Childrens book list of some african kingdoms.
Simple google search.

>I'm not impressed
I am not trying to impress you, it is not personal, you present your side I present my side, the people reading can decide for themselves.

>I'm starting to think you're black.

1)That would be ad hominem, which its against the debate rules devised by the majestic European greeks between their buttsex sessions.
2)I am so white to go out in the sun hurts.
3)Can you just answer the questions you are presented? I still got:

>Do you think that your local biker gang selling meth isn't harming their own? Once they were a brotherhood but what about now?
>Every single african country was a colony once, so was every single country in the americas. What' your point?
>I don't think there is a single country that has never been at war at one point or another. What's your point?
>The president of the french Council of the Republic was a black man and the usa had a black president, What's your point?
>Who did? Aliens?
>I wonder what happened in the meantime from these things to change?

You don't have to but it IS a debate board and it would clear up things a little in regards to your side.

>People of European descent. Now you're going to pedantic about that?
I asked a question to formulate my future responses better. Its a debate I can be pedantic about whatever I want.
The point was that people of European descent that had money routinely moved away from people of European descent that were poor and considered stupid and impulsive criminals, and that is before blacks were even know to them.

>I don't care about your relativistic bullshit and historical precedents.
I do not know what that means and what are you are going on about, please quote what you are referring to so I can formulate a proper answer.

I'll take teh
on the organized crime thing unless you have anything else to say on it regarding what I said. Thank you very much.
>> No. 1660 [Edit]
>I am not trying to impress you
You were trying to prove that they did in fact "do well" at one point. My response is that they didn't by my standards.

>I don't disagree
Then there's no debate. You were never arguing in good faith. You refuse to engage with the topic in terms of averages and collectives. Instead, you've based everything on false equivalencies, like in what constitutes success and productivity of ethnic groups. And using hardships as an excuse in other cases. Jews managed to attain real success in spite of larger society being against them, for centuries. The reason why is because AS A COLLECTIVE, they're better.

Post edited on 3rd Mar 2023, 10:04am
>> No. 1661 [Edit]

>Then there's no debate.
There is if you anwser my questions. There isn't if you wish to concede.

In don't disagree that people in poverty aren't more likely to be stupid and impuslive. And I don't disagree that a god chunk of blacks live in poverty. 2+2=4? Its only a false equivalence if proven false. Otherwise its called logical equivalence.

Is mbtumbe who was born in beverly hills, who went to prep school and its a university teacher naturally more stupid and impulsive than billy bob the wife beater meth dealer?

>My response is that they didn't by my standards
1)Which are?
2)And should supercede the average person's because?

>You were never arguing in good faith.
I'm arguing for fun while in the toilet.
Any challenge for the brain its welcome, no matter how small it is.

>You refuse to engage with the topic in terms of averages and collectives
What does this even mean? The average black lives in poverty, so they will act how poor pepole act. Poor people tend be more stupid and impulsive across all races. Is that untrue?

The problem with doing things on average is that if you take the highest paid blacks and put them all together, on AVERAGE blacks are more well off than hispanics. Which I don think I need to explain why that its preposterous.

>like in what constitutes success and productivity of ethnic groups
So things that are actually real and tangible instead of something abstract, Got it!
Im starting to think you're black, we can argue abstracts if you want, might be fun.

>The reason why is because AS A COLLECTIVE, they're better.

In what? Sports? Wealth? What are you quantifying? Every single thing in this entire planet is more in depth than just black and white(haha), and every single thing has different amounts of weight in society.
The 9th most famous basketball player will have much more success and wealth than the smartest jew lawyer, you might think that the lawyer its a "better" person and deserves to have more than the guy playing with balls, but your personal opinion means nothing in face of reality.

With that said, what do you consider as better?

On average yes, jews are more well off in terms of wealth over every other race. In terms of impregnating white women? I think blacks got a clear advantage over jews.

Questions that haven't been answered counter:

>Do you think that your local biker gang selling meth isn't harming their own? Once they were a brotherhood but what about now?
>Every single african country was a colony once, so was every single country in the americas. What' your point?
>I don't think there is a single country that has never been at war at one point or another. What's your point?
>The president of the french Council of the Republic was a black man and the usa had a black president, What's your point?
>Who did? Aliens?
>I wonder what happened in the meantime from these things to change?
>And just to entertain you(and me), European powers had Arab and Asian involvement too, what is your point? Are blacks not allowed to learn?
>Is mbtumbe who was born in beverly hills, who went to prep school and its a university teacher naturally more stupid and impulsive than billy bob the wife beater meth dealer?


I will say it does not look good on your side of the argument with all of these piling up, pal.

I'll take teh

on organized crime. Thank you very much.
>> No. 1662 [Edit]
>In what?
Genetics. I'm not going to say anything else to you. And your nigger fetish is disgusting.
>> No. 1664 [Edit]
Shame that was good ascii art.

You refuse to answer anything like a black man on trial and make no points whatsoever.

I take teh

Thank you very much.
>> No. 1681 [Edit]
I wish rap music went back to its roots instead of promoting what they do now

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