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No. 109 [Edit]
American education depends on witholding testimony and evidence contrary to the great moral quagmire of justifying the use of atomic weapons on highly concentrated civilian centers within days of each other, on a country incapable of feeding itself or launching a significant strategic counter attack, which had already been seeking to enter peace negotiations since May of the previous year.

No major American General or Admiral was involved in the executive order to drop the bombs. If they had been, chances are the bombs would not have been dropped. MacArthur himself, the man who had been involved in the brunt of the fighting against Japan, and who had just recently liberated his troops from prisoner of war camps after the Bataan march, said the bombs were not necessary, and that diplomacy which would result in the same outcome, would have precluded and circumvented an invasion, kept Soviet Russia out of Japan, and ended the war.

If even the men who lead the fight against Japan agree that the bombs were not justified, why does "common knowledge" in the US justify it?
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>> No. 119 [Edit]
Two nukes were not enough.
>> No. 134 [Edit]
Isn't that a great irony. I love (some of) the cultural works that they produce, but I actually fucking hate the Japanese.
>> No. 137 [Edit]
File 149260380399.jpg - (354.01KB , 720x1921 , KoreanAndChinese.jpg )
Chinkgooks out.
>> No. 138 [Edit]
The whole war by America against Japan was because FDR was a Sinophile.
FDR wanted China as a puppet-state in Asia.

'The outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937 saw aid flow into the Republic of China, from the United States under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. A series of Neutrality Acts had been passed in the US with the support of isolationists who forbade American aid to countries at war. Because the Second Sino-Japanese War was undeclared, however, Roosevelt denied that a state of war existed in China and proceeded to send aid to Chiang'
>> No. 139 [Edit]
China's war-plan was to keep fighting, knowing they cannot win, to garner Western sympathy and have the West beat Japan because China certainly could not.

'A major reason that the Chinese army held onto the city as long as it did, even though it was on the brink of collapse, was that China was hoping for a western intervention in the Sino-Japanese War.'
'Thus, Chiang Kai-shek had to devote everything China had to offer to make sure the Western powers know that the present conflict between China and Japan was a major war, not a collection of inconsequential "incidents" as had been the case previously. Based on this political strategy, Chiang Kai-shek had to order his troops to fight to the death in an attempt to arouse international sympathy and cause the international community to adopt measures that would help China and sanction Japan.'
'In addition, on October 5, President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave the Quarantine Speech, calling for the United States to help nations fight against aggressor nations. This speech had a tremendous effect on raising China's morale.'
>> No. 140 [Edit]
So America was not 'neutral' in the slightest, before Pearl Harbor, as is commonly thought.
>> No. 141 [Edit]
Also, the Japanese POW camps were manned by Korean soldiers. So most POW abuse, in Japanese POW camps, is actually from Koreans.

'After the war, 148 Koreans were convicted of Class B and C Japanese war crimes, 23 of whom were sentenced to death, including Korean prison guards who were particularly notorious for their brutality during the war.'

'The figure is relatively high considering that ethnic Koreans made up a very small percentage of the Japanese military. Justice Bert Röling, who represented the Netherlands at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, noted that "many of the commanders and guards in POW camps were Koreans – the Japanese apparently did not trust them as soldiers – and it is said that they were sometimes far more cruel than the Japanese."[58]'

'In his memoirs, Colonel Eugene C. Jacobs wrote that during the Bataan Death March, "the Korean guards were the most abusive. The Japs didn't trust them in battle, so used them as service troops; the Koreans were anxious to get blood on their bayonets; and then they thought they were veterans."[59][60]'

'Korean guards were sent to the remote jungles of Burma, where Lt. Col. William A. (Bill) Henderson wrote from his own experience that some of the guards overlooking the construction of the Burma Railway "were moronic and at times almost bestial in their treatment of prisoners. This applied particularly to Korean private soldiers, conscripted only for guard and sentry duties in many parts of the Japanese empire. Regrettably, they were appointed as guards for the prisoners throughout the camps of Burma and Siam."[61] The highest-ranking Korean to be prosecuted after the war was Lieutenant General Hong Sa-ik, who was in command of all the Japanese prisoner-of-war camps in the Philippines.'

U.S. laws of war
a. Crimes against peace.
b. Crimes against humanity.
c. War crimes.
This is also an attempt at misinformation. You hear 'Class A war crime' and you think it is the worst, nobody bothers to actually check, but it is actually something really stupid.
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