NEET is not a label, it's a way of life!
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File 145370235638.jpg - (54.03KB , 960x540 , [LIME]_Kannazuki_No_Miko_04_[960x540]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
21309 No. 21309 [Edit]
Do any of you ever feel like you just don't know what you want out of life? Maybe you feel like something's missing/wrong but you don't know what it is?

I've had issues with depression off and on for a long time, and have tried to work through it and fix what's wrong on my own.
I thought I knew why I felt like such shit, I thought I knew what was missing from my life. What I found however was the closer I got to the things I thought I wanted the more uncomfortable and filled with regret I became.

I think I may be starting to finally accept that there's really nothing at all missing from my life, but that society, family, and the media would have one believe they're not happy unless they live like a normalfag with a 3dpd and a job they hate.
I know deep down I don't want any of that crap and there's no reason why I shouldn't stay a weeaboo virgin NEET for life, but I feel like I've been tricked and lead astray into believing that's the wrong way to live.
This life style, being glued to a computer all day and having next to no social interaction... it really actually isn't so bad. It's realizing that which is the hard part.
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>> No. 21313 [Edit]
I know it's generic but you have to find out what you enjoy doing in life and somehow make a living out of it.
>> No. 21314 [Edit]

That would be to good to be true, in real life 90% people work in jobs they either hate or tolerate.

Also, what happens if everything you like to do is frowned upon society? last time I checked, only approved activities are sports, partying and getting wasted after a couple of long weeks of 12hr shifts.
>> No. 21327 [Edit]
>That would be to good to be true, in real life 90% people work in jobs they either hate or tolerate.

Yeah, that is unfortunately the truth, I just can't fathom it, why get a job you'll despair doing for the rest of your life? I mean shit, might as well enjoy it, it's going to be pretty much you're entire life from now on.

And I've seen the effects of these shit jobs do on my family, my brother managed to land on of them for a while. He left home early and came back late feeling like shit, when he finally got home, he had no energy to do much at all. And somehow he was okay with it, most likely because it came with decent money (which in the grand scheme of things became useless because of his college debt.) I can go on and on about this, but it's just disgusting how people are just okay with this type of thing.

>Also, what happens if everything you like to do is frowned upon society? last time I checked, only approved activities are sports, partying and getting wasted after a couple of long weeks of 12hr shifts.

Well, fuck what other people and soceity have to say. My dream job is a profession that is one of the more hated roles in society (ironically it is needed to have functioning society). A police officer, and I'm making great strides to make it happen.
>> No. 21333 [Edit]
>> No. 21335 [Edit]
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Don't believe too much in what other people say, we're made the same, remember? What may hurt you, may also hurt me.

You seem like a great person. People like you show trust, humility and else which words fail me.
Trust your own words, your feelings, put yourself above all else but don't stomp others, this is easy for you.
Ironically, it's almost impossible for normals, they become blind in themselves, turning a shadow of what they once were. A stomping machine.

I'll tell you this much, i came to be to make a person the happiest i could and so i did. This is truly what i wanted the most in life, the answer that i was looking for, i can die happy any time, as soon as my final blood ties are gone.
>> No. 21336 [Edit]
Fuck yeah, brother.
>> No. 21338 [Edit]
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Who knows op.

To want nothing. Just to wait, until there is nothing left to wait for. Just to wander, and to sleep. To let yourself be carried along by the crowds, and the streets. To follow the gutters, the fences, the water's edge. To walk the length of the embankments, to hug the walls. To waste your time.
To have no projects, to feel no
impatience. To be without desire, or resentment, or revolt. In the course of time your life will be there in front of you: a life without motion, without crisis and with- out disorder, a life with no rough edges and no imbalance. Minute by minute, hour after hour, day after day, season after season, something is going to start that will be without end: your vegetal existence, your cancelled life.

>> No. 21665 [Edit]
>Do any of you ever feel like you just don't know what you want out of life? Maybe you feel like something's missing/wrong but you don't know what it is?

I think so. I don't even know, though, man. It feels like I don't want anything. I am living an objectively good life, NEETing off my dad, I'm able to spend all day in my room on the computer, I have plenty of food and water, the living space is not filthy or anything. Hell, I do not even do many chores, just doing things when my dad knocks on my door to ask me too, which I doubt is even half the time those chores are done.

I don't know what to do, nothing is appealing. Mostly I just play solitaire nowadays. Imageboards are dull, I have no hobbies or interests so there is nothing to read there. I used to think I liked video games, but now all I play is Counter-Strike, and not much of it, either. I used to think I liked to read, but since 2014 I have only read a handful of books, and none in the past year or so. I'm able to watch movies and TV shows, but I don't pay attention half the time, mostly I have them on the main monitor and play solitaire on the secondary one, and I don't care to discuss the shows, anyways. I listen to music while playing solitaire most of the time, but mostly the same shit over and over. I am too stupid to form any actual opinions, or have any thoughts about the artfulness of the pieces, or think of any meaning or depth for the movies and music, so it's even more pointless to try and discuss them on imageboards.

All I do nowadays is think about people I used to know, things I used to do. I replay these over and over in my mind. Sometimes I imagine them playing out differently. When I do that normally I'll really flesh it out.

It seems like the present and potential of the future are meaningless to me, instead I masturbate to the past and daydreams of what could have been. I'd say that these daydreams could be what I want out of life, but I don't have any drive to actually pursue any of it. It would not be too difficult to do, I don't think, but my imagination seems to be good enough. Content to waste my time, lost thinking about not wasting my time. Or maybe that is all just beating around the bush to hide fears of things going wrong, I don't know. I try not to go into much depth thinking about that.

I don't think I'm depressed, or euphoric, or even just kind of unhappy or kind of happy, the real world just leaves me unaffected. Mediocrity is the essence of my emotion, I think. Though I'd say people would think that I'm too big a loser to be mediocre. I don't know. I don't care I don't think. Or maybe I do. I don't know man fuck. I guess I will post this. Still feel like more examination should be taken to actually sort my thoughts out. I don't know though, I seem to just go around in circles when I actually try and think. Damn.

I just remembered that I actually liked taking long walks during the night, but I stopped that after my dad got bitter. I'm not one to go against mommy and daddy so I actually stopped, maybe I should start again. Walking is nice. Moving from Point A to Point B and back is nice. I don't know why. I will think more about that.

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