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File 144280642114.jpg - (45.78KB , 559x600 , 1094775_549613275099945_1273151083_n.jpg )
20668 No. 20668 [Edit]
I'm so despondent about everything. Everything I try goes totally wrong. There's no escape from this hole here. I feel drained. So far, I still haven't found a real purpose in life. Sometimes, I'm afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There's nothing to get up for.
>> No. 20669 [Edit]
Welcome to the club pal.
>> No. 20673 [Edit]
At least everyone dies some day and we won't suffer forever.
>> No. 20675 [Edit]
hello moderate to severely depressed anon
>> No. 20676 [Edit]
>giving anonymous the benefit of the doubt

its just another teenage attention whore
>> No. 20680 [Edit]
I spend my days depressed and empty too.
>> No. 20705 [Edit]
I feel you Goebbels. I, too, am an Asukafag.
>> No. 20711 [Edit]
It's truly sickening to be able to see your own country crumble under your very own eyes. My people perish and there's no-one to go ahead and finally put a stop to it.

Mr Goebbels was depressed in the 20s, but what about his soul brother in these days where all the free speech is suppressed in Europe? The best propaganda is truth, as he might have said, but the truth is already hate-speech here.
>> No. 20774 [Edit]
Not implying that you're wrong or right about OP, but one thing I'm interested in is the fact that I've been depressed since middle school and chalked it up to "teenage hormones" for the majority of my teenage years. Only once I reached around 16 or 17 did I realize I was actually legitimately depressed and it hasn't ever gone away. So I guess my point is just that "teenager" and "depressed" aren't mutually exclusive. Not that this is an excuse to allow underage to post on TC, of course, but just something I noticed about myself that your comment brought up.
>> No. 20857 [Edit]
I lost my escapism by 17 which is when I started to feel truly hopeless.

I used to push things for the future when my issues started, and now the future caught up with me I have nothing enjoyable that I can live for. fuck
>> No. 20923 [Edit]
Don't worry, it's not teenage hormones, the depression goes on and your life finds a way to fuck you up. Wish you the best.

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