No. 20686
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Well, I can offer some three points of guidance.
1. Read books. They will help you understand how others think, will inspire original thought, will make you far less self-absorbed, and will make you feel like you are actually doing something with your life, even if you are just talking to yourself in your living room six hours out of the day. I've read almost 200 books since I was 29 and a half and I don't regret it one bit; wisest decision I ever made.
2. Forsake love. Love does not last, it is draining, it makes you vulnerable to almost anything, and you'll end up far stronger learning how to stand on your own. I'm still a virgin and while the loneliness was painful from around 23 to 29, I realized that I never really connected to anyone and that I was just used to being alone. I prefer being alone now, which was how I was before I was 23, oddly enough. It will pass, and you will be stronger in the end. Seeing my dad not being able to stand on his own not even a year after my mother died and then have some random woman move in with him just four months after they met was traumatic, but also empowering in that I know that despite being half his age, I'm harder/faster/better/stronger than him. Why waste your life for just a few short years with some floozy who is only going to be pretty for at most ten years, and you'll likely fall out of "love" with her long before then? I don't get it.
So yeah, I've given up on women. And I'm not mad. It is just better off for me.
3. Don't blame yourself for everything that goes wrong. A lot of people do that around here. Cut yourself some slack; the belief that everything is your fault is literally impossible. Realize that a child is not to be blamed for how they were raised, although they can still be blamed for their nature.