No. 20754
>Everybody is retarded with a retarded look of retard on their stupid face
This is such a strange realization. A few days ago my father was yelling about something and everything about the situation just looked ridiculous. That he was enraged over some petty thing or other, his face contorted as he expanded his voice to take up as much space as he could, it was all I could do not to laugh. I am sure that some semblance of a smile did leak out, though.
It is the same with every other interaction I have with people, though markedly less dramatic, but if anything I think that just brings out how unnatural it all looks even more. There is nothing else coming to the forefront to try and distract from it; the retardation is completely exposed.
Whenever I leave my room, my mother always makes a point to come out of her room and say that she loves me and then we hug. The inflections in her voice and slight positioning of her face that I'm not sure if she is even aware of highlights the absurdity.
I am a spectator of the world. I do not exist outside of the present moment. I do not engage with anything. I feel no affect from the happenings in this world. I go to the bathroom to piss and suddenly in a moment of clarity I discover that I am in the bathroom pissing and I do not recall the experience of walking from my room to the bathroom. This window I am watching from is largely fogged over, leaving this existence without context.
Why is it all so fucking retarded?