No. 20635
- (884.28KB
, 768x1078
, Doll_Master.png
yeah being able to apply multiple atk/def boost cards at once would be great. It's a major annoying drag only being able to do one of each at a time. Another annoying thing is the chat system in alliance halls that have a very small character limit. Forces people to either type like retards or break up sentences into multiple parts.
Had Doll master as my fav since I started, too bad she's worthless on the field.
Unfortuanly I havin't been playing long so I can't do much boating.
I'm barly at the point where I can one BP arch witches at 200lv, and F arch witches are taking me around 3-4 bp.
My main at the moment is HSR Queen Momo from that recent promotion with 11568 atk/11083 def, I find the 300% attack up very useful.
Also got a pair of UR Hyper alchemists from the last event which when using their unleash ability on that momo multiple times has gotten me full 999999 attacks on a few occasions. Still Trying to decide of I should fuse the two, they're my only UR so far.
I'm still really bummed I couldn't get the fairy queen from the event before last. I got three out of the four element cards needed to create it but was missing the dark fairy.
I'm not really feeling this current event, not my scene you know? least the Alice cards in the gate are cute.
I was able to find my way into an alliance run by a lv 140 player and they've been a lot of help with the witch hunts. It's pretty much just me and him in the alliance and the dude seems pretty cool. Tried telling them about TC but they weren't interested.
Now I'm thinking TC might need it's own alliance.