I shall now proceed to dump pictures of back alleys of Japan.
>>3803 As a claustrophiliac, I do.
And that's about it. Feel free to contribute.
Not really a back alley, but I quite like this one as well.
Nothing to contribute but this was interesting (and different) to see. Thank you.
Thanks, those are really cool. Is there any way you could compress these and put them on mediafire or something?
>>3845 http://www.mediafire.com/?2hpxa47fprez5wg
>>3846 Thanks man
Japan is always crammed full of cool and interesting stuff.
If you like stuff like this you might want to check out http://oldphotosjapan.com/en/. The site is no longer updated but there's some cool stuff there.
So different than the US. Slavery really does ruin everything for everyone for short term profit.
>>3815 I've always wondered where they put all the snow they shovel, when it snows in Japan...
>>4120 Maybe they put it in trucks and drive it off. It's a good question. It's probably a big hazard for the trains and all that, at least annoying for pedestrians...
Anyone know the cities pictured in these? Kitakyushu was the only one I could pick out.
What camera did you use?
>>people can leave shit outside like nothing with no worries What city was this taken on? How can people be so carefree? You do that shit here in any place in the US and your shit is guaranteed to get jacked. Also I hear that in Japan people take their shoes off in public buildings and inside other people's homes. They don't go barefoot either they wear special shoes or sandals to go around said buildings. I've always done this due to my family's cleanliness so I fucking love the fact they do that. I've heard that they're super obsessed with what's the norm or not however. >>The nail that sticks up gets hammered down This is why my weeaboo tendancies are always within check. I have a feeling my socially awkward self would have problems there fitting in. I'd probably be seen as a sexual predator due to how awkward I am around women.
I will allow myself to join you into posting pictures of back alleys
this was the last one.Post edited on 23rd Sep 2016, 5:14pm
>>5931 Pretty great. Keep them coming anytime.
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