No. 43618
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"Watching/reading everything" is a total fool's errand, and the desire to do so has always mystified me. I know everybody wants to be the OTAKIIIIIIIIIING, but unless you're some kind of animanga savant, you're not going to remember 80% of the shows you've seen anyway.
Like those guys on MAL who make it their mission to watch "every anime ever" (people have been debating where that starts and ends since the dawn of time, and it's safe to say a consensus will never be reached) and end up with like a 3/10 average rating. Really? You've spent thousands of hours - sometimes tens of thousands - watching things you know you won't like and definitely won't ever think about again? For what reason? That's entirely antithetical to the definition of "otaku", in my humble opinion.
...yeah, it's not really viable to keep up with everything now. It hasn't been for a couple years now. I mean, you can do it, but it has to be literally the only thing you do, no imageboards, no fap breaks. no nothin'. Studios have quadrupled their output to keep up with the apparent demand for more fucking stories about an unassuming high-school-age boy in a Dragon Quest setting who's an F-rank shit-kicker but secretly has access to the S-rank skillbook. And you can guarantee AI will exacerbate the problem tenfold. Ara ara.