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File 173566404034.jpg - (226.63KB , 1200x1200 , 5f67ce9b2c1d152cf1c47ed4244d5266.jpg )
43343 No. 43343 [Edit]
It's 2025. Now or soon depending on your timezone. What's you happy plan of celebrating it?

I though to play games or watch anime, but I guess I'll read a few chapters of the book I'm reading, then go to sleep. Maybe play games a but if I don't feel too sad!
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>> No. 43344 [Edit]
Happy new year, tohno-chan!
>> No. 43349 [Edit]
Ate yummy food, drank champagne, watched the fireworks from the backyard. Then I wondered about my life a bit ...and that's about it. Gonna watch now a Black Rock Shooter episode and fall asleep. Have a nice 2025 anon! The other anons too!
>> No. 43350 [Edit]
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Actually I met this year better than I thought. I imagined it would be some cope-hard effort, but I had some nice lightweight chat with people on imageboards and this kind of made me feel at home. It's not the first new year I celebrate with anons. I tried walking around my city to see what's up but somehow none of that soulless drudgery impressed me or even caught attention. Pretty dull. Fireworks were banging for an hour or so, I didn't really count, but I wasn't much impressed either. Watch them out of my window because whoever walks outside right? Heh.

Thought maybe I'd watch some anime but didn't happen. Just not in the mood, nothing on the list that would really tug at me.

Though an illusion, it's pleasant to celebrate with somebody, even if they're just text on your screen.
>> No. 43352 [Edit]
Happy new nyaa!

I have two little traditions.

Watch and send this to people.

The other, is try to finish/beat a videogame new years eve. (This year it was Yakuza4)
I've been doing it ever since I was a kid beating spyro2 while my mother and her friends celebrated new years in the dining area.
>> No. 43353 [Edit]
Since I can't really focus on anything with the fireworks banging, I just went to bed early and slept through the night. Usually there is a big event in an online game I used to play, so that was my new years tradition for plentiful years, but not so much this year.

Have a nice 2025, OP and everyone else.

Post edited on 1st Jan 2025, 12:10am
>> No. 43354 [Edit]
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I played games into the new year and now that I've slept and it's the morning, it's back to gaming. I wasn't too crazy about the Chinese horoscopes for 2025 but I'm sure someone else will be happy about that and celebrate.
Weirdly enough in my area there's absolutely no fireworks going on...
>> No. 43355 [Edit]
File 173582181623.jpg - (122.01KB , 800x1021 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I prepared a vegetarian recipe for my family. Unfortunately it was not well received. At all. The dish itself (dal and basmati rice) came out pretty good if I may say so, I followed the recipe to the letter and it worked well. I was planning to introduce this meal so we could have it once or twice a week, but now I realize I wouldn't be able to make it stick, even if it were once a year. One relative took a single bite, placed the spoon back on the plate and said; 'Now I now why people in India shit themselves often.' Quite shocking, but everybody had a laugh. I was gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha the whole way through the meal anyways. Pain is a teacher and we should to be thankful for our teachers. I took a picture before digging in.

Happy new year TC.
>> No. 43359 [Edit]
It's sad they didn't have enough honor to at least fake they didn't dislike it, but you shouldn't overthink that, really. Please don't dwell on pain that is meaningless. There is nothing you can do to please others anyway. Thought I guess I don't have a right to lecture you since I gave up trying to do anything at all. Easier that way. No action, no consequence. Well, inaction too has consequences but they are mostly silent consequences and I'd rather bear with silence than with people looking at me as on a mistake they regret.

Post edited on 2nd Jan 2025, 2:44pm
>> No. 43387 [Edit]
That looks pretty good! Dal is one of the more plain dishes from that cuisine, I'm surprised anyone would be strongly negative about it. Then again I suppose they'd probably say the same for any rice+non-meat side since it's a combination of textures that people in the West are never exposed to.
>> No. 43388 [Edit]
File 173665597935.png - (3.12MB , 2127x1325 , cf8a5c1afd0b864d62ac71d73aab189f.png )
Indian food sucks imo. Drowning things in brown sauces is disgusting. You'd have to either be completely out of touch, or sadistic, to feed their vegetarian slop to your family.

>There is nothing you can do to please others anyway.
Yes there is. Make good food, not some legume-laced, curry abomination.

Post edited on 11th Jan 2025, 8:28pm
>> No. 43389 [Edit]
>Indian food sucks imo. Drowning things in brown sauces is disgusting.
Yupa, and it's aesthetically revolting.
>> No. 43390 [Edit]
Agreed. I worked with a lot of them for years, got exposed to their foods a few times and a lot of it is just terrible.
Fun fact, many of them absolutely reek to hell because of their diet. I'm talking a nose burning stink.
>> No. 43391 [Edit]
>drowning things in brown sauces is disgusting
Tell that to the Japanese
>> No. 43392 [Edit]
I've had plenty of Japanese food, and they don't do that. With Indian, you gets vats of sauce with bits of stuff swimming in it.
>> No. 43393 [Edit]
Isn't that exactly Japanese curry? I've tried "curry" from each of the main asian cuisines (japanese, thai, indian, indonesian) and at its heart they're mostly the same idea of a soup/sauce-thing to pair with rice, just with different flavors emphasized. Japanese being milder and sweeter, thai being really "rich" and coconuty, indian food basically going ham on every spice, and indonesian somewhat in-between thai and indian.
>> No. 43394 [Edit]
Yes, and I can't stand it. Thankfully, they have many other dishes which are nothing like that.
>> No. 43395 [Edit]
Wow I didn't think somebody could actually be disgusted with brown colored food.

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