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File 173262333622.jpg - (349.71KB , 982x1271 , Clannad-Blu-ray-Cover-1326288029.jpg )
43188 No. 43188 [Edit]
Do any Brohnos collect Anime Bluray disks? I'm currently wanting to build an Anime Bluray collection from scratch for sake of having some of my favorite shows on physical media, and as something I can actually touch and look at and isn't just a file on my computer. Do you think this endeavor is worth pursuing? Any technical tips like getting some particular Bluray player hardware, or which to avoid? How many Bluray disks with Anime on it do you own?
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>> No. 43189 [Edit]
File 173263430373.png - (398.24KB , 1000x839 , __suiseiseki_souseiseki_and_kunkun_rozen_maiden_dr.png )
I wouldn't say I "collect" them, but I have some anime blu-rays and sets, along side plain ol' DVDs. I have 17 series' total, though a lot of those are just random stuff I picked up at used dvds store or similar for cheap. I haven't watched a lot of them yet, but you can be sure I will eventually.
Is it worth it? It's nice, something to stick on a shelf. It can be a pain in the ass in practice, if you ever actually watch them. I use my laptop with a blu-ray drive since I don't have a blu-ray player or a proper TV to display it on. I use VLC which is inconsistent when dealing with the copy protection. For example, I had a couple discs out of a large box set not work. Fortunately I had the series downloaded, but it was rather annoying to go between the two. There's almost definitely better ways to go about it on PC, but this anon is too lazy to figure it out.
If you have a an actual player and a TV though, it's probably nice. When I'm sick in bed, I'll watch my DVD series (usually Kanon) on my ps2 and my little crt. It's real cozy and a bit easier than navigating my computer's folders. It's also good if there's ever the possibility of you going without internet access for a long time. Years ago I had no internet whatsoever after a move, and only had what I already downloaded before and what DVDs I could find at the store.
>> No. 43190 [Edit]
I've been wanting to import Japanese BDs and DVDs but shipping overseas is horribly expensive right now.
>> No. 43192 [Edit]
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>Any technical tips like getting some particular Bluray player hardware
if you want to buy a bluray drive for your PC, consider getting one that's compatible with PS3 games. RPCS3 has a compatibility list.

>How many Bluray disks with Anime on it do you own?
Zero. Anime BD's and DVD's are very expensive around here, even second-hand.
I do have two Judeo-American movies on Bluray (Arrival and Star Wars Episode 3) but I mainly just use my bluray drive for data archival purposes.
>> No. 43193 [Edit]
I got this blueray player because it's compatible with makemkv's libre driver
>> No. 43297 [Edit]
Why be so specific about collecting blueray as opposed to physical mediums more generally?
>> No. 43298 [Edit]
I just assumed Blurays were the de-facto standard for Anime, due to their storage capacity. Therefor I thought that most otaku here have Blurays for their Anime, if they have physical media at all and not something old, that was released on DVD. If you (or anyone) else has a DVD collection with Anime, he is also invited to discuss it in this thread.

Post edited on 17th Dec 2024, 6:02am

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