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File 169669948053.jpg - (308.05KB , 1920x1080 , 2023-10-07 18_52_54-Greenshot.jpg )
41807 No. 41807 [Edit]
Tohno-chan, please explain this to me. I want to know so I can be a better person. Some of the H stuff I come across while playing VNs, ...I find it disturbing. I know I can always just skip and ignore, but it makes me wonder, how can it be that I play VNs for healing and moe and the story, while other people seem to play it for all that additional filth. Never understood this, I like characters the way they are while others like the very same characters only when they know what, you have seen it. Feels like a sort of dissonance to me. Is it a japanese thing that I'm just not meant to understand? Is it a business thing like all-ages and ecchi stuff has not enough paying customers? Please give me knowledge. (Sorry if I insulted any fans of H stuff, it was not the goal.)
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>> No. 41808 [Edit]
A lot of people don't consider sexual things "filthy".
>only when they know what,
I think they like those characters all of the time, not just when they're doing lewd things.
>> No. 41809 [Edit]
To be clear, I'm not talking about vanilla sex but the crazy insane shit with pee and cum in every hole thing but i hoped i don't need to be very explicit.
>> No. 41810 [Edit]
I've heard a lot of these games have those elements forced in because the industry feels they won't sell without it, sometimes leading to very jarring tone shifts and characters basically turning into different people. Sex sells as they say, and degenerates have the deepest pockets.
I think a lot of those pervs don't care about the healing aspect of games like this so much as see it as a means to an end. For them character development and backstory might simply be icing on the cream pie.
As for the "insane shit", I'm pretty sure that's repressed fucks over compensating for the infamously bland and boring style of Japanese love life that sees them creating some of the most crazy porn on the planet. In other words, it's out they vent their pent up feelings. The way a guy who's been in prison for decades would absolutely ravage the first girl he can when let out.
>> No. 41812 [Edit]
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>while other people seem to play it for all that additional filth
I'm quite sure this happens only with nukige connoisseurs.

I think the answer is simple: some people think vanilla is boring and the developers add more "spiced up" content to stand out from other VNs.
I do wonder what kind of VNs you're playing, because I think it's still rare to find depraved stuff outside of designated porn games. Maybe I'm too jaded to notice.
>> No. 41814 [Edit]
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I don't understand it. 99% of these sex scenes are garbage and I end up skipping them. What kind of heretic actually reads and enjoys them? There is only one way to deal with such profanity, and that is to set up a neo-inquistion to enforce moe orthodoxy, with all those who refuse to repent in the observation or creation of low quality sex scenes being burnt at the stake. That's all.
>> No. 41815 [Edit]
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No degenerates, no furries, more moe, more softcore!
>> No. 41822 [Edit]
Sex scenes in 3D things are bad but 2D sex scenes are good.
>> No. 41823 [Edit]
It depends on the type of games you are playing. Nukige games are obviously made entirely for the purpose of the sex scenes with whatever fetish has been thrown on top of them so it makes sense people looking to get off would seek out these types of games.
That being said adding sex scenes to games that would otherwise be perfectly fine dating sims is kinda stupid. It's like how yuzusoft or other "Moe" studios will have these sex scenes that do nothing for the story, but they're there.
It's how I feel about the sex scnees in games like Kanon as well. I don't feel like it destroys the story but it's such an utterly jarring things to have pop up and downright stupid in my opinion. For the most part it's really just a waste of time on a girls route anyways. Instead of a nice date or anything like that you get crappy sex scene where 90% of the dialogue is moans or the girl going 'it feels good'.
It really is such a waste that this trend caught on. I can only imagine the rumour that it's popular because it increases sales is somehow true, as I can't imagine why it's so ubiquitous. That being said, it's hard to believe that to be true as the for the price of a VN, or likely even less as VN's are pretty expensive, you could get a eroge from dlsite for about the same price and it would likely have far more sex scenes and you wouldn't have to read through a bunch of story just to get to them. I really don't understand the demographics either.
>> No. 41824 [Edit]
I think sex scenes in this context are seen as a capstone for many: it's an expression of upmost love and trust between two people, and it consummates the efforts of the protagonist and reader, especially if the path to get there was arduous.
>> No. 41825 [Edit]
This is really what it comes down to. I don't understand why there seems to be such opposition to it.
>> No. 41826 [Edit]
I feel like there are better ways to represent it, especially since many sex scenes don't havea much thought or work put into them. I understand the point you are trying to make but I feel it is a very lazy way to do that and the effort would be better spent putting together a more unique scene with the girl, since many sex scenes in the are very similar. This has sorta gone off-topic from OP's original point though. I will say I don't really see much of this type of stuff in moege, nor do I see much fetish stuff, it is typically reserved for more "mature genres".
It's like how seinen and josei are more likely to have the heroine be promiscious or have other type of filth in it like rape, whereas shsoujo is typically more pure, but sometimes an author makes a crappy story.
>> No. 41828 [Edit]
You're overlooking another component. Tied to the emotional aspect of love is the physical side, which sex scenes satisfy in addition to the former. Again, it's the culmination of love and desire with the character that the reader and protagonist doggedly pursued.
Plus, they don't have to be lazily written, that's just what the writers feel they can get away with; it's not necessarily the result of having ero-scenes.
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