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File 166095331977.jpg - (213.09KB , 920x906 , __mononobe_no_futo_and_soga_no_tojiko_touhou_drawn.jpg )
40295 No. 40295 [Edit]
General thread on the Go board game. Resources, disucssion, anything.

I myself have been playing it for about a month now and have a 13k rating on OGS

Useful pages:

This is a tool I like that turns sgf files that records game moves into a gif

I've mostly been playing 9x9 games, which is much more approachable than 19x19, and every beginner should probably start with. At this point, I probably need to start doing formal study to continue improving at a reasonable pace.
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>> No. 40296 [Edit]
File 166095336093.gif - (12.12KB , 230x230 , game.gif )
A demonsation of the tool using a game I won.
>> No. 40302 [Edit]
File 166104671729.gif - (9.39KB , 230x230 , budgie win 2.gif )
Game I won against a bot. I'm just showing off games I won, but whatever.
>> No. 40449 [Edit]
GO seems to be a simple enough game to play...
>> No. 40651 [Edit]
OGS sucks, I stay all day trying to find someone to play with, and when it finally connects it's some motherfucker who takes 10 min per move.
>> No. 40652 [Edit]
I guess you have a bad time zone. Also, you can set the game length to "Normal" instead of correspondence, to avoid people taking a long time.
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