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File 166085072566.jpg - (91.12KB , 1054x549 , hotchocolate.jpg )
40275 No. 40275 [Edit]
I like energy drinks, but there's something about drinking a hot beverage in the morning that wakes you up. I wish there were energy drinks, but they were like hot chocolate you heat up in the microwave (in an anime way)
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>> No. 40277 [Edit]
I drink coffee without any sugar. Gives me energy in the morning without risking diabetes. It's also hot.
>> No. 40278 [Edit]
File 166085336147.jpg - (37.73KB , 720x404 , hq720.jpg )
How about green tea? It's a good alternative to cawfee.
>> No. 40279 [Edit]
File 166085378324.jpg - (7.96KB , 240x210 , tea.jpg )
I like green tea but I don't like how nauseous I get if I drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Coffee doesn't do that
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